Installation of cesspool with your own hands. Where to post and how to build a tank for pit

October 18. Useful advice Views 570. Comments To write the installation of a cesspool with their own hands. Where to post and how to build a tank for pit No

Not always, the wastewater drain system of a country cottage or cottage can be connected to the central sewage system. In this case, it is necessary to decide how to install a cesspool. It is important that it is functional and safer to the environment, so first of all, you should read the rules of the local sewage device.

Types of cesspools

For those who are not afraid of work, it will be easy to build a tank for pellets with their own hands. It is necessary to choose the most appropriate design that takes into account the peculiarity of the terrain and the needs of the house. Distinguish the following types of cesspools.

  1. The pit without a bottom and no walls (the ground is held due to the chain grid, stretched on the frame of fittings or pipes). Its peculiarity is that wastewater absorbed soil, which allows you to save on shock. But for households with a large volume of electricity, this option is unsuitable for environmental reasons.
  2. Hermetic pit. The bottom of such a pit is concreted, and the walls are erected from ceramic bricks or are constructed using concrete rings. The disadvantage of such local sewage is the need for its periodic cleaning. Advantage - In environmental safety: Stocks will not be able to get into the ground.
  3. Cumulative septicity of plastic or metal. Such a device is the most reliable and safe. A multi-stage flow filtration system and the use of biological treatment methods makes it possible to completely eliminate the ingress of the wastewater in the soil and reduce the flushing frequency.

Septic tank from plastic

Technology building cesspools from bricks

In the event that there is no possibility to use lifting equipment and lack assistants, there are no options, except to build a cesspool with your own bricks. Only red ceramic brick is used for work. It is recommended to get checked: it is darkened with darker color, with subpassions. Such a brick breaks longer in a wet soil. A phased description of the process of construction of a cesspool consists of the following items.

Choosing a place to build a cesspool

According to sanitary standards, it should be retreated:

  • from residential premises at least 12 m;
  • from the fence - just over 1 m;
  • from a water well (well) - minimum of 30 m.

Calculation of the dimensions of the cesspool

The calculation is performed in three stages:

  1. In order to determine the size of the structure, it is necessary to make a soil analysis at the construction site. For breeds that are well transmitting water (sandy, soupies, Mergel), the volume of the pit will be sufficient at the rate of 40% of the amount of monthly wastewater. For clay rocks, a larger volume is needed - at the rate of monthly drains with some reserve.
  2. The number of people living in the house are taken into account: per day per person accounts for about 180 liters of liquid waste.
  3. The upper part of the pit should be at a depth of at least 1 m in order to avoid penetration of the effluent in the soil.
  4. The maximum depth of the pit should not exceed 3 m. This is a necessary condition for the work of the cleaning equipment.

After performing the calculation, a working drawing of a cesspool is compiled, preparations begin to the main stages of construction.

Sketch of cesspools

Tools and fixtures for building a cesspool

For work it is necessary to have at your disposal:

  • shovels: bayonet and soviet;
  • kelma masonry;
  • solution tank;
  • mixer for mixing cement-sand mixture or concrete mixer;
  • roulette;
  • pegs and cord for marking;
  • construction level;
  • plumb;
  • ladder.

Drain pit for cesspool

It is necessary to first place the territory allotted under the device of a cesspool. It is required to knock the pegs and pull the cord between them. After that, fertile soil is removed and transferred to the plot. The rest of the soil (about 20 cubic meters) must be removed, leaving about 2 cubic meters for reverse swelling.

Removing the turf on the construction site of the cesspool

IMPORTANT: Also, it should also be tested from the house to the drain pit, where the sewage will be laid. His hands rushes with their own hands at the same time, but at this stage it is advisable to use the services of an excavator.

Celmary's bottom arrangement

  1. On the bottom of the pit poured sand, moisturize and compact it. The sand pillow must be a thickness of 150 mm.
  2. The next layer is placed concrete thickness also 150 mm. In the middle layer of concrete fill, the reinforcement grid of rods with a thickness of 10 mm is placed.
  3. To drive out air bubbles from it, the entire concrete pillow must be pondered for a rod of fittings.
  4. After pouring the concrete pillow, the top layer is styled with a cement-sand tie with a thickness of about 50 mm.

Further construction can be performed after a complete secretion of the concrete and cement-sand mass of the bottom - 28 days later.

Building the walls of the cesspool

The masonry is performed by ceramic brick. Pit shape is a rectangular or round (no fundamental difference). It is important to comply with the following rules.

Drain pit round brick form with sewer pipe

  1. A layer of waterproofing material is laid under the first row: it will reduce the saturation of the brick of moisture coming from the soil.
  2. The walls are asked in the Pollipich or a quarter. The vertical position is controlled by a plumb or construction level.
  3. The walls of the cesspool from two sides during the masonry are placed by a masonry solution. It will also protect the brick from moisture and will prolong the service life of the well.
  4. Brickwork is suspended with dressing. At the estimated depth of the pit introduced the pipe of the sewer system.
  5. Bitumen mastic is applied on top of the brick masonry.
  6. The reverse swelling is performed.

Walls of drain pit plastered

Tip: The quality of brickwork should not be paid attention, since all the construction will be underground. It is important that the walls are durable and not deviated from the vertical.

For houses with large volume of stocks, it is advisable to device multistage local sewage

Capturing Poam Overlapping Device

For overlapping a drain pit, it is convenient to use a concrete slab designed to overlap the concrete well, suitable in size. If the charges of the plate on the site is not possible, it is necessary to the device of the formwork for concrete fill. At the same time, the thickness of the concrete fill (with mandatory reinforcement) should be no less than 150 mm.

The structure of the reinforcement of the flow of a drain pit

The lid of the cesspool can also be cast from concrete with their own hands. In the event that the drain pit is located on a platform covered with paving slabs, an easy cast iron or plastic cover should be used.

Important: To cover the holes, built under the automotive race or parking, you should use a cast-iron heavy-type cover.

Concrete rings drain pit: technology features

Preparation, digging care and the arrangement of the bottom for the drain pit from concrete rings is performed similarly to the described technique. After that, with the help of lifting equipment in the kitty, reinforced concrete rings are lowered. The diameter is selected by the estimated method, rings 1 are usually used; 1.5; 2; 2.5 or 3 meter diameters. During the edge of the rings, the following rules are followed.

  1. Rings are raised for steel eye pieces, clinging the cables for each eye with a uniform stretch.
  2. The first ring after lowering is exhibited horizontally. To do this, the cement mortar with rubble is placed below. After that, omit the following rings.
  3. A cement solution is applied between rings to seal joints.
  4. The internal and outer walls of the pits from the rings are treated with bitumen mastic.
  5. The upper ring is covered with a concrete lid, under which joints are also sealed.

Celmary pit from auto strokes

How to dig a cesspool for giving with minimal material costs? For this, car cargo transportation are used. The following conditions are followed.

  1. On the bottom of the pitted crushed stone of a large and medium fraction with a thickness of about 150 mm. This will contribute to the best water absorption soil.
  2. Between the lower tires, a large crushed stone is stacked to ensure that wastewater absorb.
  3. Tire sides are cut, and after installation is connected by wire or plastic screeds.
  4. In the center of the pit from the auto strokes, the old linoleum rolled into the roll is placed: it will help to reduce the ingress of the drain on the inner surfaces of the tires.
  5. The pit is covered with a concrete slab overlap with a lid manhole.

Drain pit of auto strokes

At the end of the article on how the installation of the cesspool is carried out with their own hands - video with explanations and useful advice of a specialist.

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