How to speed up seed germination

June 16. Repair and construction work, Plot. Views 5080. Comments to record How to speed up seed germination No

With the arrangement of its own site, one of the constant processes is landing a variety of plants. Naturally, the owner of the territory arises a desire to fulfill it as efficiently as possible to get a plentiful harvest or an attractive landscape. Therefore, experienced gardeners before planting seed certainly perform simple procedures to speed up the process of germination of seeds.

Why accelerate the emergence of shoots?


The reasons why such a phenomenon is not just got involved, but all new solutions for the preparation of seeds are constantly being developed, lies in the following results:

  1. The accelerated pace of germins make it possible to collect harvest in earlier time, and in some cases update the landing and get a double volume of fruits. kabachki1.
  2. Preliminary preparation of seeds affects the health of plants, which makes it possible to significantly reduce the additional costs of processing plants from pests and diseases in the process of their development.
  3. Very often after the preparation of the grains, not only the time of germination of seeds, but also the quality of the fruits obtained.
  4. The intensity of the fertility of crops is significantly higher when processing seeds before planting. 136FD7.

    Important! Given such indisputable advantages of the process of accelerating the appearance of shoots, certainly select a more appropriate processing method and follow it in accordance with the rules set out below.


What conditions are needed for intensive seed germination

Requirements vary depending on the chosen type of plants and a particular variety. For germination of seeds are necessary:

  • suitable temperature mode;
  • a consistent high level of humidity;

Standard seed germination

Depending on the type of vegetable crops, the time of the appearance of shoots will differ significantly. Familiarize yourself with the established state regulations for seed germination under normal conditions, without additional processing, to more clearly imagine the upcoming time spending. This approach will also help you evaluate the advantages of performing pre-processing. kab1

We note the standard terms of germination of grains for some, most popular vegetable crops:

  • radish - 6 days;
  • cabbage, peas - 8 days;
  • pumpkin, cucumbers, turnips, trouser - 1 week;
  • salad, zucchini, beans, patissons, carrots, beets, tomatoes - 10 days;
  • onions - 12 days;
  • eggplant, spinach, dill, rhubarb, parsley, Pasternak - 2 weeks;
  • pepper - 15 days;
  • celery - 18 days;
  • asparagus - 3 weeks. dutch seeds-3

    Important! These indicators may have minor deviations in accordance with the conditions of germination of seeds - the type of soil, the level of humidity, the natural temperature, the presence of additional fertilizers in the soil.


What are the methods of accelerating seed germination?


To date, the following methods are most in demand:

  1. Soak.
  2. Germination.
  3. Processing with special solutions saturated with useful trace elements.
  4. Hardening.
  5. Barbing.
  6. Vernalization. prodam-semena-posevmaterial-goroh-zheletyyy-gorchica-bel-zhelt-len-yachmen-yarovoy.koriandr .-- 8c0e-13315353785555805-2-Big.640

    Important! Check out the detailed recommendations for the implementation of each procedure and the use of funds suitable for this purpose.


Features of soaking technology

This procedure is the easiest and does not require special monetary and temporary expenses. It is for this reason that many owners of their own gardens prefer this method.


How to make soaking?

Despite the seeming lightness of this process, there are certain rules that are mandatory. To make a job competently, follow the following sequence:

  1. Take any suitable container, given the size of the seed, for example, a deep plate. vkusniogorod, Seeds (3)
  2. Pour water to the bottom.

    Important! Seed germination temperature in this case - 20-25c for the cultures of thermal-loving and in the range of 15-20s for other species.

  3. Place the seeds into the water.

    Important! If the grains of large size, it is convenient to soak them without additional devices. In the case when the seeds are small, wrap them before laying on the bottom of the dishes in the gauze, so as not to reduce their amount when changing the fluid.


  4. With the necessary long-term maintenance of seeds in moisture, change the water every 4 hours to prevent the appearance of mucus and rotting seeds.
    Wait for swelling grains.
  5. Plant prepared seeds into wet soil, observing the rules corresponding to culture. semena

What water to use for soaking?

