Carrying system in the chicken coop do it yourself

April 14. Interior decoration, Repair and construction work Views 12352. Comments To write system of ventilation in the chicken coop do it yourself No

Chickens are considered perhaps the most unpretentious among all poultry in agriculture. However, despite this, like any other living creature, they need minimal conditions for comfortable life, breeding and egg production. This assumes, first of all, the content of the chickens in the place specially equipped for them - the chicken coop with the necessary number of petitions, feeders, nests and other devices, as well as ensuring proper ventilation of the room.

What is the ventilation in the chicken coop?

The need for ventilation of the chicken coop is due to the physiological features of the chickens, in which there is a large amount of such a toxic substance as ammonia.

  • Ammonia couples, which stand out in the surrounding space, negatively affect the mood of chickens, their health and egg production, as well as the quality of eggs. Therefore, due to the equipment of the most simple ventilation, it is possible to ensure the conclusion of these vapors outside the room, as well as, which is important, get rid of the unpleasant smell inside the chicken coop.


  • In addition, in the summer, the ventilation will reduce the temperature in the room, and in winter it is to ensure good air circulation and thereby reduce its humidity, prevent the reproduction of harmful bacteria and microorganisms, the emergence of various diseases in poultry and its chicks.

Therefore, the need for the ventilation of the chicken coop is obvious for everyone who is engaged in breeding chickens, but how to equip it is another question.

Chicken coop ventilation requirements

Ventilation of such a room as a chicken coop must comply with certain requirements.

  • First, it is necessary to provide access to the premises of the optimal amount of fresh air. The more chickens in the chicken coop and the more closely they are located with each other, the more fresh air you need. On average, about five chickens should be located on one square square meter.


  • Secondly, you should not forget that the ventilation implies air flow to the outside. If this happens in the cold season, it is thus you can significantly reduce the temperature inside the chicken coop, which, in turn, will negatively affect the state of chickens. In addition, they are especially sensitive to drafts. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the ventilation arrangement. Specialists to reduce heat loss recommend during the design process to provide installation of a ventilation lattice with small holes through which the fresh air will fall.

Types of ventilation in the chicken coop

There are two ways to improve ventilation in the chicken coop with their own hands: Natural and mechanical.

Natural chicken coop ventilation

This method is usually used in small rooms with a small amount of chickens. This is the easiest and affordable option. It involves the air of the chicken coop through the door or a specially equipped former, so as to prevent drafts.

For this, the window is placed above the door either on the roof, which will not only ensure the ventilation of the chicken coop, but also guarantee the natural access of light. This method is good for summer when the doors or the window can be kept constantly open. In addition, it requires the presence of a person.


Supply-exhaust ventilation in the chicken coop

But in winter, in this room, it is best to equip the supply and exhaust ventilation, which is pretty simply even on your own. For a smokehouse with an area of \u200b\u200bthree three meters, you will need two pipes with a diameter of 20 cm long about two meters. One of them will ensure the influx of fresh air (intake), and the other is the yield of warm contaminated air from the chicken coop outward (exhaust).
They are best located in different corners of the room for greater efficiency.


  • First we make holes in the roof for pipes and install them in turn.
  • The first exhaust pipe is Brepim not far from chickens by approximately 20 cm at the ceiling level. It will go far beyond the roof, about 1-1.5 meters.
  • And the second supply is located away from the vita (so that the cold air from the outside botheres the chickens) is in suspended state at 20-25 cm from the floor. Its second end should be higher than the roof level by about 30 cm.
  • So that during precipitation, the premises inside the premises did not get an extra moisture, the end of each pipe is best bent in the form of the letter G, as usual usually with chimney.
  • In order for the pipe in the pipe there is no cracks, it is put on the outside and paint.

Mechanical method of ventilation

This ventilation method is used in large rooms with large chickens. As a rule, this happens at large manufacturing enterprises, poultry farms.
The mechanical method is a kind of enhanced method of supply-exhaust ventilation with the difference that air circulation is achieved by installing special axial fans. They are included using remote controls or operate automatically.


Thus, the process of adjusting ventilation in the chicken coop is quite simple and accessible to almost everyone who decided to engage in breeding chickens.

You can learn more detail about the arrangement of the smokehouse in the video:

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