Indoor pool with your own hands. How to build an indoor pool

March 14. Repair and construction work, Construction Views 5683. Comments To write an indoor pool with your own hands. How to build an indoor pool No

The pool is an opportunity to diversify your vacation and improve the physical form, so its construction is so popular among summer residents. But entertainment only for the summer period is not enough, in the event of a sporting need, you will have to take care of the indoor pool on the site.

Such designs are very convenient to operate, their advantages cover increased financial investments. Positive characteristics of closed pools are obvious:

  • preventing dirt and garbage ingress contributes to fewer water purification costs;
  • the presence of shelter helps for a long time to preserve the air and fluid temperature in the room, it saves the heated energy;
  • it provides year-round access to pleasant water procedures.

At the same time, the costs of additional equipment of the ventilation system increase. To obtain an optimal microclimate, the need for the design of air conditioning systems and air drying, because permanent humidity should exit the room.

Types of designs


All closed pools can be constructed in a separate building or located in a residential building. There are two options for design solutions:

  • stationary;
  • collapsible.

The first form is a capital construction that is limited only to the presence of the site of the desired size. Advantages consist in the properties of the finished design, increased strength due to the materials used allows you to install various devices and equipment.

The bowls for the stationary basin can be made of concrete or plastic, while laying the mixture is an indispensable part of the construction process. Therefore, the installation of such a design should be made only after the study of the soil.
The disadvantage of stationary basins is the complexity of preparatory work and construction itself. But all costs are ultimately paying off the durability of the design and its capabilities.

Unlike the first type, colosular pools have less strength, and the restriction in permissible sizes. Prefablast pools made of steel or plastic, depending on the selected shape and sizes, the technology of the installation of the bowl is selected.

Design - the basis of the process


Before building an indoor pool, make up a project with all the features of the construction. It is important to determine the type of construction and the appearance. To start the design you need to know such parameters:

  • basin size;
  • bowl shape;
  • decorative design.

Trust the preparation of the project of the indoor basin is better to specialists, because the terrain is learning to determine the location of the structure. The soil study by geologists is a mandatory point, because for the device of a reliable foundation there must be data on the state of the soil. You can order a project at the Institute or Private Organization.


To ensure comfort, during the construction of a closed basin, the ventilation system is performed in advance, the main task is to maintain temperature and humidity at a suitable level. To do this, use heating devices, as well as air conditioning and air drying devices. Specialists help to select equipment, because you need to know the technical parameters and the power of the instruments.

Required indicators for optimal air exchange

There are three indicators that require constant control:

  • water temperature;
  • air;
  • humidity level.

Ideal conditions suitable for comfortable swimming, T + 25 ° C is considered with a humidity of 40-60%. To maintain these indicators, the supply and exhaust type ventilation is organized, which requires the installation of dryers. The principle of operation of dryers consists in the fence of raw air, its cooling and reverse the room. At the same time, the flow of emerging air should be directed to walls or lamps, when applying directly to the bowl, the evaporation of moisture is enhanced.

Beginning of work


Consider the process of building a closed basin at the cottage with a concrete bowl, because the collapsible design requires only the preparation of the base, assembly and strengthening.

Buchi construction

The process consists of four stages:

  1. Drain pit. As a rule, for these works hire a special equipment. On the soil marked the boundaries corresponding to the size of the pool, the depth is measured in the course of the process in accordance with the project.
  2. Fill bowls. This requires a preliminary folding of the pillow with a sandy gravel mixture. A stove is placed on it - the base of the pool, the formwork is erected and the framework of the future design is reinforced. Concrete should include special additives that give the finished product waterproof properties, it is poured into one intake to obtain high-quality monolith.
  3. Waterproofing measures. Outside, it is necessary to equip waterproofing, which will help in the case of cracking in concrete. After disassembling formwork, the surface is treated with a means for opening the pore of concrete, then zamasnaya with waterproofing impregnations.
  4. Finishing works include the alignment of the surface of the bowl of plaster with latex additives and decorative finish. Mostly for cladding use tiles or mosaic - this option is durable, it allows you to make a pool in unique. Also used special coloring compositions and reinforced film. But the paint, though resistant to chlorine, comes in a disrete of a maximum after 4 years, the film also has a service life of about 15 years.

Roof setting


Next, the indoor pool with their own hands, in the absence of a separate, pavilion requires the use of arched design. Its construction will not be much difficulty, one can order separately in specialized companies. The frame is performed from aluminum profiles, the casing consists of polycarbonate plates. Collect such a coating will not be difficult, everything is performed according to the attached instructions. Such an idea resembles greenhouse structures, they are reliable and durable. At the same time, the cost of such a premises is distinguished by affordable and comparative comfort.

Equipment selection


The dryer is recommended to acquire from an industrial or semi-industrial class, they have a lot of performance. By type of installation, devices are distinguished:

  • wall-mounted
  • hidden.

It is easier to choose wall dryers, because the second option requires installation even during the construction of the building. As a supplement serve humidity maintenance systems.

Saving optimal temperature indicators

Maintaining the necessary air temperature is provided with radiators, convectors or warm floor systems. The choice helps to determine the designers.

For water, flowing heaters are involved, as a rule, heat exchange or electrical are used. Mounted devices after the filter, so when circulating water heats up and returns back to the pool.
The choice of the type of device depends on the size of the bowl, the electric heaters are used with medium sizes of the pool. The principle of operation is based on the contact heating of the passing fluid, adjustment of the heating temperature is carried out by thermostats.
For containers of large volumes, heat exchanging heaters are used. In this case, the liquid heats up in a separate boiler, and then mixed with cold water.

Water quality


It is important to pay attention to the selection of pump and filter to ensure good quality water in the pool. These settings are also selected depending on the volume of the bowl and the operating conditions of the pool.

For permanent circulation, holes in the cup are design, they are closed by special details. They can be made of plastic or stainless steel, differ mainly only in appearance.
To remove the upper layer of water, skimmers are involved, which are tanks with a damper. They are connected to the water intake pipe, so the fluid passes the initial cleaning. To update the lower layer of water, skimmers are connected to bottom plums. After cleaning and draining, the liquid goes back into the bowl through the wall nozzles, located opposite the skimmers. As a result, the circulation comes from one wall to another.

Additionally, hydromassage equipment can be provided or other options. The network offers various options indoor pools with photos. All wishes should be immediately defined before drawing up the project.

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