Make a tape tandoor for giving with your own hands

February 28. Repair and construction work 652 Views Comments Make a tape recording tandoor to give their own hands No

While relaxing in the country in recent years, instead of using barbecue grills and Tandoor. With their help, you can cook a huge variety of dishes. It can be done personally. But this process takes time and requires no special skills, so you can not call it simple.

Tandoor own hands

Tandoor - This oven-roaster. It is mainly used in Asia. With its help, you can prepare quite a large variety of dishes. Most often it is baked bread, baked meat and vegetables. Baking working, you need a bunch of saxaul.

Types and characteristics of tandoor

There are several varieties of the tandoor, which are used today.

  1. Ground. Such furnaces in its design is very similar to a pitcher half. They are installed on the foundation, which is produced separately.
  2. Earth. This variety includes two types of furnaces. The first of them is not a very deep pit that has smooth walls made of clay. The second is similar to the basis, in shape resembling an egg. From above, she has a rigid hole. At the bottom of the furnace is equipped with another hole for the air removal. Such furnaces are placed in specially dug holes. These tands have a pipe that is attached to the bottom hole. Another end she comes out above the ground.
  3. Portable. By its design, such furnaces are similar to the jugs of a large size of clay or chamot. From above there is a cover with metal items. It can be handles, hooks that are suspended by products, framing, etc. This category includes electric tandoor.

Tydandy and Differences

  1. Each type of such furnaces have a tube channel. It is located in the bottom part and serves to ensure air passage to the wood when the tandoor begins to warm up.
  2. Furnaces from the first two categories are used in private territories. For the usual rest in nature are used by portable options. Portable furnaces are divided into more than several subspecies: Eastern, Sarmat Big, Don.
  3. Sades are mainly used by the furnaces of the first two categories, because they can be made independently.
  4. Tandar has a simple device and works quite simply. For its use, there are no many raw materials.
  5. This furnace is very similar to the clay boiler, which is located near the bottom, with the bottom. Above there is a special hole. The bottom for the imagination is another hole.
  6. From the outside, the tandyard is folded with the help of bricks. The space between the ovens itself and the brick is covered with salt, clay or sand. That is, all materials used are good thermal batteries. Thanks to its form, the furnace is capable enough to capture the radiation of heat outgoing from the fire. All heat that is formed during the work of the furnace is absorbed by it. Then Tandan gradually releases it. But heat goes not to the outer medium, but in the inner. It provides the maintenance of high and smooth temperatures in the furnace and the possibility of cooking food, even if the coals were completely removed.

Basic Rules and Recommendations

Most often, the manufacture of tandoor occurs according to the following characteristics.

  1. The height of the furnace can be not more than 1.5 m.
  2. The central part has a diameter of about 1 m long.
  3. To create a tandora, clay prepare with special care. They knew it very well, but not hands, but legs. This allows you to get the necessary density of the material. After the workout, the clay is left for 24 hours. Then it is once again kneaded once.
  4. Despite the fact that this oven in shape resembles a large clay pot, the manufacture is made at all on pottery circles. It uses a ribbon modeling.
  5. From the prepared clay make rollers whose thickness is more than 6cm. From these rollers you need to lay a tandoor layer. Rollers need to flatten a little. After that, they must be protected.
  6. As a result, you can get truncated by the vessel.
  7. Next, the product must be left in the sun so that it successes. Dry Tandan need at least 1 month.

For those who use this sequence of manufacture, most often it is not possible to make a tandoor from the first time. All because clay need to pick up and prepare very carefully. Only from the correctly selected and well-prepared material may be really high-quality tando. In preparation, special attention is required to pay observance of clay grease proportions. Even the most insignificant deviation from the established norms can lead to the fact that the furnace will begin to crack. At the same time, precisely calculated proportions do not exist. Everything will depend only on the consistency of the clay itself.

Small deviations can be allowed if the width of the furnace seam is from 3 to 5 mm. In this case, even if the masonry begins to crack, these cracks will be embedded quite simple. The sheep wool or camel can be added to increase thermal insulation in clay. It also allows you to make a design stronger.

To cooking a solution for tandoor, it is necessary to treat very seriously and responsibly, because even the smallest mistake can turn all the construction of a tandoor into a useless business. Therefore, many people resort to the help of masters in this area. For the manufacture of Tandara, you can use another instruction. It is much easier than standard, so there are fewer problems during the case.

We choose the type of tandoor execution

  1. For the handling manufacturer of the tandoore, not only clay can be used. Today, the dacms are actively using ordinary bricks. Such a furnace to make much easier, because Clay no longer will be the main component. No need to worry about creating a very accurate consistency.
  2. If you clearly follow the instructions for the manufacture, you can make a tandoor with your own hands, looking like numerous photos presented on the network.

Tandan of bricks

To make this furnace, we need materials:

  • brick;
  • grille grate
  • cement used for fundamental masonry;
  • sand;
  • clay;
  • water;
  • iron sheets (galvanized).