For soaking, it is quite acceptable to use conventional crane water. But, efficiency is significantly higher when using the following types:

  • thawed water from snow;
  • melt water from the freezer or refrigerator;
  • ocagnetic water. zamachivanie-Semjan-Luka

Duration of soaking seeds

Durations of soaking change in accordance with the type of plant. Conventional norms respond to the following time frames:

  • parsley, Celery, Carrot, Luk-Chernushka, Sorrel, Asparagus, Pasternak - 2 days;
  • salad, tomatoes, beets - 1-1.5 days;
  • zucchini, cucumbers, radish, radishes, pumpkin, cabbage - 12 hours;
  • peas, beans - 4-5 hours. PRRASHHIVANIE-SEMYAN.

How effectively soaking?

Shoots of pre-closed seeds appear 2-3 days earlier, which is quite profitable when landing those vegetables that do not require a long time for full ripening.



To make it yourself to make sure that ease of execution and low time spent for such a procedure, look at the proposed video below.

How to germinate seeds?


In essence, germination is a longer soaking to the sickness of seeds and the appearance of their root. Recommendations are reduced to the following requirements:

  1. Since the only difference in the performance of work is not in full premises of grains into water, but only their layout on a wet environment, wet two segments of gauze or tissue.
  2. On one lay out seeds, others cover them from above. s2.
  3. To eliminate the evaporation of moisture, cover the dishes with glass.
  4. From time to time, open the container and mix the seeds to prevent their oxidation due to the lack of air.

    Important! Suitable temperature for germination of seeds - 15-25 degrees.

  5. Take a landing only after most of the grains appeared white roots. Nuta seedlings (2)

    Important! Very small seeds pre-dry and add a little sand to a lot. This will help facilitate the process of setting the bed.

How long does it take exercise?

Given the fact that for the appearance of the root in the grain, it is necessary more time, naturally, that the periods of the extension exceed the usual time of soaking. Check out the number of days for each individual type of vegetable culture:

  • carrots - up to 6 days;
  • beets and tomatoes are about 4 days enough;
  • cabbage and cucumbers - from 1 to 3 days. q_ZAM

The level of efficiency of germination of seeds at home

If you decide to prefer this method to prepare, be prepared to see shootouts 5-6 days before the standard period.



View the video to more clearly imagine the correct germination process.

Seed processing technology by microelements

In the past few years, soaking is quite widely used in simple water, but by a prepared aqueous solution with stimulants of growth of artificial or natural origin.


Therefore, in special stores an assortment of universal compositions for this purpose is quite diverse. But all of them, without exception, consist of a combination of such trace elements:

  • iron;
  • copper;
  • boron;
  • magnesium;
  • molybdenum;
  • zinc;
  • cobalt. 3_09_8

    Important! When buying a product, pay attention to the proportions, since it is precisely from the ratio of individual elements of the mass aware of the funds and its effectiveness for specific plants.


Rules for preliminary grain processing by trace elements


Perform this work as follows:

  1. Wash all seeds thoroughly.
  2. Sweep them.
  3. Heat.
  4. Prepare the solution in accordance with the instructions specified by the manufacturer. kAK-PODGOTOVIT-SEMENA-K-POSEVU-21

    Important! Take into account that they dissolve the special mass most often in water, the temperature of which corresponds to 40 degrees. After thorough mixing, disabere the solution to a temperature of 20-25 degrees. In this form it is ready to use.


  5. After processing, do not rinse, but simply dry the seeds.
  6. Put the landing.

    Important! For uniform processing, in one solution, use only seeds of one species. If you need to prepare other crops, in the event that the selected tool is universally and suitable for them, prepare a new mixture for soaking. e`nergiya-PRORASTANIYA-SEMYAN

What means to use for pre-processing seeds?

When choosing a suitable means to stimulate growth, try to avoid dubious drugs. In this case, you will not only get a rich harvest, but also do not harm your health.


