Laying paving slabs. Schemes and technology

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The construction market, focusing on a wide range of consumers, produces materials with good performance characteristics and low cost. Paving slabs are popular with dacha owners and country sites, because it helps to equip the environment with minimal labor and financial costs. Therefore, it is worth considering the type of material variety and methods of its laying.

Varieties and suggestions


There is some classification of paving slabs, depending on the manufacturer's method distinguishes:

  • vibrolic products;
  • stamped elements.

The first type is distinguished by strength during operation, but the cost of such tiles is more expensive. Of course, the appearance also has its own characteristics, but the stamped elements are more common due to its price.

When choosing a coating should pay attention to the thickness of the tiles, it varies from 20 to 60 mm. Depending on the intended load, the necessary thickness of the product is determined. For example, a tile with an indicator of 20 mm fit for arranging a garden path. At the same time, if the coating is moved by transport, it is worth choosing a thickness of 60 mm.

The following indicator is appearance, paving slabs can be of various shapes and colors. For the convenience of laying, rectangular products are preferred. Among consumers are the elements of gray, because few people are ready to overpay for the addition of a kolacher in the manufacture.

Required resources


The process of laying paving slabs is quite laborious, so it is pre-prepare tools and materials. Would need:

  • to mark the rope and pegs, usually use a wooden bar;
  • level;
  • shovel;
  • hammer;
  • traaming;
  • buckets;
  • broom;
  • bulgarian with a circle for cutting stone.

From materials need to be purchased:

  • tile, pre-calculate the quadrature of the stacked surface;
  • border;
  • sand, spent for the base and filling of seams;
  • cement.

Methods of laying


The laying technology of paving slabs depends on the load on it, so there are 3 options for the establishment of the base:

  • with sand;
  • rubble;
  • concrete.

Laying paving slabs on sand is used at low loads, that is, for the design of pedestrian tracks. To do this, a layer of sand is falling asleep on the prepared base, it is already laying out the tile. The rubble base is required at moderate loads, besides it in the process, a dry sandy cement mixture is used. With large loads, it is not necessary to do without formwork, first the territory falls asleep with rubble, then poured concrete.

The laying schemes are also offered different, the choice of pattern depends on the parameters of the area, the laid out elements and the wishes of the wizard. In the photo you can see various types of laying paving slabs. The most often used drawings that are simply fitted, but are able to emphasize the individuality of the site. These include:

  • braided in rectangular sections. The drawing implies the installation of elements in pairs. To begin with the perimeter of the territory lay the tile sideways of 2 pieces, the next pair should be perpendicular to. Then the central line between the elements will look up, to save the drawing of the action repeated from the first step;
  • styling with a Christmas tree, then the elements are located at an angle of 45 ̊ or 90̊. The difference of this pattern is considered to obtain a good bearing capacity of the resulting surface;
  • for the paving the circular template burst the tile of a wedge-shaped form. Due to the complexity of the performance, the circular pattern is used to highlight small sections, for example, when applying for a gazebo;
  • a chaotic drawing is laying out of elements of various shapes and colors. For paving, as a rule, take tiles with tonal differences.

Procedure of the process


There are some rules for laying paving slabs:

  • when choosing elements, it is worth considering their future location, the installation diagonally increases the consumption of the material compared to the parallel method;
  • it is worth considering the presence of waste due to fitting elements. Then on the tile make an incision with a grinder;
  • the laying is easier to carry out rows - it is easier to control the position of the elements, while using a rail or level;
  • to ensure long-term operation, it is worth using drainage gutters. Installation is carried out along with paving slabs, the process is similar to mounting a border;
  • at first, small defects may occur, which correct the cement-sandy mixture.

To simplify the task below, video laying video paving slabs is presented:

Preparatory stage


Laying of concrete paving slabs begins with the preparation of the selected area, for the normal operation of the paved platform, it is worth aligning the territory. For this, the fertile layer of the soil is cut, while removing the layer of about 10 cm. Then it is equipped with a bias required for removal of water from the site. It is important to correctly outline the perimeter of the territory. Process procedure:

  • for the zero mark take the street level, the bias must go from the nearby structure;
  • in the corners of the site, the wedges are driven and stretch the thread along the zero level, check its horizontal position;
  • to one of the wedges, they attribute an additional thread and pull in perpendicular direction, fixed by the wedge. The thread height should be under a slope (an angle of at least 5̊);
  • another thread stretches parallel to the zero line, but under the previously selected angle. It is also fixed as a knocked wedge into the ground, everything is checked by a construction level;
  • free thread is connected to the last wedge.

The strained threads are an indicator of the level, they align the surface of the site with the observance of the slope. Spending soil thoroughly tram.

Reliable base


Laying of paving slabs with their own hands begins with arrangement of a pillow consisting of 3 layers:

  • rubble;
  • sand;
  • dry mixture.

First, in terms of the level, the entire area is falling asleep with rubble or gravel, thoroughly trambet. Then there is an intermediate layer of sand, after the seal it must be at least 3 cm. In the end, the base should be obtained on which the placed tile to the desired level of the coating did not reach only 1 cm. Some masters recommend using geotextiles that adds the strength of the base without giving sand Seek in crushed stone with water.

With the power of the garden tracks, there is enough low-sand pad of 10-15 cm. Then the surface is abundantly wetted with water, and to comply with dry laying, paving slabs start working only the next day. The top laying layer can be the finished dry or cement-sand mixture (1: 3). It is scattered over a stretch of 3-4 cm thick, distributed evenly with robbles. A smooth surface of a screed is achieved using a chapeller.

Laying tiles


After determining the drawing, the cord is tightened for a benchmark. They laid out the first row, while they work in a diagonal direction from themselves. This will ensure the maintenance of the scheme and protects from the displacement of the elements. Make smooth seams help cords stretched every 3 m in the longitudinal direction. There are 3-5 mm gaps between the tiles, unevenly laid items are adjusted by sandy bent and rubber hammer. After the lays down of the entire site, explicit elevations are eliminated by a grain tool.

The binder for tiles is a sand-cement mixture, which is poured on top to the coating. You can use remnants from the intermediate layer or prepare yourself with proportions: 8 parts of the cement goes to 1 part of the cement. In order for the mixture well filled emptiness, it falls asleep the entire surface, then the seams are labeled. Next, water from the watering can be washed with a surface for hardening cement-sand mass and destruction of garbage.

Completed view when laying paving slabs at the cottage gives a pedestrian border. To install it, the trench is riveted according to the size of the elements, pre-tightening the cord. Mounted a border with a liquid solution M100, it is necessary to monitor the correct location. As a result, the top of the tile should rise above the border at the height of the chamfer.


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