From the tools you need:

  • master OK;
  • shovel.

A brick tandyard has a number of advantages. The main ones are:

  1. The material required for the structure is more accessible.
  2. All errors can be corrected even at the end of the construction of the furnace. The basis of the tandyra is made of bricks. From the side, located inside, they are covered with a layer of clay. Due to this, in the event of cracks on the clay, they can be very easy to close. In this case, the selection of the correct material is not too much value. And in the standard model from the selection of clay depends on all.
  3. The technical parameters of this oven are not inferior to the parameters of the traditional tandoor.
  4. It takes not so much raw materials as for the manga, so it is much easier to use such a furnace and more profitable.
  5. During the preparation of food, the tandor does not highlight the substances dangerous to human health, because it is manufactured from environmentally friendly materials.
  6. Cooking occurs quite quickly due to the fact that the walls are very well warmed.
  7. Food will never fake.
  8. Tandar has an unlimited service life.

How to make a tandan of brick do it yourself

Such a furnace can be built two types: ground and underground. Both options enjoy approximately the same popularity. But the ground oven will be more easily made.

Ground tandoor do it yourself: instruction

Before the start of construction, it is necessary to clearly understand what the oven will turn out:

  • the height will be 129.2 cm;
  • the dome will consist of 8 rows - 54.4 cm;
  • the diameter value is 100 cm;
  • the height of the vertical part is 54.4 cm.

Next, you can proceed to the construction:

  1. Choose a suitable place to build a furnace. Tandar must be removed at least 3m from buildings and vegetation. Soil is needed either sandy or rocky. It should not be wet, water can not be too close to the surface.
  2. Make a foundation. It is important to calculate the space that the laying of bricks will take.
  3. Start the masonry. On the prepared foundation, mark the circle. Start laying a brick from her. The space inside the circle is filled in the last turn. You must leave a place for the channel.
  4. When laying, each brick should concern the adjacent by the tiley sides, located on the inner side. Placing bricks need to spoons.
  5. During the calculation process, it is necessary to remember the internal coating of clay. It is recommended to apply a measureer. Before improving your hand, it is necessary to make water.
  6. When forming a 2nd row, it is necessary to overlap the channel pissed. Large in size channel will not be needed, 6.8x20 cm is enough. The lattice laying is immediately performed.
  7. The layout of all the remaining layers is performed by analogy. Remember about the coating. The bandage of bricks should be carried out correctly for each of the 8th rows.
  8. From the 9th layer you need to do the formation of the dome. At the same time, you need to very accurately calculate the value of the shift.
  9. In the process there will be a trimming. The grinding machine is very good to cope with this.
  10. The main hole should be 50 cm in size. That is, for 8 rows it is necessary to reduce the diameter halve (50/8 \u003d 6.25 cm). Because Tandar will be narrowed on both sides, then the calculation is: 6.25 / 2 \u003d 3,125.
  11. After the completion of the masonry and coating of the inside of the furnace, it is necessary to deceive it outside. To do this, clay used for masonry can be used.
  12. All outdoor seams must be well filled.
  13. After the product should be left in the sun for several hours so that he succeeds.
  14. Fill out the oven shine to the top. Go on fire. It will help to harden clay, which was used for masonry.
  15. Enter the stove from the outside. It is carried out only vertically. Her walls should touch the stove walls is quite tight. All gaps between them should be filled. It is necessary that the furnace can collect a large amount of heat needed for cooking, without a large amount of fuel.
  16. After drying up the space located above the arch, you need to fill with sand. Clay is suitable instead.
  17. Make a cover for the oven. You can use a tree or make a metal cover.
  18. Now the tandoor can be used for its intended purpose.

Earth Tandar: Instruction

Such a furnace is used more convenient than ground. The manufacturing process is not too different, but there are certain difficulties:

  1. It is necessary to dig in the ground of the pit, which corresponds to the size of the tandyard.
  2. Arrange the foundation as well as for the ground furnace.
  3. Lay out the oven so that the vertical part is in the pit, and the dome remained outside.
  4. The channel, which is necessary for pondered, is also done, as well as for land tandyard.
  5. The dome of such a furnace should be very carefully exclosed.

Tandair do it yourself: drawings

Before starting the manufacture of the oven, you must first build drawings. They will greatly facilitate work. From how accurately the drawing will be drawn up, will depend on how correct the oven will be built. You can find quite a lot of examples of drawings on the network and convert them, and you can leave in original form. Everything will depend on what tandan man wants to build.

Tandar do it yourself: video

On the Internet there are a lot of video for the manufacture of such furnaces personally. With their help, the tandoor is independently much easier. To ensure that the oven is really good, you need to combine theoretical knowledge with the information that is presented in the video. The visual vision of the process greatly simplifies the case and prevents many problems. The probability of doing something is not so much less.

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