Pay attention to the proposed list of the most popular tools, both natural and artificial origin:

  1. Solver.
  2. Kemira-Universal.
  3. Nitroposka.
  4. Aloe juice.
  5. The greens of the marine root.
  6. Wood ash.
  7. Calando juice.
  8. Novosil.
  9. Humat potassium.
  10. Epin Extra.
  11. Zircon. 081

    Important! If possible, give preference to one of the means from this list, as they have gained popularity among professional gardeners due to their harmlessness and efficiency.


How practical to buy ready-made biostimulants?

The main advantage of this method of pre-treatment of seeds is that the grain trapped with useful trace elements does not just take germs. Competently performed procedure will have an impact on the entire process of plant development and the quality of fruits. In this case, the yield increases at least one third of the usual volume in conditions of one type of soil and regular care.



Review the video overview of the use of special solutions for seed processing.

What is bubbling and how to execute it?

Barbing is, in principle, one of the species of ordinary soaking. Its main feature is the use of water saturated with oxygen or air, due to which the appearance of shoots occurs significantly faster than with a standard procedure.


What equipment will required for the implementation of bubbling?

To perform this procedure, use air or oxygen discharge apparatus. Make the selection of the device yourself, focusing on the volume of the estimated landing and financial capabilities.

Important! With a relatively small amount of seeds for the standard section of the medium size, a fairly standard microcompressor for a children's aquarium.


Barbing technology

The whole procedure does not differ in difficulty and will not require you constant attention:

  1. Pull the seeds in the jar with water, temperature 20c.
  2. Install the compressor spraying tip inside.
  3. Turn on the device and adjust the air supply. 1328128827img_3250.

    Important! Please note how evenly the air is distributed throughout the water.

  4. After the seeds began to short, discontinue the procedure.
  5. See all grains under the stream of air in a shaded place.
  6. Put the landing. gJCTD_YFCNEHWBB.

What are the advantages of this method?

  1. In the process of such a procedure, all grains are saturated with pure oxygen, due to this, not only the acceleration of the process of seeding after planting to the ground, but also reducing the plant development period to the full ripening of fruits.
  2. Another important nuance is the possibility of combined processing, that is, simultaneously performing and flowing air and microelements. barbo.

    Important! Given the features of this method, it is quite natural that its effectiveness is at times exceeds all of the above methods of pre-processing of seeds, which is another indisputable advantage of the bubbling technology.


How long to perform bubbling?


Despite all the usefulness of this method, there are quite clear recommendations for the duration of the continuous effects on grain. Insufficient treatment will not give good efficiency, but also a significant excess of the deadlines can completely destroy the structure of the seed or provoke development at the new stage before landing in the ground.


Given the peculiarities of the burboting, carefully read the standard period of procedure, acceptable for each individual culture:

  • watermelon - 2 days;
  • pepper - 30 hours;
  • spinach, carrots, onions - from 18 o'clock to 1 day;
  • cucumbers, parsley, celery, dill - up to 18 hours;
  • beets, tomatoes - 12-18 hours;
  • salad, radishes - no more semissing;
  • peas - up to 6 hours. gidroponnyj-Praraschivatel-Semyan-Zdorovya-Klad

What is the result to expect after the bubbling?



The effectiveness of such a method is sufficiently high, the reduction of the timing of the appearance of shoots is observed up to 1 week. That is, for example, for those cultures, the germination of which in normal conditions occurs only on April 14-15 after the landing, in the case of pre-saturation of seeds by air or oxygen, is quite enough 6-7 days.



Review the video in which the principle of operation of the system for carrying out the system is not only shown, but also some features of subsequent results are indicated.

What are the advantages of hardening seeds and how to perform it right?

This procedure makes it possible to increase the stability, both the seeds themselves and sprouted plants to the temperature differences and other adverse conditions. The result of hardening will be a good health of planted crops and an increase in yield.


What plants should heal?

