Repair perforator with your own hands

August 20. Instruments Views 12320 1 comment to write repair perforator with your own hands

The perforator always works in extreme conditions. It is not surprising that over time he comes out, both both shirpoty model and well-known brands. If the perforator is expensive, then I just don't throw it and you will not beat the other in return, and it is not necessary. Better try to repair the perforator with your own hands, and our article will help you in this.

Be or not to repair

When you are standing in front of the choice and decide what to do with a perforator, which does not want to work, think: if you repair it yourself? It is necessary to take for repair if:

  • you already have experience in repairing some mechanisms;
  • if your perforator does not apply to the cheapest models. In this case, not only not worth the repair independently, but also should not contact the masters. As the saying goes: "Sheepbank the Snacks is not worth";
  • if you know the nuances of the perforator device, which are going to repair, because they are very unlike each other, everyone has its technological features.


Perfect to consider a specific example that we will do.

Repair of perforator Mcita


This puncher is known for its reliability, but still ever comes the limit and its endurance.

We disassemble our tool and start with the cartridge

To find out the cause of the breakdown, it is necessary to disassemble the mechanism:

  1. Remove the lever by means of which switching is performed. It takes special care here, otherwise the repair can end with further destruction of the details.
  2. If you have a Makita model 2450, then the cartridge is not removed here, so you have to disassemble it:
  • we take a screwdriver flat and remove the rubber gasket - the barrier on the way of getting dust inside the perforator. Perhaps this item has changed more than once;
  • on the queue stop ring;
  • now the lid is prevented further disassembly. We remove it and see that in the trunk of the cartridge there is a fixing knot consisting of a ring holding a ball heading for a ball, a conical spring. We disassemble everything in order, starting with a metal ring.

What surprises can you expect you after disassembling the cartridge? Typical problems:

  • the gasket of rubber was worn out and no longer prevents dust from getting inside the perforator. Repair will be to clean the parts from dust and replace the anther. Dirt will penetrate and in case the lid on the cartridge is deformed. It does not particularly affect the work, but the details will be fastened faster;
  • ring stopped relaxed or was worn at all. Change it;
  • i caught a ball. The output is simple - replacement, but with the condition that the diameter is not less than the micron, otherwise the cartridge will again come out and is finally. Do not forget to lubricate this element on conscience and fix in the hole of the guide washer;
  • wires of the guide ball itself are possible, i.e. Washers at points where they are in contact. With critical wear, we make a replacement;
  • spring conical is the most resistant part, but during long work can also be deformed. If this happened - we perform a replacement, turning its smaller vertex to the reducer;
  • now you can collect the cartridge, and make the assembly in the reverse order and in the end we lubricate the end of the bora.


We disassemble the switch that controls the choice of operation modes

To perform this operation, a screwdriver is required 2 mm, having a T-shaped work part:

  • the main task is to pull the latch out of the handle. By inserting a screwdriver into one of the grooves on the side of the handle, carefully engage at first in one wing of the latch, and then for another and pull it out of the handle. At the same time, the spring can spoil, and the retainer will jump out of the knob. Hold it so that this does not happen;
  • now it is required to remove the handle to the left before the coincidence of the protrusions on it and the recesses on the gearbox housing. Switch is released and we dismantle it;
  • the retainer, together with the spring, take out;
  • we remove the rubber seal located on the switch knob;
  • clean all the details and place of their location.

We find breakdown

  • The first thing that most likely was the reason for the failure of the perforator - the developed fingers of the switch, because during operation they constantly come into contact with rotating parts. The switch is needed to be changed, but if the work cannot be interrupted to search for a new switch, then simply expand the worn item 180 degrees. Measure this temporary and complete replacement is still not avoided.
  • Separate places have become unusable. Switch change.
  • Sealing round rubber gasket is deformed and lubrication flows out of the gearbox. The output is obvious - we make a replacement.
  • The transfers of the fixer, holding it in the gearbox, which contributes to spontaneous switching of modes. You can not change the lock, if this problem does not confuse you, the puncher will still work.
  • A breakdown of both wings of the retainer, which leads to the population of the switch from its landing place in the case. We change the lock and work on.

Collect switch:

  1. The knob of the switch is equipped with two metal fingers. They need to be lubricated, and at the same time the ring, before putting it in place.
  2. Further in the handle we place:
  • spring;
  • retainer;
  • latch.

3. In the gearbox, we place the switch, but only partially, otherwise we will not be able to perform the following operation

4. The switch will have to turn counterclockwise so that it becomes as it stood when we dismantled it. Now he will completely stand in his place. If you feel that something is wrong, it means that you blocked overly latch.

5. It remains to scroll down the switch clock while it takes the position of the drilling mode, press the latch, make sure that the switch moves both in the selected positions, and repair the perforator in this part is complete.
On the gearbox.

Repair gear

If there are no suspicion that the engine burned down, the task is simplified by the fact that the entire gearbox will not dismantle:

  • with the barrel situated in the perpendicular position, pulling casing with the needle bearing. The fault may occur in that the bearing is not released, and this testifies to the development of the seat in the housing. Then the body should be replaced;
  • replacement parts required, and when landing weakened intermediate shaft bearing;
  • if you noticed that there is a leak of oil, it is sometimes, though rarely, it is necessary to carry out change of the gland, a place which - body neck. The most common cause is not the omentum, and excess grease;
  • if you have a real Makita, not the fake - a seat for the switch is generated is extremely rare, and if you slipped a fake, the body will have to change for this reason often.

Cause found and eliminated now collect, thus:

  • grease details, but in moderation;
  • remove from the housing of the metal particles;
  • make sure that everything goes right;
  • set casing in place.


Here master parses Makita rotary hammer in 5 minutes:

Repair Hammers Bosch

Bosch applies for punch with long service life, but sometimes even repair the most famous brands.



So what are the fault may be in this punch:

  • to disassemble the instrument in vain rang first cord, it may cause damage to the stop;
  • if the cord is in order, check the armature and the stator. To do this, remove the cover at the back and at first just check, and then test;
  • examining the top node, perform work in the following sequence: rubber tip, locking washer, the head, the spring, the ball;
  • dismantle the housing and the switch;
  • achilles' heel of Bosch - a ring compressor and a striker, pushing the drill. More often than not you are guilty, when you consider that the harder you push, the better it will work tool. And just the opposite. You push harder and reduce the stroke of the striker, frequent strikes and as a consequence, a striker comes into disrepair;
  • if not periodically lubricate the drill shank, the ring seal and the striker will go to fail more often.

Technology, in general, is not very different from used in the repair of other brands of hammers.


Subtleties repair punch video will give better than any description:

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One answer to the punch with their own hands Repair

  1. Oleg:

    Somehow, nothing is said about the heavy drills Hitachi, for example, about DH50MR, and he's under the same characteristics cheaper and Bosch and Makita

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