Wall decoration panels PVC do it yourself

April 24. Interior decoration, Repair and construction work, Walls and partitions Views 1295. Comments To write wall finishing panels PVC do it yourself No

Today, every owner can make the room in which he lives, how much. To do this, you can find a colossal assortment of finishing materials that differ from each other by the appearance, strength properties, durability and many other parameters. The goal of most people is the choice of the most high-quality finishing materials that will be better fit into the existing space. Sometimes it is quite difficult to achieve, however, the modern range allows you to easily choose exactly the resource that will fully comply with the existing space.

For many owners, a major range is a major assortment. With this situation, choose something specific will be quite difficult, especially if most of the finishing materials look attractively and have all the necessary characteristics.

In this material we will talk about PVC panels that recent years are applied in a wide variety of conditions. Many experts argue that the time of this material has already passed, but gradually advanced solutions of PVC panels appear on the market, which are deprived of the shortcomings of past products. Accordingly, we can safely say that the use of PVC panels to finish the walls can be without unnecessary caution.

In the article, we will look at the main features of the material, its characteristics, as well as the disadvantages to which attention should be paid first. Moreover, we will touch on the process of finishing the walls of PVC panels, analyzing the main stages and problems that usually occur during work.


Main features of PVC panels

As we have said, the PVC panels are actively used in almost all spheres. First of all, you need to know that over the years this material becomes cheaper, therefore, and now the number of buyers of the panels is growing rapidly. Unfortunately, everything is not so cloudless for this finishing resource. In recent years, a lot of competitors of PVC panels have appeared on sale, so gradually this material will be supplied from the market. Now the manufacturers are trying to do everything possible to delay this process, working on the characteristics of the panels. Accordingly, now on sale you can find a large number of panels, which will easily serve for many years, and at the same time they will have initial properties.

If we talk about the use of plastic panels, then often we are talking about interior decoration of houses. It is worth noting that the PVC panels are risky enough to use in some rooms and rooms. For example, elevated humidity or dampness can adversely affect the general state of the material. As finishing the external walls of the PVC panel, it is not recommended to use, since the sun, the wind and precipitate may in the shortest possible time turn the smooth panels in a completely mutilated surface. Of course, now on sale you can detect a huge number of panel species, so you should study the documentation, as well as take into account the authoritative assessments of consultants or specialists who have certain experience with panels.

Often, the owners make a choice in favor of PVC panels due to their pleasant appearance. You can find a large number of material species, on the surface of which there will be various drawings, textures and other images. Accordingly, no other material can boast of something like that. At the same time, PVC panels have numerous flaws that we will talk about.


Advantages and disadvantages of PVC panels

First of all, consider the positive aspects of PVC panels. It is worth saying that the strengths of course, more, however, most of the conditions are not as important as they may seem at first glance. Accordingly, it is necessary to pay attention even to the smallest features of the material so that even the slightest problems associated with the operation of the premises do not occur during operation. Separately, I would like to note that you can find the PVC panels with the most different properties, so some advantages and disadvantages may not have much importance or vice versa.

The advantages of the material are as follows:

