How to choose a pump for a well

April 29. Useful advice, Repair and construction work Views 2300. Comments to write how to choose a pump for a well No

Many dacha owners or country plots solve the water supply problem by drilling a well, but it gives only half of the success. It is important to choose the right to choose the equipment correctly, so it is worth considering what a hole for the well is suitable in a certain case.

This article will help to deal with a wide range of market and focus on some models.

Successful device selection parameters


In each case, 5 main selection criteria are taken into account:

  1. The depth of the well, sometimes when buying a plot, the new owner does not receive this data. Then it is easy to determine the water level in it. To do this, a small cargo is tied to a dry rope and lowered into the well. Then the wet mark will remain, testifying to the distance to the water and you can measure the height of the pillar in the well. This data is usually issued with the passport on the well, they should be signed in the documentation for the purchased pump.
  2. Debit or productivity is an indicator of the amount of water that can give a well for a certain period of time. This parameter is determined approximately, for which the pumping equipment is left to complete the water recking. Next flows time to restore water column. Obtaining a final result is determined by dividing measured values.
  3. The diameter often is 3 and 4 inches. If you order in a specialized company drilling well, it is easier to choose a diameter constituent 4 inches or 10.16 cm. Because it is more convenient to pick up equipment later, the width of 4 inches is considered standard, and it is necessary to buy the pumps for a well to another value through the directory.
  4. Water pressure, which is calculated depending on the depth of the well. 30 and 10% are added to this indicator - the reserve, so obtain the necessary pressure in meters. Basically, the wells have an approximate depth of 45 m, then the pump is chosen with pressure of 90 m.
  5. Hardware performance depending on the need for water. If the fluid goes to the needs of people living in the house, then indicators for the economic flow rate are taken into account. Namely plumbers: per shower or bath 600 l / h, bathroom and kitchen - 360 l / h, total consumption for the average family is 1320 l / h. In the event of watering, the plot take into account the established norms, that is, 600l / h with an open crane. Total get: (1320 + 600) / 1000 \u003d 1.92 m3 / h.

Of course, the quality of the equipment affects its cost. It is necessary to watch the assortment of pumps intended for wells, they are designed to work with liquid with impurities. Although the cost of them and above, but it will be possible to forget the long-term repair, which is poured into considerable costs.

Buying cheaper models you need to carefully check the underwater connections, there must be high-quality soldering. The entire system consists directly from the pump, a commissioning device, a machine and cable. In case of failures in the pump unit, problems arise throughout the system, so the quality of each component is important.

Type of equipment

The market offers the following varieties of devices:

Each situation in front of the choice of certain equipment is worth knowing all parameters such as water and source. For this, there is an analysis of the fluid on a qualitative composition, as well as the presence and concentration of impurities. As for the power of the apparatus, it must correspond to the productivity of the well. The power supply is not acceptable for the pump, in this case, not only the engine can be damaged, but also fails the well itself.

Price and quality

Many pumps offered in the market can be called decent products, there are high-quality representatives of domestic and foreign brands. If the first option is preferable, it is worth considering TM "Aquarius" and "Rouh".

The price of the pump of the well "Aquarius" of the BCPE 0.5-100 y is about 300 cu, the device is designed to provide water supply from a depth of 100-150 m. Kapron rope includes a package and a starting device, the manufacturer's warranty is given 18 months. But the equipment is designed for stable operation for 10 years.

River BV 0.12-40 -U5 from the Belarusian manufacturer is distinguished by the available value in 30 USD The characteristics of the device are not sufficiently powerful, but the unit is capable of providing pressure from 60 m with a suction height of 2 m. The main condition for quality work is the location of the mechanism in water and the restriction of contact with the walls of the well.

The Chinese Depth EUROTEC PU201-4SKM-150 PU201-4SKM-150 has a cost of 150 USD, it is designed to work with liquids, impurities in which do not exceed 50 g / m3. Suitable for providing pressure to 90 m with small performance. The configuration includes the engine protection from overload and the system control panel.

The well-duty Pedrollo 4Blockm 2/10 Italian manufacturer is distinguished not only by quality, but also at the price. The cost of this model is about 400 cu, while the characteristics are ideal for domestic use. Water is headlined from 50 to 70 m with pressure of 3.6 m3 / h. At the same time, long-term operation is guaranteed by the presence of additional protection of the mechanism. cB64722B16E6F638.

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