Types of lawn grass

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Functional "duties" of lawn can be compared with the purpose of the living room in the house. In addition to decorative purposes, this part of the country area can serve as a place for children's games or picnics. In this article we will talk about the right choice and landing of lawn grass.

Herbs for lawn device

Immediately it should be noted that the green lawn has the ability to improve the microclimate of the country territory due to:

  • effective struggle with bacteria in the air;
  • excellent absorption of dust and vibrations;
  • reducing the costs of liquidation of weed vegetation.


But to create a beautiful and healthy lawn, a little effort and time will be required. At the initial stage, some knowledge of the types of lawn grasses will be needed. After all, they are the basis for creating high quality lawn.

Depending on the time of growth, there are three main types of herbs:

  • annual;
  • two-year;
  • perennial.

Annual plants live just one year. After ripening seeds, they will die from all ground and underground organs. These include annual ricraft and mint.

For two-year-old herbs (ray of multi-flowered, alfalfa khmelevoid), the formation of stems, leaves and roots in the first year of life, and fruitless shoots (fruits, seeds and colors) - for the second year.

As for perennial herbs, their phase of development provides:

  • empting of shoots in the first year;
  • the appearance of kidney from the root of plants;
  • growing from these kidneys of shoots next year;
  • annual vegetative renewal of the root system.

The most successful decision will be highlighted in the section of perennial herbs. The most important characteristic is the life cycle. It depends on the speed of flowering herbs. Plants that are distinguished by slow development from shoots to flowering are maximum. These include:

  • woodwits;
  • red oatmeal;
  • meadow mint.

Quickly grow:

  • pasture Lena;
  • non-terminal drinking;
  • multicolor rags;
  • grebenchik


A very important criterion for lawn grass is the degree of development of the root system. According to this sign, the plant is divided into:

  • rykhlokustovy;
  • rhizuy;
  • rhizable-rylocker;
  • rod;
  • deltolock.

Rykhlocustal herbs (meadow tissus, comb, inexperienced spruce, most rags) root system is located near the earth's surface. They possess one node of the body and an overhead spreader, giving many shoots.

Rhizopy plants (white field, mattal, meadow leisure and several types of red oatmeal) are characterized by the close location of the root process to the surface of the Earth. Underground shoots have several nodes at once. Thanks to the rapid growth of the new root system, the appearance of stalks and the constant presence of grass over a long period of time occurs.

Such rhizopy-rhymers, like a red oatman, meadow mint and wilderness, possess long and short roots. This leads to a denomal and uniform settlement of the soil. In most cases, these plants are the basis for creating high quality lawn coverage.

The rod-green herbs include red and white clover, blue alfalfa, horned lidena and sowing escapes. Their distinctive feature is the presence of a dominant escape, which is near the ground surface. The growth of young processes is carried out on a large core root, which every year becomes thicker and penetrates the soil to the maximum depth. Such plants are distinguished by an attractive lush bush that does not require special care.


The nodes of the bunny of densum herbs (furridge and sheep fescue, Belous) is above the ground surface. New processes are fasten with old shoots. When the grazing of herbs occurs, bumps appear. For this reason, the survey and care for denfonic plants is performed very carefully.

There is another classification of lawn herbs, which depends on the height of escapes. Distinguish plants:

  • upper tier;
  • middle link;
  • lower tier.

The upper tier consists of light-lubricated herbs. They have thick stems reaching up to 1 m in height. These lawn grasses include:

  • vicious Espartz;
  • creeping drinking;
  • bonfire;
  • narrow-sided linen.

The plants of the median link (yellow alfalfa, hybrid clover, pasture rags, meadow Timofeevka, meadow fisherman) reach a height of up to 0.6-1 m. The main advantage of their use is that after holding the haircuts, they begin to close perfectly. And this makes the lawn more attractive.

