Chimney on the roof: Installation instructions

April 28. Roof, Repair and construction work Views 2233. Comments To the record of the chimney on the roof: Installation Instructions No

The chimney pipe is the most important element of the furnace design, without which it is impossible to be full and long functioning. The cookie is an honorary profession and quite specific, and therefore the services of such a master will cost Neszayevo. Therefore, many economical hosts take the situation in their hands and try to make a chimney on the roof with their own hands. In this article we will discuss all the nuances of this time consuming.

Features of construction

The chimney is necessary not only in homes where the Russian oven is installed, but also for fireplaces operating on solid fuel. If you want to continue an ancient tradition and make a real stove of stone or brick, then you should choose the right place for it. Since the design itself weighs a lot, it should stand on the most strong part of the foundation. In the old days, people were first built a stove, and then they were erected around the wall at home.

It is also important to ensure that there are too many wooden beams and crossbars over the furnace, since the temperature in this place will be high, which can provoke a fire hazardous situation. In addition, temperature drops negatively affect the durability of wooden elements.

From the length and straightformers of the chimney directly depends on the design of the design. To ensure cravings, it is necessary to install the pipe so that it blows around the wind - on the skate or not far from it.


The furnace mine can cause the rapid cooling of the gases produced during the combustion process. So that this does not happen, or the heat loss was minimal, it is necessary not only to install the pipe correctly, but to ensure its isolation. Otherwise, condensate will be formed on the border of warm and cold air, which gradually impresses the chimney and will block everything below, destroying it and provoking clogging.

One of the most important points in the construction of the chimney is the choice of materials. The correct material will provide the optimal temperature and durability. For the construction of chimneys, quickly warming materials are used, which are insulated throughout the entire length.

Choosing materials

For the construction of chimneys, three groups of materials are used: ceramics, metal and asbestos cement solutions. Moreover, each of them has its drawbacks, not allowing to say with confidence that one or another material is ideal for the construction of the chimney. That is why it is necessary to approach the choice with all seriousness, guided rather not properties, but how well building material is suitable for the design scheme of your stove.

So, metal chimneys look very thoroughly, only if you decide to make an oven chimney, which will be described in detail below. But to build a native metal will be very irrational, as it will cost more than the most fashionable furnace or fireplace.


For the arrangement of "internal" chimneys, modules or bricks are used, since these materials are fireproof and durable. For external, it is preferable to use asbestos-cement pipes, since they are able to withstand complex operating conditions - weather factors, temperature differences, humidity, etc.

Model chimney schemes

Before proceeding to the installation of the installation, it should be clarified that there are several chimney schemes. In accordance with these schemes and will be selected material for its construction. A properly selected scheme will reduce financial costs and save a mass of time.

Distinguish the following schemes of furnace pipes by type of construction:

  • hidden - installed in the ventilation cavities inside the walls of the house;
  • nazadny - join the outlet of the boiler duct (fireplace, furnace);
  • external - installed on the roof or facade of the house;
  • the indigenous is the "classic" scheme when the vertical riser is installed on its own foundation (Russian oven).

Each scheme corresponds to its own character of the decomposition of the air duct from the house. To remove the chimney outside the housing, it is necessary to first equip the internal hidden areas, and only then take for the outer chimney. Indigenous or road types are usually derived through roofing or attic overlap.

So, at the first stage, you need to choose the most appropriate type of chimney and in accordance with this purchase building materials.

Installation of chimneys with your own hands

The technology of the furnace pipe is very similar to the installation of an ordinary duct. The difference consists only that the gaining requirements for chimney is much striking. For this reason, the work is conjugate with some nuances - accurate calculation, the choice of materials, fasteners, refractory maps, etc.

Below we describe the main features of the construction of chimneys depending on the type of design and the materials used.

Modular chimney

If you plan to organize a chimney in the wall of the building, then it is necessary to take into account this in the construction of the wall. Otherwise, you will need to pierce the hole with a jackhammer. Of course, you can mount the furnace air duct in one of the existing ventilation channels, but then the conditions of fire safety significantly deteriorate.

