Where to go old door

April 18. Useful advice Views 1493 Comments to record Where to put the old door No

Sooner or later, any door comes into disrepair - begins to crack, covered with scratches, dents, ceases to comply with the new interior design. In such cases it is necessary to dismantle the door leaf, but where it then put it? If the option of discarding the simple to the landfill does not suit you, we suggest you read our article.

Removing the old door

From the way in which will be produced dismantling of the old door depends on how it can be used in the future. So, if you carelessly break the fabric, there is no good it will not do, so you should be able to properly disassemble the door with his own hands.

types of loops

There are several types of hinges on which hung the doors, and the dismantling of the technology will depend largely on this factor.


Thus, the door hinges are:

  1. Card - they, in turn, may be removable and fixed. The latter allows the doors to open in both directions. The easiest way to dismantle the door with removable hinges. To do this, gently opened it, and then lift the fabric scrap, using it as a lever. Such work is recommended together to scrap one worked and the other was holding the door.
  2. Many modern products are distinguished by a more complex design and are additionally equipped with all sorts of linings and clamps. In particular, it concerns the products of the euro of the sample, before dismantling which you need to remove all the protective and decorative elements, as well as unscrew the bolts, tightening fasteners. Bolts are usually located at the top of the fittings.
  3. Curling - there are simple and bolts. The first is put on to each other, so you can remove them on the same principle as removable - going around the door scrap.
  4. Screw - these loops are equipped with a pin, which simultaneously rests in the canvas and box. Usually, screw loops put on light interior doors weighing up to 25 kg. Their main advantage compared to other fittings is possible to adjust the position of the door relative to the opening. Before dismantling the canvas with whipping loops, carefully inspect the mechanism, perhaps it will be able to cope with the help of the same scrap.
  5. Secret - with these loops work the most difficult, as they are equipped with invisible locks. But in the same, their advantage - fasteners are almost not visible, so they do not spoil the aesthetics of the interior door. The entire mechanical part of the fittings is placed in a special box hidden inside the door frame, and to dismantle such a door, you need to first figure out all the mounts, and no scrap will help here.


Useful advice: For those who often like to make the furniture permutation, you can advise install doors with left and right hinges. But the additional decorative elements on the canvas can create a problem, since they are usually attached along the edges.

Neat disassembly

We have already said that the old door can be removed in two ways: neatly and fast. But we can argue that after reading this article, you will probably resort to a neat dismantling, because it is more expensive to throw out such a valuable material. In addition, this method will allow you to save internal finish and walls themselves, so you will only have to install a new door frame in the opening.


How to carefully remove the old door:

  1. Remove the door from the loops. If you are dealing with card detachable loops, just substitute a fomu or scrap under the canvas and click on it, like on the lever to raise the door. If the universal loops cost, immediately unscrew all the screws.
  2. Remove the navigate and remove the decorative plugs from the screws, then unscrew them. If the platband holds on finishing nails, carefully find it on the back side with a wide chisel so that the nails are "hurried." Then you can easily remove them with pliers and remove the ticket.
  3. Remove the door frame. First find where it is attached to the way (usually it is a recess for the loops and the preliminary part of the castle). Fasteners can be closed with decorative plugs.
  4. Remove the screws from the door frame. If the fastener is too old and not unscrewed, or you are dealing with nails, you can sprinkle with a grinder.
  5. Before removing the box timber, cut the entire mounting foam between it and the doorway. Take advantage of this sharp construction cutter. If there was plaster in the opening, take it off the hammer with random blows.
  6. Now you can take out the box out of the doorway and disassemble it on the floor. If a good is fastened to it, remove it, otherwise it can snatch during transportation.

Neakkurat disassembly

With a non-accurate dismantling, the door canvas remains the whole, but the box and opening "suffers". This method is suitable for those cases when the walls are so and so will have to align or expand the passage to insert large doors or make the arch. To work, you will need an ax, hammer, scrap and hacksaw.


How to quickly dismantle the door:

  1. Remove the door leaf.
  2. Split one of the vertical door frames. Cooked better to do at an angle of 45 ° to work easier to work.
  3. If there is a threshold, it is also better to cut it. If it is fixed in the doorway, feed him with a lombing.
  4. It remains only to take off the ticket, armed with an ax and a hammer. Insert the ax into the lumen between the navigate and the boxed bar and the ragged tapping hammer driving it deeper. Then with a sharp movement, take the handle of the ax aside to expand the gap and dismantle the non-lomik.

What to do with the old door?

It is possible to use the old wooden or metal door again only if the dismantling was made neatly. Basically, the ideas described below are applicable to the wooden canvases, but if desired, you can adapt them for metal. Of course, the most obvious and simple solution will be the removal of the old door to the landfill. If it is made of wood, it can be cut into several parts and burn. But before you get rid of unnecessary design, find out from neighbors and acquaintances, whether someone needs a door to the cottage or to the house. In the end, there are many ways to restore and decorate the old door.


