Montage Technology Folding Roof

February 25. Roof Views 2915 Comments to record technology installation of a folded roof No

The roof is an integral part of any house. It protects the structure from the penetration of precipitation and wind. In addition, the appearance of the roof is a completed chord when creating the design of the entire building.

What you can make a folding roof

Now there are many roofing materials. One of the modern roof coating options is a folding roof. She received its name from a special seam. It is formed when the metal sheets are connected and is called a fold.


Thanks to its unique qualities, the use of a folding roof today has become a rather common phenomenon. Its main advantages include:

  • absolute tightness of the compounds;
  • magnificent heat insulation;
  • long period of operation;
  • low weight;
  • ease of installation;
  • corrosion resistance;
  • affordable installation price of a folding roof.

The presence of a smooth surface makes it possible to reduce the load on the truck system during the melting of snow.

The classification of the roof is the material of the manufacture. It is divided into the following types:

  • cink Steel;
  • copper;
  • aluminum;
  • from zinc alloy and titanium.

Galvanized steel has long been used as roofing. Now it is additionally processed by polymeric substances. This leads to an improvement in the decorative qualities of coating and resistance to the negative effects of sunlight.


Installation of copper folding roof, which is produced in rolls, extends the operating period of the roof to several hundred years. Moreover, such a roof can fit not only with the help of false, but also using soldering.

The aluminum folding roof is also mounted by rolls, is not subject to corrosion process and various deformation phenomena arising from temperature differences.

The material "Zinc-titanium" is produced in sheets and ribbons. Despite the amazing corrosion resistance and the long-term operational period, the material has significant disadvantages. The main ones are fragility and incompatibility with some woody rocks and metals.

Preparation for installation

Before starting to install a folding roof, a rafter system should be prepared. Its wooden components are necessarily processed by special compositions that prevent combustion and rotting wood.

The shadow step depends on the type of roofing material. For example, when laying a steel structure there will be enough distances between the boards up to 20 cm. When mounting the folding roof from copper, the frame is made solid.


There are still such nuances when creating a crate:

  • for the cornese swells and grooves for draining the board on rafters, they are stacked without gaps;
  • in the presence of rash, each roof side (up to 50 cm) is covered with a solid milking flooring;
  • sking joints are placed on both sides with two boards that form an angle.

The assembly of the folded roof provides for the following consecutive actions:

  • creating accurate drawings;
  • cutting sheets for the main part of the roof and all adjoins;
  • fastening individual parts by false;
  • the solid tape should be placed on all skate;
  • bending edges of ribbons.

The folding compound may be single and double. The use of the first is advisable when the roof slide slope is more than 15º. When creating flat roofs, it is better to use double folds. It also applies with the arrangement of the grooves and adjoints.

To perform the work qualitatively, you will need a special tool for mounting the folding roof. In fact, the folding tool is a set of tick-frames, with which the fastening and closing of the folds occurs.

Mounting work

At the initial stage, attention is paid to the drainage system. The chute can be attached in two ways:

  • suspended;
  • wall messenger

The suspension design is distinguished by a complete collection of water and the lack of laying folds. But on the other hand, in the winter time, icicles and scalle can lead to the deformation of the gutter. Wall chute perfectly delays snow. But with active melting, it may not withstand the loads, which will lead to the appearance of leaks.


According to the instructions on the installation of the folding roof, the initial stage provides for the arrangement of the cornisses. To do this, install pins having brackets for the water intake funnel, and the T-shaped crutch.

From the flooring of the swelling from the boards at a distance of 12 cm, the crossroads of the crutch occurs. Crutches and pins should be flush with flooring. Their mount is carried out with the help of screws or nails. Crossroads of crutches should enter drip bends.

The technology of installation of the folding roof provides for the use of blesses. With their help, a reliable fastening of metal strips to the roof frame is made. Clammers are made of the same material as the roof.

Sheet strips are attached along a smaller fill. The number of coughs should form a minimum two pieces on each side of the sheet. The strips of the folding roof are 5-6 cm. This is necessary to create a skate ridge.

To install single folds, you can use the Cyanka and Grebeliek. Places where the docking of the material with the walls and the connection of the suspension, should be treated with silicone sealant. Only so you can avoid leaks.


The cost of mounting the folding roof increases slightly when floating beats are used. They are used when laying too long bands and are intended to prevent deformation processes at temperature differences.

One of the most vulnerable places of the metal roof includes a flue pipe collar. Its proper creation does not allow the formation of slots when connecting the lower and upper elements with side aprons.

Video on the installation of a folding roof:


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