To create a scheme for the location of the hidden chimney, it is highly recommended to resort to the services of a professional architect and not to do it yourself. It is not worth saving at this moment, because it is not only about the safety of tenants, but also about temperature deformations that may occur during the process of using the oven - the dimensions of the channel from hot gas may increase by exposing the walls of the house to destruction.


Smoking channels hidden in the bearing wall can be built on the basis of multilayer block materials. They are placed all over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe wall, fixing with the help of a special temperature-resistant adhesive composition. These blocks absorb thermal deformations with their dampers and retain the integrity of the wall.

The main thing and, perhaps, the only dignity of this type of chimney is that you will not need to isolate the pipe on the roof, since the chimney will go over the roof level inside the front.

Steel Hoody Chimney

Working with steel chimneys will not require special skills and time costs, so many household owners choose this particular type. Plus, metal structures are relatively inexpensive.

When installing a metal chimney, you need to consider the following nuances:

  • any metal pipe should understand and consist at least from two sections. This condition will help you to save later - when the first "knee" will proceed from constantly high temperatures (2-3 years), you will have to change not the entire pipe, but only its part;
  • where the pipe will pass through the roof and the wall, it is necessary to ensure reliable refractory insulation. Otherwise all the structure may catch fire;
  • The "body" of the pipe, which is in the unheated part of the house, should be carefullyroidered so that the cold air does not coordinate gas and did not affect the performance of the furnace. The execution of this condition also does not give condensate to accumulate on the surface of the chimney (the pipe will not rust);
  • high-quality waterproofing of the metal pipe is obligatory! Materials must be non-flammable - asbestos fiber, steel or ceramic casing, etc. In more detail about the waterproofing of the chimney, we will tell below.


Howled Metallic Hudded Chimney:

  1. Wear the first rings of the design on the outlet furnace air duct or screen nozzle.
  2. Take the second knee into the room through the attic and fix on the refractory strut.
  3. Connect the first and second knee.
  4. To derive the third segment of the design into the attic through the pass-through opening in the roof, and the location outside the street is to overlap with a special spherical casing.

Native brick chimney

This type is distributed mainly in the villages. Brick chimney, built in this way, will serve not one decade. The indigenous tube is usually built on a separate chimney foundation, which, in turn, is laid or poured at the stage of construction of the basement.

The process of installing a radical chimney is significantly more complicated than in the case of a housing metal pipe, but the operating time here is much more, and the quality is better. The root pipe must cope with the longitudinal load from the weight of the entire design, so it is folded from the burned brick. The masonry itself is in most cases part of the furnace (fireplace).

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Features of chimney laying:

  • to build a chimney channel, it is enough to leave a hole size with a conventional brick or even half of the brick. For this reason, for the laying of one layer, only 4-6 bricks will be enough, and the pipe itself will look carefully and will not take much space;
  • the layers are put so that the lower docking seam of the row is located under the next whole brick (slightly shifting each subsequent row to the Polkirpich);
  • in the attic, where the pipe comes out of the overlap, a special module should be made, which will help to remove the axis of the roof of the area relative to the axis of the pipe located in the room.

Despite the enviable durability and reliability of the structure, it is overcome complicated for modern construction. It will be possible to repair such a brick tube once every 2-3 years, therefore this method is suitable only if there are no other options.

External chimney

The chimney of asbestos-cement or metal modules should be mounted along the facade of the building, moving down-up.


Features of this type of construction:

  • where the outer tube will enter the house, it is necessary to make a special hole through which later to derive the horizontal segment of the chimney;
  • the location of the horizontal and vertical parts of the pipe should be decorated in the form of a tee, the lower (empty) part of which is closed by a plug. This minor item is very useful during the cleaning of the chimney;
  • attach the pipe to the front of the best metal detachable collars, which are fixed directly on the wall. The lower edge of the pipe must be attached to the special superstructure built on its own private foundation.

