How to choose and buy vibropress

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One of the trends of current construction is the uniqueness, interesting design solutions for a specific task. This is especially important when building private cottages. Often, specific building materials are required for the design of the original idea. Today, this problem is easily solved using special vibropress equipment.

Why do you need a vibropressive machine?

Vibropress equipment is used to form individual parts of concrete building material, with various formats. With it, it is easy to achieve the unique external attractiveness of the building or the sidewalk and embody the intricate design ideas.


What materials are manufactured using pressing equipment?

Using a properly selected apparatus allows you to create elements of the following categories of building materials:


Why profitably use the vibropress?

The use of vibratory technology technologies will certainly allow the production process as soon as possible with relatively low costs and gives the following advantages:

  • Wide molding capabilities
  • High quality work done
  • The possibility of output of a single large batch of materials of non-standard forms and sizes
  • Significant time savings
  • Much less costs
  • Small overrun solution for modeling due to clear settings of parameters.


How to save on the use of vibropresses?

Please note that, despite the convenience of use and substantial benefits, both a technical nature and the external attractiveness of the product, the price of vibropresse of any type is not cheaper.
Therefore, it is advisable to think about the ways of rational use and savings in advance. View only some options available in any manufacture:
  • If necessary, perform the work of a different nature to apply universal type equipment.
  • To perform one-time work, lease the appropriate type of technology.
  • For regular use, take into account when buying all the important parameters suitable in your case, and search for the desired model strictly according to the specified criteria.


What criteria to consider when choosing equipment?

In the design process, determine the following parameters of future construction to find the right type of vibropress:

  • Scope of work, load
  • Character of work
  • Estimated type of surface
  • Regular performance
  • Parameters and construction site
  • Required strength of individual elements.

    Important! In addition to the complex of technical parameters, one of the main criteria for any volume and the directions of the alleged work is the cost of equipment and its maintenance.

Principles of classification of models of vibropresses and their technical parameters


All Tamble equipment is divided into categories, given the following indicators:

  • Type of apparatus
  • Performance
  • Power
  • Cycle time
  • Overlooking area
  • Principle of installation
  • Principle of equipment
  • Method of download
  • Frequency of vibration
  • Quality of compression
  • Working surface template (matrix)
  • Manufacturer.


Type of apparatus

Initially select the type of vibropress equipment, based on the intended nature of the work. Main groups:

  • equipment for the production of blocks
  • equipment for the formation of flat plates
  • universal machines for the production of several types of products.

    Important! It should be noted that professional equipment of a narrow focus is in demand for industrial purposes. Universal installations allow you to establish the work of even small private industries, providing profits.



From how high the indicator of this parameter depends on the production rate and the volume of products supplied. It is an indicator of performance regulates the price category of vibropress equipment. It is formed by all the technical indicators listed in the list above.



This indicator directly affects performance. But consider when buying a vibropress for tile or any other type of this technique with a high power indicator will significantly increase the amount of energy consumed. This, in turn, can not always be economically beneficial. Therefore, be sure to take into account the scope of work and the conditions of the platform intended for the organization of production.


The current market of this type of tools provides equipment to work with the following indicators:

  • 220 volt
  • 380 volts.

At the same time, power indicators vary in the following range:

  • 0.5 kW in the simplest units
  • 3-15 kW for medium-sized machines (the most popular models - "Condor", "Guide-4")
  • from 20 to 100 kW for fully mechanized large installations (for example, the Vibropress "Rifey").

Olympus Digital Camera.

Cycle time

Another important indicator, from which the productivity of the machine directly depends. The duration of the duration of the molding in modern windows of vibropressing is governed by the following norms:

  • the duration of the process within 1 minute is considered to be the Middle Standard
  • 30-40 seconds give higher quality devices
  • from 10 to 15 seconds - is considered high-speed molding.

    Important! Naturally, the more speed, the higher the class of equipment, and accordingly its price. Take this factor to buy the right vibropress.

Overlooking area

The parameters of the workstore affect the number of specific parts, the production of which is possible at once, and their size.


That is, not only the performance of the equipment, but also its type is determined. The pattern of choice is the larger the molding area, the higher the class of technology and more opportunities.

The current classification has the following form:

  1. Small. The maximum size is less than 100 cm. That is, it is impossible to make stones of a meter length using these presses. The molding area is limited to a range of 0.1-0.3 m2.
  2. Middle. Molding zone indicators from 50 * 100 cm to 120 * 60 cm. So, in the process of one-time molding, it is possible to produce no more than 2 onboard stones, up to 9 wall blocks or 0.4-0.7m2 tiles.
  3. Large. The size of the area of \u200b\u200bthe working surface from 120 * 80 cm to 120 * 100 cm. Result: up to 15 blocks for the construction of walls, up to 4 onboard stones or maximum 1 m2 tiles.
  4. High performance. The parameters of the molding zone from 120 * 120 cm. For one cycle, at least 18 stones for walls are formed, about 6 onboard blocks, more than 1.2m2 tiles.

