How to make steam heating

June 17. Repair and construction work, Plumbing Views 2651. Comments to record how to make steam heating No

Today there are several types of heating of the country house: steam, water and using electrical appliances. However, the most common is steam. Among other things, such a system is widely used for heating public premises and residential buildings, but it is quite problematic to establish it.

Steam heating in the house


In the event that this type of heating is used, the heat enters the house from the steam boiler installed in the building itself or in close proximity to it.

The steam heating system includes:

  • pipeline;
  • shut-off-regulating reinforcement;
  • pumps;
  • automation and control of the control system;
  • heating devices.

All this equipment must have certain certificates for GOST and be approved by Rostechnadzor. In addition, when installing such a system, the materials should be properly selected, as well as to produce accurate calculation and commissioning.

Types of steam heating


There are several types of steam heating systems:

1. Centralized.

2. Autonomous.

The second type of heating is perfect for small rooms, cottages and private houses. For its device, an association is used to the overall independent system of all heating devices, heat generator and pipelines. As a source of heat here is a special steam boiler.

The latter can produce heat using several power sources, namely on liquefied natural gas, solid and liquid fuel.

The power of the boiler itself is chosen depending on the conditions of the local climate, as well as from the total area of \u200b\u200bheated space. In the event that there is an opportunity to control the mode of its operation, the effectiveness of such a heating system will be higher. If the boiler power does not correspond to certain conditions of use, it will not be able to maintain the desired temperature.

The system of the steam heating pipeline is suitable with radiators using one or two-pipe connections. At the same time, it can have both horizontal and vertical wiring. An element that comes the heat into the room is a water dry pair.

Advantages of steam heating system:


  • this type of heating is able to warm up the system over a short period of time, since it has a small inertia;
  • it does not provide for heat loss in heat exchangers;
  • for this system, pipes of smaller diameter are used, which significantly saves your funds;
  • such a system has compact sizes, etc.

Disadvantages of the steam system:

  • since the saturated pair, created by such a heating system, is an aggressive medium, then the pipeline is subjected to corrosion;
  • where the steam boilers of heating are used, the temperature in the room is rather difficult to adjust;
  • the surface of the heating devices is strongly heated.

How to make steam heating



All calculations and installation of the pipeline system should be created exclusively highly qualified specialists who know the specifics of its operation and maintenance, as well as all nodes of the boiler room.

Steam heating of reduced pressure with their own hands

The pipeline that is intended for the steam system of heating is made from the billets created in the CSM. In this case, its flange compounds should be performed using paronite gaskets previously treated in hot water and having 3-5 mm thick.

As for radiator sections, they should be collected on paronitic layers of 1 mm thickness. If it is necessary, it is allowed to create their rearrangement, using asbestos with linen strands as a seal. The latter is pre-impregnated with graphite, specially mixed on a natural olife.

It is also worth noting that radiators that are mounted in unwritten wooden walls are recommended to have no less than 10 cm from them.

Designed to eliminate condensate from high-pressure steam heating highways and siphon risers must have a height marked in the project. In their lower points put special tubes for the withdrawal of dirt and water.

By creating a low-pressure boiler installation, a waste safety device should be mounted for each boiler. In addition, they must be equipped with a water glass and pressure gauge. The latter need to be recorded with the steam space of the boiler using a siphon tube. In addition, each pressure gauge needs to install a three-way crane that will turn it off.

As for condensation tanks, they should provide special devices for emptying.

At the end of the installation work, a special hydraulic test system is usually carried out.

Test steam system heating

Before filling the system with water from it, it is originally necessary to release air through flange weakened connections or a split.

Steam systems of heating, having a working pressure up to 0.7 kgf / sq. CM, are experiencing a hydraulic pressure of 2.5 kgf / sq. Cm at the bottom point.

After such a test, the steam system of heating is recommended to test on the density of the compounds. For this, steam is admitted to it at the operating pressure and looks, does not miss anything somewhere.

After the correct installation was performed, all tests were carried out and the system was commissioned, it should be carried out regular maintenance and preferably with the involvement of specialists.

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