Excretion pipe through the roof

To display the chimney through the roof joists, must solve two problems:

  1. Protect the exit point of the pipe to a house is not infiltrated by moisture or debris.
  2. Provide reliable fire safety.

Must chimneys must be bottom-up on or near the ridge. If you print horse, make landfall point is quite simple. It will not collect deposits or fallen leaves, so the figure is automatically reduced occurrence of leakage.

One way or another, need to make a design of rafters without supporting beam or interrupted beam. This requires additional backups, it is not always possible to do, especially if it is a mansard roof.

You should also know that the chimney can not be output in place of convergence of the two roof slopes, as in this case it is almost impossible to achieve high-quality connections and insulation.

During the construction of should consider several important points:

  1. The roof rafters and must be separated by a distance not less than 25 cm.
  2. If the gable mansard roof is made of flammable materials, should make a small gap in the 13-25 cm in order to fire safety. Roof constructed of non-combustible materials enough distance of a few centimeters.
  3. Tube should be removed from the crates.
  4. To protect the thermal insulation layer of hot steam and moisture necessary to create a continuous heat and steam, and a slight clearance.
  5. Ideally, you should separate the zone adjacent to the chimney in the roof area, and make the likeness of a separate box, which was built from metal sheets, wooden rafters or boards.
  6. Boxes must be 12-15 cm from the tube and the gap should be the goal noncombustible insulation (rock wool).


Isolation stovepipe

Chimney insulation is held outside after plastering. When the plaster is still wet, it is glued an insulating material, over which the finishing is carried cladding. For structures made of metal or asbestos insulation conducted roll materials or stone wool.

Benefits isolated chimneys:

  1. The thermal efficiency of the furnace is increased several times.
  2. Increased safety when using the furnace.
  3. Aesthetic appearance.

For example, we propose to consider how to perform three-tier waterproofing on a bone roof:

  1. Glue superdiffuse membrane to the pipe with liquid bitumen mastic. First, the pipe is primed up with polymer mastic and glue the membrane, wrapping the edges. So you will ensure the tightness of the junction of the pipe with the roof, even if water falls on the membrane.
  2. Installing metal corners from above and below. Place the top sheets of metal on the lower in such a way that the water can go down on its own and unhindered. It is recommended to extend the lower tie to the sink of the roof.
  3. Secure corners on the crate by making additional bars on it.
  4. Treat all elements with sealant.
  5. Fix the design of the dowels.
  6. To put ondulin by the method of jack, and the seams are treated with bitumen mastics.
  7. To lay the cover apron (plastic, ceramics, etc.) in a circle, sealing onduflesh (special tape from bitumen and rubber, which provides powerful waterproofing).

Useful advice

Installing chimneys is a matter that requires special skills and knowledge, even if you have chosen a metal nozzle chimney. In addition, the work is conjugate with a clear risk, so security measures should be taken, while on the roof of the house.

To facilitate the task, we have prepared several useful advice:

  1. If you have decided not to make a separate box at the bottom for the pipe, be sure to leave the gaps between the chimney and the combustible wall materials.
  2. Try to make that the part of the pipe that will be outside, did not have junctions. If it is impossible to do this, take the dock over the outlet point of the pipe from the ceiling and not reaching the roofing material and the crate. All joints should be pulled by iron clamps, wrap asbestos and consolidate.
  3. If you want to make a chimney from a brick according to the method described above, use only burned brick specifically for furnaces. A robust cement or clay can be used as a binder solution.
  4. If you are not sure that you can properly build a chimney with your own hands, it makes sense to choose the finished chimney. Then you will only have to install it and make a pipe on the roof. Today you can find already isolated and fully protected chimneys that do not need to trim asbestos and handle mastic.
  5. To enhance fire protection, it is recommended to install a visor on a pipe that will protect against random sparks and precipitation.

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