Ground ladders for the garden do it yourself

March 27. Repair and construction work, Plot. Views 3333. Comments To record ground stairs for the garden do it yourself No

With the arrangement of the local territory, one of the design stages - layout of pedestrian paths that will allow convenient to get into any corner of their garden without disturbing the integrity of green cover. On the hilly plot, it is not without stairs that have not only practical application, but also allow you to diversify the landscape. There are several coatings options, the simplest solution of which remains the formation of the soil under the desired form.

Why the ground staircase is the best option?


Designing a descent in such a way, with all its ease, allows you to bring a special flavor, emphasizing the natural landscape nature. Often, it is precisely such steps more appropriate in the garden and park area of \u200b\u200bthe private site. In addition, the arrangement of such steps does not require large expenditures, time and effort to perform all the works.


How to make a ground staircase?

To create durable and reliable steps on the slope, follow the following sequence in operation:

  1. Design.
  2. Preparation of materials and tools.
  3. Preparation of a plot (markup of steps).
  4. The formation of degrees.


How to create the right project?

The main rule at this stage - the form and materials must be combined with the rest of the site design. Review the drawings of the stairs of the finished projects in order to more clearly imagine the possible design options and correctly relate all the proportions on your territory.


Important! Directly when planning the size of the stairs, focus not only for attractiveness, but also on the convenience of lifting. Therefore, limit the width of each stage with a maximum of 40 cm, and the height is 15 cm.


What instruments will be needed for the construction of the staircase from the soil?


The entire set of tools that will be required to carry out work on the arrangement of garden stairs of this type, unusually simple and brief, which confirms the cost-effectiveness of such a decision:

  • shovel;
  • saw;
  • buckets;
  • axe;
  • sledgehammer;
  • level;
  • screws;
  • hammer.


What materials apply to fix the stairs?

In addition to the soil itself, the auxiliary materials that will ensure the strength of the design. Use one of the most convenient ways to you, but note that the log staircase is certainly more natural and harmoniously fits into the overall picture of the garden design, stone design is appropriate in the Japanese garden of stones or embodied from Rokary.


Options for fixing the ground staircase:

  • solid logs;
  • boards;
  • unprocessed stone.

    Important! In addition to one of the above materials, prepare also sand and fine crushed stone or gravel. It will come in handy at the final stage for decorating the surface and its seal. The use of bulk materials will allow for a long time to preserve the integrity of the steps, preventing the erosion in the rainy season and pollution of the shoes when walking.


How to prepare materials?


In order to mount the staircase from the soil with the help of boards and bars, make a blank in advance:

  1. Split the log without removing the bark from them, on the individual elements, the length of which corresponds to the length of the steps specified in the drawing.
  2. Prepare small pegs with a 30 cm long with a sharp angle from one end to use as a backup.
  3. Split boards whose height corresponds to height of steps, and thickness - up to 5 cm, so that the desired number of parts suitable to the width and length of each fragment of the staircase to create a circuit.
  4. Treat all wood with antiseptic solution to eliminate rotting when exposed to moisture and destruction due to insect attacks.
  5. Carefully dry all prepared materials. Good luck Garden - Landscape Design

    Important! When finishing with stones, give preference to acute-angled boulders - their installation will be simpler, and the formed staircase will not stand out by its artificial origin among the entire landscape.


How to properly prepare the territory for the construction of the stairs?

All the work of this stage concludes mainly in the design of the correct markup, which will make the process of directly adjusting the steps rapid and easy.


To do this, follow the following:

  1. Cross land in the territory under the staircase.
  2. Cut the soil layer at each future stage clearly according to the specified parameters.
  3. Match the soil to get the most dense surface. Winter 232.

Recommendations for the design of the stairs of the soil stairs

Further actions have a similar orientation - the design of the contour of the steps, but have its own characteristics in accordance with the selected type of material.


When using a natural cylindrical log, work as follows:

  1. After accurate marking, learn the prepared pegs along the edges of each stage in the corners of the protrusions.
  2. Put between each pair of the peg, on the edge of the stage - log.
  3. Press the log into the ground so that the result is a protrusion with a difference about 5 cm between the top of the log and the entire surface of the stage.
  4. Sprinkle with sand and small rubble layer in 3-4 cm.
  5. Failure the surface to good density.

    Important! For the final stage to perform quickly and easily smoem sand. a77A9D0C60C963AE326930CB20937D0E.

When designing stones, the whole process has the following sequence:

  1. Install the stones in a row on the side of the protrusion of each stage.
  2. Catch the soil with sand and rubble.
  3. Match.
  4. Install individual boulders and cobblestones on both sides of the staircase to give it a special attractiveness. ladder1_1.

The arrangement of garden steps from the boards will require more time due to the amount of work. In addition, it is desirable to have skills to work with tools.


  1. Spreads all the details prepared in advance details of the future stages - boards, equal width of the stairs and the planks, the dimensions of which correspond to the width of the steps.
  2. Drop a shallow trench on the slope prepared under the stairs.
  3. Make markup.
  4. Form out of 3 parts (one long and two short) P-shaped construction, covering screws. kAK-SDELAT-LANDSHAFTNUYU-LESTNICU-3
  5. Insert into the ground in places marked for steps. kAK-SDELAT-LANDSHAFTNUYU-LESTNICU-4
  6. Create a formwork along the contour of each stage, in the bottom-up direction.

    Important! Pay attention to the docking of the side seams between adjacent elements, that is, each subsequent must be based on the previous one.

  7. Check out the smooth design of the design level.
  8. Last upper element can be mounted from 4, and not 3 boards. kAK-SDELAT-LANDSHAFTNUYU-LESTNICU-7
  9. Put inside every link design broken brick, soil. kAK-SDELAT-LANDSHAFTNUYU-LESTNICU-8
  10. Flip the stone crumb and rubble on top.
  11. Failure, leaving a gap of 3-4 cm to the top of each crossbar along the contour of the stage.
  12. Reduce sand and small gravel. kAK-SDELAT-LANDSHAFTNUYU-LESTNICU


Browse the video in which various ideas of landscape design are collected using stairs and without them.


In order to give greater attractiveness to the ground staircase created by their own hands, lay the grass directly to the surface of the steps and put along the stairs suitable plants. This solution is very interesting from an artistic point of view - this part of the site will look very organically, and from the practical - roots of the plants will provide additional density, and accordingly, the strength of the stairs, preventing its destruction after a while.

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