Registration of the veranda do it yourself

March 31. Repair and construction work Views 1510. Comments To write the design of the veranda do it yourself No

A beautifully decorated veranda in a private house by many tired urban bustle and noise of urban residents, because it is so nice to sit in a cozy chair, drink tea in the circle of a mental company, streamline the movement of thoughts and recover.

It is on the veranda that you can create a unique space that will be a link between the natural natural benefits and the inner territory of your home hidden from prying eyes. After equipping the veranda, you will gain much more than they have invested, after all, the minutes of peace and pacification in the modern world are priceless.

We are accustomed to thinking that the veranda is more suitable for summer leisure, and her lungs, pleasant embraces really very much will be a warm season for the whole of your family. But you should not put the artificial boundaries of the game of imagination and financial opportunities, because with the help of insulation on it, it will be no less comfortable and in the diverse autumn evenings, and in the silver snow captivity in winter, and in anticipation of the spring awakening of nature spring sometimes.

Open veranda: Summer option

Of course, the creation of a cozy summer space veranda can do without the cost of great efforts and solid cash investments. Summer is an open joyful time, naturally penetrating our homes and hearts.

Flower arrangements on the veranda


  1. Let the warm great time closer come close to the borders of your home, placing outdoor boxes with flowers and ampel plants on the veranda. Ampels are suspended vases from which there is a beautiful floral waterfall, or a refuge for seeking toasting, curly plants.
  2. Using such a simple approach to design a veranda with flowers, you make unique, attracting outdoor facade at home and very much save space.
  3. The suspension option of placing flowers looks very effectively and ideally suitable for families with young children, the irrepressible energy of which can conflict with flower pots standing on the floor. In addition, this method is distinguished by its mobility and you can easily play colors and forms of floral arrangements, changing them in places and combining each other in different ways.
  4. The most popular ampel colors are Petunia, Pelargonium and Surfinia. These are very colorful plants that bloom in many inflorescences. They can be planted in one pot with other representatives of garden beauty, which differ in height, then such a composition will look very rich.
  5. In order for different flowers peacefully got along with each other, it is necessary to observe the rule of the same demand of the plant in watering and use the soil whose characteristics are suitable for all residents of one pot.
  6. Typically, the soil for colors in the pot is a mixture of humus, peat and sand or ready-made composition sold in specialized stores. The addition of hydrogel granules will help keep the moisture, the necessary plants, longer and makes it possible to raise the plants.
  7. It is not worth paying great attention to the decor pot, because very quickly floral shoots will completely close his appearance, but its size affects the frequency of watering: the less, the more often the plant will have to water.
  8. Solding thirst for flowers is better early in the morning or in the evening. If you are absent, and the soil in the pot hardened, it can badly pass moisture to the roots of plants. In this case, you can use pieces of ice, the gradual melting of which will moisturize the soil most effectively. You can put a pot with flowers into a large water container, then through the hole to eliminate excessive moisture, the Earth is completely saturated with fluid in a few hours.
  9. Flowers in pots need additional feeding with special fertilizers, then they will remain juicy and fresh for a long time.
  10. If you approach the design of floral arrangements with fiction and humor, then as a pot you can easily use the items that have learned items: an old boot, garden watering can, a kettle with rust and other woundings, which will benefit your individuality.

Furniture for open veranda


  1. A gusty wind can sometimes penetrate the territory of the open veranda, carrying abundant thunderstorms of rain, fog, excessive dampness. Given these oscillations, it is better to abandon the use of wooden and upholstered furniture for the veranda.
  2. The main quality of furniture on the veranda should be its ease and mobility, because sometimes you want to warm up in the rays of the affectionate sun falling into a certain place of the veranda, and sometimes move chairs and the table in the shadow, saving from summer heat.
  3. Very suitable option for a dacha or home veranda - beautiful wicker rattan furniture. This is a kind of tropical liana, attracting masters and customers of products from it with its exotic appearance, flexibility and high wear resistance. In addition, it is not at all capricking in care, does not require the use of expensive polyterols and other care products.
  4. High humidity is not terrible from rattan furniture, since his homeland is familiar with the drops of humidity, temperature and abundant precipitation. This is a very durable material that is withstanding the weight of hundreds of kilograms. Lost the furniture will last for many years.
  5. Products from rattan, having inserts of other natural materials, look very original and stylish. A table with wicker legs and glass riding will be an excellent decoration of your veranda.
  6. Alternative to Rotangu can be domestic vine. This material is much cheaper, but is inferior to Rotangu in many indicators. Nevertheless, there are a large number of beautiful and practical products for the veranda of this species.
  7. If the woven furniture is not on your pocket, then conventional plastic chairs and tables are suitable. If desired and creative approach, it is possible to successfully beat its simplicity, focusing on the color decision and decorative decorations.
  8. Will be relevant on your veranda, frameless chairs and deputies with a dermantine surface. Their bright, playful design and relaxed forms will help the body to fully relax and raise the mood.

