Installing satellite antennas with your own hands

March 31. Useful advice Views 1667. Comments To write the installation of satellite antennas do it yourself No

It is not a secret that satellite television today is a very popular means of television transmission. Despite the fact that no longer one dozen people use this benefit, every day the owners of satellite "plates" are becoming more and more. It is worth noting that satellite television is, most often, many free channels, including thousands of foreign television networks. Installing the satellite antenna - the task is simple, however it has a lot of features that everyone needs to know.

Features of using satellite television

Combine and install a satellite antenna may each want. For this you do not need to contact any services and instances. However, those people who decided to purchase a plate will discover that many channels have some restrictions, because of which they cannot be loose. In this case, you need to buy a card representing a kind of key to open access to the channel package. Thus, the best receiver is best acquired from providers, which will immediately offer a full package of the channel you need.


When installing, it is most important to direct the "plate" in the right direction. It is worth saying that specialists engaged in the installation of such equipment can easily cope with this task. The alignment (the orientation of the "plates" on the satellite) can also be made by himself, but it will take a lot of time and strength to it, given that sometimes even the specialists take at least an hour of work.

In addition, in this case it is very important to consolidate the design qualitatively, because after a small wind or the rain will have to play the equipment to the reconfiguration. Also, the "plate" is best fixed in an affordable place, which can be reached at any time without resorting any complex action.

Flexible Satellite Equipment Setup

In the case of setting the signal, it is necessary to understand that, depending on the location, the signal may vary. This is perfectly known companies engaged in selling satellite antennas. Thus, when buying equipment, you need to consult on this issue with specialists. Often they offer to write down several signals of signals that are perfectly catching in a particular area.


Choosing equipment

The selection of satellite equipment is based on the definition of the necessary diameter of the "plates". Most often for home reception, it is enough to purchase an antenna with a diameter of 60 cm. In some places it will take equipment that provides a more stable signal, so the "plate" must be at least 1.2 m in diameter.

Interestingly, the "plate" of a large diameter is more difficult to catch a qualitative signal, but at some terrain such equipment is the only chance to enjoy satellite TV. Buying an antenna does not need to make a choice in favor of the one that has a large diameter, since it is not excluded that such equipment is not suitable for receiving a satellite signal.

You must also purchase a converter and receiver. There is a variety of selection of this product, however, when buying components from providers, you can not worry that the receiver or the converter is not suitable for high-quality broadcasting.


Installing satellite equipment

To install a satellite antenna, we need the following tools:

  • perforator;
  • compass;
  • screwdriver;
  • pliers;
  • spanners;
  • two F-connector;
  • coaxial cable.

Immediately after we have decided on the signal parameters to which the satellite will be focused, you can start the installation. In terms of direction, the "plates" will definitely help the compass. The direction to the satellite must be completely free from buildings and other objects. In another case, catch the signal will not work.

Now it is necessary to prepare a small piece of coaxial cable with a length of 2-3 m. On both sides of the cable, you need to attach F-connectors.

Before fixing the equipment, you need to completely collect an antenna. It is best to do this in drawings and brief instructions available included with the equipment. The holder consolidates the converter, and the converter itself turns against a clockwise by 10 degrees. All other actions are held at the place where the "plate" will catch a signal.

Obviously, it is necessary to carry out electricity to the place of installation. It is best to use the amplifier. The most important thing in the future is a reliable fixing of the bracket on which all installation will be attached. Holes under fasteners are made using a perforator. The so-called "trunk" of attachments should be vertically.

A satellite "plate" is put on the bracket, on which all components have already been collected. With the first orientation of the equipment to a particular satellite, it is enough just to approximate it in the desired side.

Norwey House with Parabolic Sat

The receiver connects to the television receiver and to the converter using a previously harvested cable. Next include equipment, and on the receiver choose the necessary satellite frequency. It will definitely be a plus if there is already a list of television channels on the receiver.

By pressing the "SAT" key, we use the list of satellites, among which you need to find the one we need. Next, you can find a list of channels that can be turned on immediately for viewing. When you first turn on the image will certainly be poor quality. To do this, you need to bring an antenna exactly to the satellite. The "Quality" scale will be available on the TV, with which you can achieve maximum image quality. "Plate" can be moved both vertically and horizontally. First you need to set the necessary angle of lifting, and then slowly rotate the horizontal plane. When the maximum quality value appears on the TV screen, you can safely fix the "Plate". To do this, you need to strongly tighten the bolts on the bracket. Definitely, it is impossible to overdo it, because then, in the future, it is impossible to redirect the equipment to another satellite.

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