  • Durability. The current assortment of PVC panels are really colossal, and most of the modern products have all the necessary characteristics that provide high durability. However, this side of the question also has some details about which should be known. We are talking about conditions in which you can safely use the panels. In product documentation, it is often indicated by conditions in which it is possible to use the material without caution. If the recommendations are broken, then you can be sure that the gradually PVC panel will lose their most important properties. Most often, such panels are resistant to moisture action, so the material can be safely used in most rooms apartments or a private house. Using the external finishing material of the PVC panel is urgently not recommended, however, there are many examples that demonstrate the versatility of this resource.
  • Price issue. Most owners are not risking to conduct large-scale finishing work due to major price tags for materials. Accordingly, in such conditions, attention should be paid to budget options, including the PVC panels. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the panels will actually cost the cheaper of many other finishing materials, but the most inexpensive options are distinguished by not very high quality, and it must be remembered. Variations of PVC panels, which are more expensive, look much more attractive, and their reliability is much higher than the rest of the product. Perhaps it makes sense to choose the "golden middle" between the cost and quality of the material.
  • Elementary installation. Unlike most finishing materials, for the application of which you need to have special tools, as well as considerable experience, PVC panels are mounted in the shortest possible time in almost any conditions. Thus, for this case, it is not necessary to attract specialists, it is enough to personally study the overall technology of work, after which make some conclusions and start the installation of panels. Separately, it is worth paying attention to the fact that in this process it is most important to pay attention to the location of all the elements so that they strictly correspond to horizontal or vertical levels. Sometimes the installation can be slightly complicated if the laying of insulating materials under the panel is scheduled. However, in this case, there is nothing complicated that it would have created difficulties even for a beginner in repair business. Of course, it will not prevent additionally consult with specialists about all those questions that may arise in this process.
  • Appearance. Surely because of the appearance of the PVC panel and received this prevalence. If at the very beginning on sale it was possible to find only several options for this product, and most often it was only banal colors, now you can find a huge range of panels, including different colors, relief, as well as full-fledged images applied to the material. In many cases, the owners make personal orders to manufacturers who have all the resources in order to release material with specific dimensions, appearance and other characteristics. Accordingly, it all depends on the money that the owners are willing to allocate for repair work. Most often, the inexpensive panels may well have an attractive appearance that is suitable for a particular space. Again, you need to be confident in high quality products.
  • Simple care. In order to make the surface of PVC panels clean, you just need to have a wet cloth. Manufacturers of this product indicate that dust on the panels does not accumulate, but if the contamination has nevertheless appeared, it should be used with warm water, there is often no need for special cleaning products, but this question may also depend on the material that needs to be cleaned.


The main disadvantages of PVC panels:

  • Fragility. Unfortunately, the damage simply panel. Often it comes to mechanical damage. Suffice accidentally touch the wall surface of the elbow, or some small object - will dent, get rid of that no longer work. Accordingly, the PVC panels should be fastened in places to which it will be impossible to get your hands or gently operate the finishing material. Practice shows that sooner or later on the plastic surface of the damage is still there. You can also select this option PVC panels that will look decent, even after some damage.
  • The probability of ignition. For the majority of the owners it is important that the finishing material difference between the security. However, most PVC panels exposed to fire. Thus, if a fire starts in a room, the decoration material to support this process. Accordingly, it is necessary to carry out the installation of the panels only in those areas where the desired level of security present. To do this, examine the location of all the most important elements of home and draw some conclusions.
  • Discoloration. Many of the classic versions of products are subject to fading surface. The bottom line is that the material is gradually turn yellow and picture (if present) lights up, but only in the case where the PVC panels are exposed to direct sunlight. This, again, it is necessary to take into account when decorating the walls in some rooms.

Traditionally, the material may have a number of other advantages and disadvantages, and it all depends on the space available. It is better to consult further with a specialist to be sure of avoiding mistakes during the process of finishing the walls.


The choice of method of fixing panels

Immediately before the primary finishing process is necessary to determine the most suitable method of attaching PVC panels. We are talking about the use of screws or glue. Experts emphasize that using glue to strengthen the material - not the best idea, because in the future to pull out the panel from the wall intact fail.

There are also plastic guides, which greatly simplify the repair process. If necessary elementary separated from any part of the surface structure, and it is in perfect condition. Furthermore, by guides can control the strength and reliability of attachment panels, which is very important in a variety of conditions.


Installation of PVC panels with their own hands

It is worth noting that the process consists of several uncomplicated stages that anyone may well be checked.

  • Installation of guides. First of all, you need to use dowels and self-tapping screws for fastening the guides that will be the basis for the panels. It is recommended to install these elements at least in three horizontal levels.
  • Fastening the first panels. Start this main process should be started with mounting panels from a long corner of the room. The mounting of the panels occurs with the help of special elements that are supplied with the guides. Separately, it is worth emphasizing the attention on the fact that it is advisable to mount the panels that is vertically.
  • Fastening the remaining panels. The remaining surface elements are attached on the principle of "into the joint on the castle". Accordingly, a high-quality mount occurs, which prevents the occurrence of gaps between the panels. All previous steps are conducted from the angle of each wall.
  • Cutting panels. With the most likely, dimensions of the panels will not correspond to the size of the room, so in the corners it is necessary to set the cropped parts of the material.
  • End of work. Now, when all panels are installed, you should check the quality of their fixing. To do this, it is enough just to make small efforts in the places of fastening of the material. At the very end, it is necessary to use edging profiles, and with their help hide all the ends, gaps and other disadvantages of the finishing surface. After that, you can check the overall integrity of the design, and if necessary, something to change. Fortunately, the element fastening system allows.

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