Use this processing method for the cultures of thermal-loving, especially if the landing is carried out in the conditions of a more severe climate. The following vegetables need preliminary hardening:

  • cucumbers;
  • pepper;
  • tomatoes;
  • eggplants. spruting-Seeds-52

How to prepare seeds for hardening?

Before proceeding directly to the grain processing with low temperatures, follow these steps:

  1. Thorough warm all seeds.
  2. Treat solution for disinfection.
  3. Soak.
  4. Wait for the swelling of seeds, but do not allow the appearance of the root. mustard-White-Seed-Growing-On-Cotton-Wool-In-Clear-Plastic-Container-Germinating-Spruting-Afterter-1-Day-Seeds-Cracking-Open-Closeup-4-JR

    Important! If you are late, and the seeds sprouted, you can not order them, as it will lead to reinforcement.

How to execute hardening?


There are two ways:

  1. Short-term margin.
  2. Long procedure with alternating cold and warm regime. young-Cucumber-Plant-Tim-Thoms

Technology of short-lived seed

  1. Put the seeds in a small bag.
  2. Place it in the freezer.
  3. Adjust the temperature in the range of 1-4 degrees.
  4. Hold the seeds of 3 days.
  5. Periodically check so that they are not ignited. Digital Camera.

Longiculture rules

  1. Collect all seeds in a fabric or plastic bag.
  2. Hold 12 hours at a temperature of 20c. P2230023-E1330022829880.
  3. Place the next 12 hours of seeds in the refrigerator with a temperature of up to -2 degrees.
  4. Alternate procedures alternately the right number of days, based on the requirements for hardening a specific culture, for example:
    • cucumbers - 5 days;
    • tomatoes - 8 days.
  5. 1 time in 2 days during hardening, spray seeds with water to prevent drying out.
  6. After the hardening period is expired, dry the grains in a closed sunlight location.
  7. Put the landing. 00063870

    Important! Given the fact that after hardening the seeds are resistant to changes in natural temperature, boldly make the landing before the deadline, even when the cold weather forecast.

Features of the turret of the seeds

This procedure will take much more time than all the above ways. Therefore, perform it when you have decided to pre-process seeds in advance and time to the landing time is still enough.


Sequence of narrowing

Such processing consists of several stages:

  1. Soaking.
  2. Handling low temperatures.
  3. Germination. 1330560417_semena.

For what plants do narrivization fit?

It is best to carry out such a procedure for those crops whose germination timing is characterized by a special duration:

  • cabbage;
  • carrot;
  • onion;
  • parsley;
  • beet. 51418F99Eebfb.

How to make blood survey?

  1. Soak seeds in snow melt, heated it to a temperature of 18-20 degrees. gourd_seeds_soaking
  2. Wait for giving the grains.
  3. Place the swollen seeds in the refrigerator, adjusting the temperature in accordance with the appropriate mode.
  4. When drying, sprinkle with water. 0C98F2348EC0.

How much to cool seeds?

Carefully read the recommendations for the temperature regime when the seeds are cooling and the timing of the progress of the systemization so as not to spoil the seeds:

  1. Cabbage - up to 2 weeks at a temperature of 0- + 3 degrees.
  2. Parsley, carrots, onions - up to 2 weeks at temperatures in the range from -1 to +1 degrees Celsius.
  3. Beets - no more than 10 days at a temperature mode similar to previous vegetables. Yarovizatsiya - Semyan.

Important! If necessary, the timing can be extended by 3-5 days, but only if the quality of the seed is not doubt. Otherwise, all efforts will be reduced to no, and the seeds will not even give standard shoots.

After the end of the seed cooling process, wait until the appearance of small root processes, and immediately land at suitable conditions.



Each of the above listed methods is popular, both among professionals and amateurs. Upon desire to improve the quality of the crop, select the most suitable method of preparation of seeds yourself, given the volume of planting a specific culture, the presence of free time, the skills of performing such procedures and financial capabilities. Be sure to comply with all the rules of the selected technology to get an excellent result.

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