How to choose a rink for lawn

July 12. Instruments Views 2958. 1 comment to write how to choose a rink for lawn

Green, beautiful lawn can quickly turn into an overgrown high grass pad with a multitude of bodies, if you do not care for it. Work surrounded by flowers and plants accompanied by bird singing is pleasant, but it is impossible to say that light. Easy her rink for lawn. Tips for choosing a rink for lawn you will find in this article.

Purpose of roller

The roller perform the following work:

  • eliminate irregularities on the surface of the lawn and eliminates soil drawdown in the future. On the flat site it is convenient to use the lawn mower, its knives are not blocked for a long time. Lawn will be safe for children. There will be no bumps;
  • press the rolled lawn to the ground, then it takes better;
  • riot Rink Rutter after haircut and mulching. Perfectly smooth, fluffy lawn will become exquisite;
  • destroy the thin layer of ice formed early spring on the lawn;
  • eliminate the irregularities on the repaired areas of the lawn;
  • apply for sealing garden tracks from gravel or other material.


Variety rink for lawn

Rollers are divided into:

  • mechanical. It is used when the plot revealed under the lawn has a large area;


  • manual. These rollers are the most popular. Used on relatively small areas.

Depending on what a manual roller drum is filled with a lawn, it can be:

  • water-water;
  • sandy.

Other parameters differ:

  • on many models, the weight is adjustable and is 50-120 kg;
  • width ranges from 0.5 to 1 m;
  • on the drum, there are sometimes spikes that allow you to aerate the soil of the lawn. They are called them: aerators.


Homemade garden rink for lawn

Garden rink for lawn can not only buy, but also make it yourself. Round empty capacity in the farm always finds. In the extreme case, a heavy log is suitable, and if it is for the manufacture of a rink to use an asbotic or steel pipe, it will last long.

Tube roller

Do it simple:

  • we take a piece of pipe that suits you in length and diameter;
  • in the middle insert the segment of the pipe, the diameter of which is less than several times;
  • pour space between pipes concrete;
  • we produce a metal bar into a pipe of a smaller diameter;
  • Fresh comfortable handle. Rink ready. It is heavy enough, and the surface is smooth, which was required.

Healthy: Instead of the pipe, the receiver is suitable from the car MAZ or ZIL with a metal rod inserted in the middle.


Log as a rink

The rink of the log is the easiest option. It is only difficult to find a suitable log, because a number of requirements are presented to it:

  • its surface must be completely even smooth;
  • wood density is high, and the diameter is large;
  • length is no more than 1 m;
  • weight minimum 50 kg.

Very simple option

Plastic bottles are often charged in different situations. The case with the manufacture of a garden rink for the lawn is no exception. So:

  • we take two large plastic liters bottles on 19;
  • i connect the bottoms and fasten very firmly;
  • fill the bottles with sand or water;
  • we bind to the neck bottles rope. Everything. You can work.

There are also manual rollers, but agree, he is uncomfortable:

We buy skating

If you have decided not to fool your head with homemade, but to buy a lawn rink, go to a specialized store.

What to navigate when choosing a rink

Choosing a rink in the trading network, focus on:

  • on the size of the plot;
  • soil type;
  • quality material and its thickness;
  • Internal rink fillers. In this case, both water and sand are reliable;
  • what money you are going to post for him.

There are a lot of proposals, because the rollers produce domestic and well-known foreign manufacturers. We will get acquainted with some models that are most often found on sale.

Hand-made lawn roller haemmerlin

This garden tool is produced in France. Designed for a small site, because It has low weight and relatively modest dimensions:

  • weighs 10 kg filler to frill;
  • diameter of roller 320 mm;
  • width - 490 mm;
  • the cylinder is made of high-quality solid metal;
  • water poured inside or falling asleep sand.


  • easy to operate;
  • reliability;
  • durability.

Skating rink Sadko HLR-57

From Slovenia gets to us rink garden Sadko HLR-57:

  • the width of its working part is 0.5 m;
  • diameter rink 300 mm;
  • rink material - high quality steel. Prevents corrosion special coating;
  • without sand and water weigh 10 kg;
  • through the hole in the cylinder inside the sand poured, the weight adjusting the weight;
  • maximum weight with water 50, and with sand 80 kg;
  • internal volume of roller 40 l.



  • the ability to select the required weight;
  • for one rope of the lawn to achieve the required quality.

Roller for the lawn Al-Ko GW 50

Produced by the Austrian company Al-Ko. His characteristics:

  • 300 mm diameter;
  • width - 500 mm;
  • in empty form weighs 13 kg;
  • when water pouring, the weight increases to 75 kg;
  • with sand has a maximum weight of 120 kg. As you can see, this rink is the hardest;
  • material - Steel high quality coated protecting against corrosion;
  • on the roller there is a hole where sand shovel.



Mechanical rollers

If you are the winner of the lawn of a large area and you have a garden tractor, then you need the rinking rink.

Mtd rink 91 cm


This roller you can do all the same works as manual. It differs from his manual fellow performance, and even on such a rink for lawn, the price is significantly different. His features:

  • this roller pushed;
  • polyethylene roller body;
  • to attach it is possible to any tractor-lawn mower;
  • dried by adding water through the hole available on the rink;
  • diameter 460 mm;
  • width 910 mm;
  • without water weigh only 18 kg, and when filling, weight increases to 182 kg.

Here you can see how the pushed roller works:

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One answer to how to choose a rink for lawn

  1. Peter:

    This is a herbal layer with a small amount of fertile land (together with the root system). All this twisted into rolls. Grown lawn on specially designated plantations. Upon reaching the grass, the necessary length and order of ordering on the device of a rolled lawn, it is cut neatly with the turf and then folds. Then all this is delivered to the object and stacked on the soil prepared in advance.
    Classroom.rf / Ozelenenie-I-Blagoustrojstvo / Ukladka-Rulonnogo-Gazona /
    True, the cost of laying a rolled lawn significantly exceeds sowing, but there are tangible advantages:
    Already on the day of arrangement of such a lawn, he will begin to please you with his beauty;
    The rolled lawn has already managed to gain its power until he germinated on a separate lawn;
    Fast landscaping area and the ability to fully relax on the lawn two weeks after laying.
    Especially relevant to the laying of a rolled turnkey lawn in the event that there is a festive event in the near future or your children will come to you for summer holidays.

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