    Important! In addition to the width and length, consider the height of the molding zone. The versatility of technology also depends on it. With an indicator, less than 30 cm will be limited. The level for universal devices is considered to be a level of 30-50 cm, which allows various tasks.


Please note another nuance: cycle time and sizes of the molding zone in some ways are interchangeable for performance. But, the cost of equipment can differ very much. For example, a smaller molding zone will provide a small amount of products, but is resolved by a high cycle speed. In this case, the cost of the apparatus will be several times higher than the simpler type of technology at low speed, but the larger area of \u200b\u200bthe pallet.

Important! Select yourself yourself, correctly distributing the importance of criteria in a particular case.


Principle of installation

For this principle, two types of cars are distinguished:

  • stationary (more in demand today)
  • mobile, mobile (enjoyed popular before the appearance of more advanced equipment).


The principle of operation of the first - molding on pallets. The second-type machines are shifted after each prepared batch, leaving the materials on the surface.


Principle of equipment

There are only 2 groups of this technique:

  • The automated process can significantly increase productivity.
  • Manual devices are more democratic in price.


Selection Make, based on the estimated scale of production and the number of employees for service.

Important! Note that the fully automated process does not imply the absence of production specialists. Their presence is required to regulate the settings and control of the work performed, in order to correctly correct deviations from the specified parameters. The minimum that is needed is 2 people.


To this category, then will also be the principle of loading and unloading, which is also carried out either using a person or in automatic mode. This naturally affects the cost of vibropresses.

Vibrating frequency and compression quality

This indicator is sometimes missed from the view. However, the density of the resulting material depends on it, and, accordingly, its strength.


The standard indicator is 50 Hz, more advanced models operate at a frequency of 75 Hz.

Important! The new product was not so long ago developed computer control system with the frequency control of the vibration frequency depending on the specified parameters of the source material and the requirements for finished products. Naturally, such systems are more expensive, but allow you to exclude any marriage due to insufficient tamping.


We will assign into this group and the quality of compression used in the pressing process. In case of insufficient pressure, the strength indicators will be significantly lower than expected. To restore the strength parameters in subsequent parts, you will have to change the solution recipe by adding a larger amount of cementing substance.

Important! This is unprofitable from an economic point of view due to recalculation, not included in the initial estimate.


These issues of production:

  • 0,97-0.98 - seal coefficient
  • 450-470kg / m2 - the proportion of cement consumption for solution.


Working surface template (matrix)

From the type of the selected matrix depends on the type of materials of the alleged production. That is, the matrix is \u200b\u200bdirectly molded itself.


Distinguish between several forms:

  • Easy. Designed for the release of a single form of material without any kind. Suitable for regular stamping of the simplest products.
  • Combined. This version will allow performing more varied works. So, it will become an indispensable detail of universal vibropress.
  • Individual. The drawing is ordered directly by the customer's project. Used to create unique materials.



Among the whole wide linear range of this type of production, the following stamps are most in demand:

  • Condor
  • Rife
  • Gevit
  • Mastec
  • Euroblock-12.
  • LP (presented by the plant "Red Presnya")
  • Quad1Co2.
  • Guide-4.
  • Mars.



Note the features of some groups:

  1. Vibropresses "Condor" are predominantly compact small-sized models. If necessary, any machine from this series can be completed, due to which performance indicators will increase. Img_0529_
  2. The technique of the company "" Rifey "was created with the calculation of use in difficult conditions. Due to this, the strength of the configuration of the machines is very high. The models "Buran", "Universal" and "Pole" are especially in demand. vibropress_rifey_universal_m_foto_largest
  3. Vibropress "Masters". The technique of this manufacturer is characterized by using a unique technology of molding with a rigid semi-dry mixture of concrete. It is thanks to such innovation that the production of two-layer material was possible. Among the model range, equipment with an enlarged working zone of molding is especially allocated. slayd-Atlant1
  4. "Gevit-block" is the most popular version of the vibropress of the Russian Gevit company with the possibility of rapidly changing the type of products and withstand them after the end of the molding process. bG.
  5. Equipment of the plant "Red Presnya" is represented in the market by two universal models that use in demand on a par with the above-mentioned stamps - LP-300, LP-500. iMG20343.

    Important! Review the video of the Vibropress "Condor" in order to more clearly present the capabilities of the equipment of this type.


To choose the right vibropress equipment and establish a profitable production process, be sure to consider the criteria complex. In this case, the price superiority is not necessarily the indicator of the best model. Quite often, with the right organization of the entire manufacturing process, mapping attachments and make a profit in a short time using the middle class technique, but balanced, and, accordingly, ideally suitable for all points of the task.

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