How to make a pillaby foundation

March 14. Repair and construction work, Construction Views 3677. Comments to record how to make a pillaby foundation No

Reliable foundation - base base. This is the main concern for those who are going to do a new building on the plot - be something a bath, a barn or even a whole country house. Pillar foundation is an excellent solution due to their advantages. And whether it is possible to make it yourself and still alone that it will be needed for this, as well as the secrets of the technology of its arrangement, read on.

What is a column foundation?

Agree, there is no need to put heavy reinforced concrete foundations if you are going to build any economic building. What can not be said about multi-storey country houses. What you need for such a foundation is known from the very name - pillars. Their laying also has their own nuances, otherwise the cracks are grieved soon. This form of foundations, many prefer due to its advantages, so consider them more specifically.


Advantages of a columnar foundation

  1. An impressive service life due to quality construction.
  2. Non-addicts to the type of soils (exception - bumping soil).
  3. The price of a pole foundation is 1.5, or even 2 times less than its other alternatives.
  4. An unemployed process of arrangement - little time goes to preparatory work, the installation is relatively simple, the task is done even for one person.


  • the type of foundation is not suitable if in the future you plan a cellar or basement;
  • not an option for severe, for example, reinforced concrete structures;
  • if there is a height difference (more than 2 m);
  • type of soil (weakly mobility and movable soil in the horizontal plane are not suitable for the construction of a pole foundation).

Calculation of column foundation

Naturally, it is stupid to work for work without preliminary calculations. And although the construction of a pillaby base is much easier than other species, here also have their own nuances. Let's consider it more.

Pillars for foundation

They can be performed in different ways, for example:

  • from concrete mixtures, asbestos pipes are used as a form;
  • from metal pipes;
  • piles, rail;
  • and even from wooden logs (mostly coniferous breeds).

The first option looks more durable. True, it is very popular, but it all depends on the type of construction. For low-rise construction, the method is the most effective. But, for example, a belt-pillar foundation is suitable for arranging the fence, because the fence of the excessive load is often often not carries.

To calculate the number of columns, the project of the future room will be required. All this is done at the preparatory stages, to the immediate construction. Poles are necessarily placed on each corner of the building, as well as under all the inner and outer walls after 1.5-2 m. In places allocated under the proof, they do not put them.

Depth of foundation

This question is one of the most important. For its calculation, data on the soil is needed (groundwater depth and soil freezing) and the weight of the future structures. Mostly these parameters are known, but there is an old way to learn it. It is enough to dig a pit until you reach incompressible layers - this will be the desired depth.

If the problem of high groundwater is very relevant, the yield is - mandatory drainage and waterproofing. They found that the soil is or peat, caring the machine of sandy soil.

How to make a pillaby foundation yourself?

As mentioned earlier, this task and one wizard according to strength. All that will be required of you is a clear execution of instructions. To reduce the construction time of the foundation, buy all the material, make sure that the necessary tool is available.

The initial stage is the preparation of the soil

1. All vegetation is cleaned in the territory allotted for construction. It is necessary to increase the clearing area at least 2 m from each of the parties. Layer thickness - 10-30 cm.


2. Survey of the soil. If the soil is suitable, there are no problems. If the soil is or peat, is required to replace the base of the foundation.
3. The horizontal leveling of the construction site is the following, which is done, getting rid of the buggers and pit. Required tool - level.

Breakdown under the foundation

At this stage, project documentation is transferred from paper to the site. Carrying the axis of the lines, it is important to control the accuracy of lines, pay attention to the corners of the foundation (all of them are straight - 90 °). Each column must correspond to the intersection of walls in the drawing.

The next stage is a bowl of a depth of 1-1.5 m (if it is a gazebo, it will be enough and 0.5-0.8 m). The time-consuming stage, however, to facilitate the task, use the boring, for a pole foundation, this is the perfect option that in a short time will provide all the necessary pits.


When erecting the foundation from concrete mixtures using asbestos pipes, consider the pens diameter by 10 cm more than the pipe itself. A sandy-gravel pillow is placed on the bottom (one sand will come to the extreme). Then it is poured abundantly water and trambet.

Formwork device for a column foundation

1. Select the material for formwork. The most suitable is wooden boards with a thickness of 20 mm. They are inexpensive, easy to install and have a small weight. Alternatives - metal structures, glued plywood (waterproof).

2. The installation is carried out with full adjunctions to the pit, strictly at an angle of 90 ° to the base of the foundation.
3. Boards are abundantly wrapped with water, then they will not take extra moisture from concrete, thereby worsening its strength.
4. If asbestos pipes are used for formwork, then after filling with concrete, they remain in the ground forever.

Reinforcement of supports foundation

This requires longitudinal fittings with a diameter of 12 mm. It is located inside the formwork at a distance of at least 5 mm from the edge of the pipe. Longitudinal rods are associated and connected with horizontal jumpers (they are also called clamps) with welding. Their diameter is about 6 mm, they are located every 25-35 cm.

Calculate the length of longitudinal rods is easy: they, as a rule, after the fill with concrete protruding over the ground by 30-40 cm. Do not be afraid to move with their size, in the future, after attaching the reinforced frame, it will easily steal.


It is collected separately, and already ready for it to the hole under the column. As you can see, the arrangement of the pillaby foundation is very difficult. After installing the formwork and reinforce, concrete is poured. After that, the waterproofing process is followed. And only when concrete gains strength, it's time to install the slabs of the overlap.

How to improve the view of a pillaby foundation?

Sometimes the construction is not so beautiful and looks on such thin legs-legs. What to decorate it? There is an answer - with the help of a clogging - walls of stone, wood or brick, which significantly improves the appearance of the foundation. It also serves as an additional insulation and protector of the walls of the structure from dust, snow, garbage.

Making a download is not difficult:
1. Drop pits with a depth of 20 cm.
2. The sand pillow is ensured.
3. The concrete screed is placed on the already familiar scheme - formwork and reinforcement.
4. The screed is already laid by a 40 cm climbing. This size can be varied: the more it is, the better the walls of the houses are protected from precipitation and dust.

When the pillars from the pipes are ready, it is time to think about its waterproofing. Most often this is done like this: on the upper part of the supports and the Bitumen, the rubberoid is applied on top, then another layer of bitumen and another rubberoid.

Many nuances you will see looking at the videos of the pole foundation with their own hands. In any case, you should not be afraid of difficulties.

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