When creating a lower tier, herbs are used, which have thin stems and growth to 0.7 m. These include:

  • meadow mint;
  • red oatman;
  • white clover;
  • horned Ladenen;
  • polevitsa.

After their misement, a dense squat coating occurs.

The landing of lawn grass is particularly popular, which is a mixture of plants. Moreover, the mixtures of herbs are produced under various climatic and soil facilities of the terrain.

The most universal of them is the lawn composition "Liliput". It consists of seven components that are distinguished by increased resistance to many environmental factors:

  • 3 types of red oatpers (reverted, olive, independence) - 55%;
  • meadow mint Brookloone - 20%;
  • red hair-like helena - 10%;
  • thin woodwoman Highland - 10%;
  • single wildlife Kato - 5%.


A variety of lawns and distinctive features of the right coating

There are two main types of lawns:

  • special;
  • decorative.

The first is also called sports coatings. They are intended for sports and children's games. Sports lawn is distinguished by high loads. On it you can carry out friendly meetings on football, tennis, hockey on the grass and badminton.

The main goal of the decorative lawn is to create a stylish and harmonious landscape design. Moral satisfaction and attractive aesthetic properties are the main advantages of decorative coatings for a person.

It is these two qualities that make a second type of lawns more in demand. Moreover, there is from anything to choose. Decorative lawns are divided into:

  • partner;
  • moorish;
  • rolled;
  • meadow.

Parteric flat lawn coatings are characterized by an excellent landscape. They will look great around the flower and along alley extended. Walking on parter lawns is undesirable. Therefore, they act only as original decorative elements.

Moorish lawns are non-standard and elegant coatings. They consist of blooming summer plants with a height of no more than 0.5 m. This type of lawn does not require close attention. The main thing is the timely watering of the plot. The coating update occurs once a year.

Rolled coatings for lawn are suitable for those owners of the country area, which are interested in the rapid creation of a picturesque green lawn. They are characterized by simple laying technology. Stable to loads Rolled lawn need:

  • deliver to the place of installation;
  • properly dispel;
  • think and pour.

The main purpose of meadow lawns is to dissolve herbs on sites with a huge area. And in the ground, not only the grass is searched, but also various garden flowers. The presence of backlight will create favorable conditions in the winter.


Regardless of the type of lawn coating, it must match a number of requirements. The main criteria for the device of the right lawn are:

  • effective combating weed vegetation;
  • normal growth after making mineral fertilizers;
  • inconsistency to freezing and diseases;
  • the most rapid process of rooting plants;
  • the presence of a powerful branched root system;
  • the ability to vegetative reproduction and growth in depleted soils;
  • slow growth rates and bright coloring after haircuts.

Device of the Moorish lawn

One of the most common decorative coatings is the Moorish lawn. This is not surprising because it has many advantages. The main ones are:

  • the likelihood of growth on any type of soil;
  • minimum care of care;
  • affordable price of lawn grass;
  • low costs for coating.

The Moorish lawn is similar to a bright green meadow on which a variety of flowers grow. Conditionally, its creation consists of the following steps:

  • choice of seeds of herbs and flowers;
  • determining the configuration of the landscape;
  • soil preparation;
  • seed seeds;
  • care of plants.


When choosing seeds, it is necessary to comply with a number of requirements that are characteristic of Mauritan lawn. These include:

  • the presence of low plants;
  • the number of colors in the lawn should not exceed 20%;
  • mixing seeds with sand in a 1: 3 ratio before the explosion.

The main herbs for the lawn are:

  • annual richars;
  • ordinary field;
  • subtle field;
  • red oatman.

As for seeds of colors, then preference is given to those who will bloom in different times. The main condition is the low height of plants. For the decoration of the Mauritan lawn, it will be suitable:

  • carnations;
  • hyacinths;
  • calendula;
  • terry tulips;
  • primroses;
  • dwarf zinnia;
  • daisy.