We prepared a list of creative ideas on the unusual use of the door leaf:

  1. The headboard - even the most ordinary and unbroken bed can be turned into an original element of the interior using such an unusual headboard from the old wooden door.
  2. Frame for the mirror - any mirror is suitable ancient "baguette" from artificially aged doorway, especially if you love the interiors in the style of Provence or Country. This is a great way to effectively framed a mirror in full growth.
  3. Organizer is a wooden door leaf simply created in order to screw in it all sorts of hooks and hangers. As a creative organiser, a metal door to the kitchen will also look great, to which any magnets are perfectly lipped.
  4. The coffee table is probably the most obvious and practical way of "rebirth" of the old door. Moreover, the stop can be not only magazine - from an unnecessary door canvase will be quite a full dining or desktop. About how to get such a furniture is written just below.
  5. Rack - If you were interested in how much new racks are in stores, you should know that for truly pretty and comfortable things will have to give a round sum. But from the old doors there are really original furniture items, and functionality you can vary at your discretion, adding or removing the shelves, making them different widths and heights. The most real furniture designer is almost for nothing!
  6. The corner rack from the old door is ideal for a small room and save a lot of space. This is an excellent way not only to use a free zone, but also to make a "highlight" in the interior. To do this, it is necessary only to cut the door in half, making one of the half a little longer to the width of the canvas, then cut the triangular shelves from plywood or chipboard and attach them with the help of furniture corners. Such a rack will be especially useful in the hallway, because it will be possible to add all the necessary trifles like keys, glasses, wallets, etc. in it.
  7. Decorative panel on the wall - If you do not know how to decorate the wall and do not have trepidate feelings to the classic picture and photo frames, hang the door. Of course, it is pre-needed to "reflect", painting in some contrasting color or artificially aged. Cover her styling paint and hang over the desktop so that you can write with chalk "reminders". The same option is suitable for a kitchen or a living room, where any guest will be able to leave pleasant inscriptions for memory.
  8. Shirma - many consider the shirma to the remnant of the past, but in fact it turns out that this is a very useful and multifunctional element of the interior. It can be used as a headboard, quickly disguise the mess when the guests suddenly got out, separated their own workspace, etc. In essence, this is a portable partition that can be folded and removed if necessary. From the door it turns out a wonderful screen, which will decorate the interior if it is beautifully beat. To do this, it is desirable to use light narrow cloths.
  9. Hall - perhaps, this is the third way of the method of "rebirth" of old doors after a table and rack. Oddly enough, in foreign hendmade and designer furniture sites, such structures are not uncommon. By and large, this is the same rack, only with a seat where you can make an additional hidden box for shoes.

Table from the old door

Recently, it became very popular to extend the life of old things and use them an unusual way. The reasons for this can be different, but the fact is that creating something new, useful and beautiful of it would seem that already unnecessary things is great. Doors in this context are very fertile soil for creativity, and the most obvious thing that comes to mind is to make a large comfortable table of them.

big-table-from-two-sided doors

But the problem is that most doors have an uneven surface, and how in this case make the table? If competently and with a fantasy come to the case, the problem automatically turns into a creative design solution.

In addition to the door canvase, you will need the following:

  • table legs - 4 pcs;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • glass to overlap the panels (recesses on the door plane);
  • transparent glue (moment "crystal" or transparent sealant);
  • grinding machine or emery paper number 3 and №1;
  • acrylic paint;
  • wax paste;
  • transparent wood varnish.


If you do not know where to go old door, make a dining table out of it:

  1. Remove all fasteners and accessories from the door.
  2. Treat the surface of sandpaper medium grain or grinding paper. So you remove paint residues. If you got a very old door covered with several enamel layers (the common case in the apartments of the Soviet building), more radical actions will be required. Buy in the construction store solvent for paint and apply it on the canvas. Be sure to work in rubber gloves, glasses and respirator in a well-ventilated room or on the street - the remedy is very toxic! When the solvent is an old paint, consider it with a spatula, dry the door and then process the sandpaper.
  3. Apply the paint of the desired color in 2-3 layers, waiting for the complete drying of each. To achieve a more expressive effect, the panels can be painted with contrasting color.
  4. When acrylic dries, cover the door with a layer of transparent wood varnish. To do this, you can use an alkyd varnish, special furniture varnish or yacht. Nitro varnish will dry faster, but it is distinguished by a very sharp caustic smell. The yacht varnish gives a durable beautiful layer, but dries about a day. Apply the second layer of varnish only after the complete drying of the previous one.
  5. Screw to the back of the tabletop feet.
  6. Cut the glass according to the sizes of the panels and lay the cuts with grinding or fine-grained emery paper.
  7. Under the glasses can be placed any decorative elements, such as cutting out of newspapers, sea pebbles, shells, colored shards of glasses, dry branches, flowers. Also, the glass itself can be made removable, but you can put on transparent glue or sealant.
  8. Last bar - rubbing wax. This will improve the moisture resistance of the table top, make it shiny and beautiful.

Before removing old doors to a landfill or give a friend, think, perhaps, they can still come in handy to you. We hope that the ideas described above will help you deal with the problem of unnecessary doors.

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