Decor for veranda


  1. Registration of the veranda of the house does not need strict rules and restrictions. Here as decoration will be appropriate anything. You can safely express your preferences and tastes, furnishing its territory with cute hearts.
  2. The passion for fishing and recreation on the river can be represented by hanging on the wall a lifebuoy, fishing nets, fishing rods and other items. Place a good photo or pictures of your favorite landscapes on the wall or other topics. It is necessary to choose the right light, so that it was comfortable and stylish here.
  3. As hangers or just decorating hunters like to attach to the wall of deer horns or settle on the shelves, decorative animal figures.
  4. Beautifully looks at the von, decorative bottles with bright filling, and an important samovar will become a wint of design in the country style. Cute knitted napkins and openwork tablecloths, as well as cozy pillows will give the interior and comfort interior. Supplies to the design of the veranda and small rugs on the rustic motive made by their own hands.

Closed verandas: Winter option


  1. Closed verandas easily turn the space in an extra room with their special mood and charm.
  2. Very impressive application on the veranda of stained glass windows. They use colored glass and complement the mosaic. Refracted solar rays penetrating through such a design, create an unmatched game of light and shadow. The design of the veranda with stained glass will cause your guests a desire to make a photo against the background of such unmatched beauty.
  3. Even the closed territory should pass a lot of sunlight and give the opportunity to admire natural beauty to the maximum, so it is often used as a material for walls with a glass from the top and to Niza without using frames. It is not necessary to be afraid of the brittleness of such a design, because it is made of very durable material, and the unmatched look is guaranteed.
  4. Glazed windows can also be adjusted by curtains that will protect from the annoying sun in the heat and become a spectacular decoration of space. The style of the curtains should be designed in accordance with the design of the entire veranda.
  5. It is better not to use bright colors in the decor, since the abundance of the Sun can lead to their burnout. To emphasize natural lighting, experts advise the use of light pastel shades.
  6. On a closed veranda, you can use all types of furniture and decor items that are suitable for home furnishings. Also, relaxing rocking chairs are also prevented, in which you can take a break, loyering the warm blanket.
  7. It is very beneficial to diversify your country vacation cracking of a roast fire in the fireplace. In a cool summer evening or autumn weather, there is nothing better than a peaceful, serene pastime near the natural source of heat and light.

Application Body: Options


In a comfortable, thoughtful space, you can not only rest. If it is well thought about the design of the veranda, you can organize completely diverse activities, compensating for a small area of \u200b\u200bthe house.

Dining room on the veranda


  1. The design of the veranda at the cottage under the dining room will allow for the warm season a pleasant to hold family meals over the large table. You should not be limited to family gatherings on the veranda only on holidays, it is much better to create a cheerful, relaxed atmosphere often, without looking at the calendar.
  2. In the summer, breakfast, dining and dinner outdoors - the dream of many people. From here and to the kitchen to serve, and for children in the yard look comfortable. A closed space can serve as a dining room and in a cooler time of the year.
  3. The appropriate dining decor on the veranda can be clay, degraded with ethnic ornament of dishes, beautiful jugs and trays. The dishes can be placed on the walls, shelves, creatively suspending the ceiling.

Veranda - place for creativity


  1. People with creative in nature use the cozy veranda space to exit inspiration.
  2. Here you can draw, for which it is enough to install an easel and a small table for art supplies. Many prefer to engage in handmade or sewing, using a minimal set of suitable furniture: a table, a comfortable chest of drawers with boxes or rack with a set of shelves. Well, computer geniuses are easily equipped here a corner for a computer or laptop.
  3. When placing a veranda on a small dacha, when it is important to save space, you can use folding tables and various retractable devices, demonstrated on a set photo on the Internet.

Cabinet on the veranda


  1. The territory of the veranda is easy to equip under the working office, and then any intellectual work under the singing of birds, a light breath of the breeze and the affectionate sun will be filled with inspiration and ease.
  2. It is not difficult to issue such a workspace at all, it is enough to install a suitable table, shelves, the necessary accessories for stationery and comfortable lighting.

Space for games on the veranda


  1. If you want a children's passion for the designer, toy kitchen, the dishes and educational games in the fresh air, you can give the summer open veranda to the confusion of your tea, equipping the playroom here.
  2. Look, if necessary on the floor, a comfortable rug, pride the shelves or basket for storing toys and teach the child to always leave the order. If the baby is comfortable to spend time with toys on the veranda, then calm will be guaranteed to you.

To spend time on a spacious or very small veranda of cottages or country houses, show the smelting and creativity and then you can create a comfortable environment for your family without the help of serious cash investments. Well, if you save you there is no need, then the design of the veranda in your sensible leadership and painstaking work of specialists can be truly royal.

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