Warming at home by clay: Step-by-step instructions

August 3. Repair and construction work Views 1655 Comments To write Warming house with clay: Step by step instructions No

One of the most common insulation materials is clay. This is a bulk insulation, which for tens of years demonstrates itself as an excellent option to increase the isolation characteristics of the dwelling.

Unlike many other materials used for housing insulation, the ceramzite is a universal, durable and safe resource. Of course, it is known that every year clamzite uses more and less, as compared to many other materials that appeared on sale quite recently, it is less effective.

However, you need to know that to create a private house insulation is the best option that, moreover, does not require too large cash costs.

Immediately it is worth noting that the ceramzite is used in the insulation of a wide variety of buildings. This material is most effective with thermal insulation of the floor.

The main features of using clay

As you know, almost every insulation has its own positive and negative sides. Definitely, you need to make a choice in favor of the material that has the greatest number of positive sides. Also, attention must be paid to the safety of the material, since it is the insulation that the insulation very often becomes the cause of fires.

Many specialists focus on the fact that clamzite is a material that is inconed for a large number of rodents. Very often they become a serious problem in private and summer houses. Accordingly, the ceramzite will not be the proliferation of unwanted living beings, including bacteria and beetles.


It is also known that clamzite is one of the most durable building materials. Some builders compare this material with a stone. Moreover, no external factors are practically scary to the cerazyt, therefore, during the entire period of operation, the insulation will be equally effective.

In addition, clamzit is an environmentally friendly material. It is actively used in the insulation of educational and medical institutions. It should also be noted that this is a fairly important aspect that it is worth paying attention to the people who plan to use modern insulation, issued on the basis of synthetic substances.

As you know, the ceramzite is completely lit, so it is completely fireproof. This is especially important when using insulation in a private house, which has a wood basis. Unfortunately, the ceramzit is not as practical as many modern insulation, therefore, the above-mentioned material is used in private dwellings.

The process of insulation is very simple, since the ceramizite is incredibly light and porous material. It is impossible not to note that a lot of this material will be needed for housing, but even on a large scale of using clay - this is a more economical option than buying modern panels for the insulation of walls or sex.


Other advantages of Ceramzita

Unlike many other insulation, the ceramzite does not need to be attached to the surface, the material is simply poured into the right places. Obviously, it is ideal for insulation of the surface of the floor or walls.

Builders believe that the main advantage of the ceramiz is the absorption of moisture, and the material itself does not lose its thermal insulation properties. Definitely, materials with such characteristics is extremely small.

A large fraction of material also affects the properties of the ceramzite. Given that there is a large number of space between Keramzit stones, we can safely say that it is the air that is positively affected by the quality of thermal insulation. Accordingly, there is a natural air convection.


The main disadvantages of clamzita

As already mentioned, there will be a lot of clay for housing. This suggests that for this process we will need to create a large layer of thermal insulation. Thus, the unnecessary space can only be in large private houses, but not in ordinary apartments.

If the clamzite is under threat of rain or other precipitation, after a while the material may lose its basic properties or begin to deteriorate. Thus, it is necessary to create shelters or visors if the ceramzite is located around the perimeter of the house.

For insulation of overlaps, you need to use additional materials, in particular we are talking about waterproofing coatings that protect the grazit from any moisture or even water.

In addition, before creating a full insulation, it is necessary to know that clamzite is a rather heavy material, so you need to create a high-quality basis that will not be deformed under great weight. Place clay on thin housing beams - not recommended.

Much depends directly from the dwelling itself, in which the process of arrangement of insulation will occur. To fully confident that the ceramzite is ideal for the heat insulation of the dwelling, you should learn all the information directly from consultants. In some cases, they allow us to protect the owners from risky solutions or empty waste of money.


Floor insulation using clay

As already mentioned, Kramzit is quite an unusual insulation. Thus, the thermal insulation process of the floor will not happen as it were when using popular insulation. In this case, we will look at the process of insulation of the floor with a clamzite. Immediately it is worth saying that this process is quite laborious, especially if we have a large room or an integer room.

At the very beginning, we will need to disassemble the floor, as well as if possible, remove the cement screed. To do this, you may need a chisel with a hammer (if the room is small) or a jackhammer. The floor is carefully aligned, various recesses can be filled with cement.

Now it's time to remember the ceramizite. In this case, we will need a construction level, with the help of which we will control the mixture of the insulation layer. The thickness of the ceramzite layer should be at least 15 cm. It is such a value that will allow you to count on thermal insulation properties that can be felt in the cool seasons. It is desirable to have a material of various fractions at the disposal, it will create the desired density of the layer, and this is especially important when the screed is arranged.

To create a screed, we will need cement and sand. It is necessary to know that the ratio of these construction resources should be 60% by 40%, respectively. If the cement is high quality, then the screed must be solid and durable. The prepared mixture must be evenly distributed over the floor surface. All this is performed using a large spatula. In this case, the construction level will also have to use so that the screed is perfectly smooth. Even the smallest bulges can negatively affect not only the effectiveness of the screed, but also for the quality of the future coverage (parquet, laminate, etc.).

If necessary, you can create an additional layer that will consist of waterproofing material. With it, it will always be incredible and equally effective for long years.

Heat ceiling

Also very often, with the help of the ceramisit, the ceiling is insulated. Immediately need to say that this process is incredibly simple. It is about the warming of overlaps you do not need to make any additional and preparatory actions.

We will need to modify the ceramzite between lags of overlapping. Very often, not specialized tools are used for this, but, for example, ordinary rake. It is necessary to carefully disperse the layer of clay, which should be evenly located throughout the roof area. As in the past case, we will need a grazit of various factions.

Over the layer of thermal insulation, the waterproofing material is necessary. It is quite suitable for ordinary polyethylene. The most important thing to make so that the moisture does not affect the ceramzit, otherwise it loses its basic properties. You can also create one layer of waterproofing in front of the clay, and one after. This in some cases can improve the capabilities of isolation slightly.

It is also possible to insulate many other components of the dwellings. Just just fill the space by clay. It is most important to understand that in front of any work you need to carefully plan, otherwise unexpected problems may be too serious. It is most profitable to use clay in small rooms, where the material itself is not very much. In other cases, it is better to make a choice in favor of modern thermal insulation materials.

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