When determining the shape of a section planted with lawn grass, proceed from personal preferences. Although in most cases a rectangular form is the most common.

Start preparing the soil under the Mauritan lawn are needed in the fall. The site is drunk, and organic fertilizers are made. Further work is carried out in the spring. They provide:

  • pumping of the soil to a depth of up to 10 cm;
  • removal of the roots of weed vegetation;
  • introduction of ammonia nitrate (10-15 g / 1 m²);
  • watering the plot;
  • alignment and tamping the surface of the Earth.

The need for the murdration of land is caused by the fact that in the presence of a lawn load:

  • soil will go down;
  • from contact with shoes on the lawn there will be pits from traces.

This will lead to the loss of attractiveness of the coverage and complicate the care for it.

Sowing work in the following order:

  • looping of the upper layer of the soil (2-3 cm);
  • scattering seeds throughout (10 g of seeds mixed with sand, 1 m²);
  • earth seed coating;
  • watering the site (water from the sprinkler should raise, as with a weak rain);
  • coating planted area with plastic film for several days.

Caring for the Mauritan lawn suggests the implementation of timely:

  • glaze;
  • removal of weed vegetation;
  • treating grass diseases.

In the presence of rot (fusariosis), part of the lawn is removed together with fertile soil. If mildew appeared, the plants should be treated with fungicide and reduce the amount of irrigation.

There is a spring cleaning of the surface of the lawn from dry grass, garbage and leaves. 2-3 years after sowing, the lawn is much compacted. In order for the access of the air to the root system of herbs, it is necessary to accurate the ground 1-2 times a year with a pitchfork.

Features of the creation of a sports lawn

A distinctive feature of the sports lawn is the need for a drainage system device. The coating should not be in puddles or dirt, and on the grass you need to move without sliding.

The process of creating a drainage system involves the following work:

  • there is a removal of the upper soil layer to a depth of 0.5-1 m (depending on the level of groundwater);
  • the slope of the lower part of the drainage to the extreme parts is created (1 m of length - 5-10 mm of slope);
  • on the most bottom of the trench with an interval of 5 m plastic or asbestos-cement pipes fit;
  • in pipes every 25-30 cm, holes are made, which are covered with fibrous material;
  • laying geotextile material;
  • the collector device (tubes are used, the diameter of which exceeds the diameter of the drainage pipes by 2 times);
  • the bias of collective pipes towards the water receiver is envisaged;
  • floating trench rubble.


Collector and drainage pipes do not need to be connected. Their ends are derived to the surface of a covered rubble. It is also necessary to think about the well device. It must have a diameter within 1.5 m, and a depth - up to 2 m (located below the collector).

After laying the pipes, a subsoil pillow is created. It consists of rubble, gravel and sand. Better when sand and gravel have a different grain. Creating a pillow involves consistent laying of materials, starting with a large fraction and ending with shallow.

Conditionally filling the trench from the bottom up will occur as follows:

  • big granite crushed stone;
  • small crushed stone;
  • big gravel;
  • small gravel;
  • sand.

The technology of the device of the subspeted pillow involves the coating of the gravel and the rubble of all communication elements of the drainage system. Sand is used to align the surface.

By size, the subspeted pillow can be completely different. The main thing is that its upper part be at a level of 25-30 cm from the lawn subsequently. Murbs of all layers with subsequent irrigation. Be sure to be a bias towards drainage collectors.

For sowing sports lawn used:

  • red oatmeal (the main grass that is part of the lawn in the range of 40-60%);
  • meadow oatman;
  • creeping wildlife;
  • white field;
  • ordinary field;
  • meadow mint;
  • perennial riches;
  • ordinary comb.

Grass landing technology for sports lawn is identical to the Mauritanian coating device. The only difference is the seeding rate, which is 45-50 g / m². Shoots are rocked when the height is reached up to 5 cm. When grass growing up to 16-18 cm, the first haircut is performed.

Video on a lawn device:

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