Fiberglass wallpapers: features, characteristics and application of material

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Traditional paper wallpapers are hardly surprised by anyone. Undoubtedly, there are other types of coverage, such as bamboo, vinyl, liquid wallpapers, but what if I want to bring originality to the interior? Designer ideas and modern technologies are constantly developing, and the new type of finishing material is gaining popularity of rapid pace. Fiberglass Wallpaper Painting The optimal option for creating an extraordinary and aesthetic room design.

Essence and features of wallpaper

Fiberglass canvas is a type of decorative wallpaper, which are made from natural raw materials - dolomite, quartz sand, soda, clay and lime. As a result, the coating base is similar in the structure of fiberglass material. In other words, thin threads fiberglass, different densities and thicknesses, knit as a wool sweater. After that, a special composition is applied to the canvas, and it acquires a stable shape.

Gymelomes are becoming increasingly popular among domestic consumers, since it is profitable to stand out against the background of analogues. On the jacquard weaving canvas, as a rule, distinguished patterns, asymmetric drawings and other decorative elements are depicted. Due to this, fiberglass wallpaper can decorate any dwelling interior.


Production technology

Fiberglass options are produced in modern high-tech workshops on several types of equipment. An important condition that must be observed is the temperature in a fiberglass furnace should be +1200 ° C. In general, the manufacturing process can be described as follows:

  1. Of the main components - soda, clays, limestone and quartz sand under thermal exposure occurs the formation of threads.
  2. The resulting fibers are subsequently formulated in the yarn and come to the weaving machine where the glass tuning canvas is created. At the same time, the quality and coefficient of wear resistance will depend on the type of threads: they can be both single-layer, so double-layer.
  3. Upon completion of the weaving process under the influence of a special press on the finished canvas, embossing is applied - a certain embossed pattern. Print variations depend on the technological equipment of each individual manufacturer. As a rule, these are geometric pattern patterns, ornaments in the form of a Christmas tree and other variations of drawings.


Manufacturers of fiberglass wallpaper

The segment of fiberglass wall coverings today lead two companies - the German Concern Vutrulan and the American manufacturer Johns Manville.

Johns Manville Johns Gymella

The concern provides the consumer products under the trademarks such as Wellton, Tassoglas, Oscar and Schuller. Differences of manufactured fiberglass wallpaper consists in the price, quality and variations of drawings. Consider the detailed features of the products of the two most common brands:

  • a series of fiberglass wallpaper OSCAR is characterized by variability of both texture prints on the material canvas and the varieties of painting phlizelin or glass cholester. Products are available in different density, due to which has a wide scope of use;
  • wellton Gymeloton Series features high quality products: an ideally smooth surface of a web, high smoothness, good reinforcing properties, as well as simplicity in operation and resistance to synthetic detergents.


Vitrulan fiberglass coating

Undoubtedly, an alternative to the first manufacturer who can buy fiberglass wallpaper at an affordable price, is the products of the Vitrulan Textilglas GmbH concern. Products of this manufacturer have the following characteristics:

  • high service life - over 30 years;
  • high hygroscopic and countertility indicators, due to which they can be glued even in the bathrooms;
  • simplicity of the process of sticking and performing repair work;
  • gymelocoes do not accumulate static electricity, due to which dust does not settle on the walls;
  • fiberglass wallpaper of this brand "Breathe", which prevents the reproduction of bacteria and a moldless fungus indoors;
  • high quality manufacturing allows you to repaint the fiberglass wallpaper single-layer to 10 times without loss of operational characteristics.


Advantages of using glasses

The main advantages of the operation of the fiberglass wall covering include the following factors:

  • gymelomes belong to environmentally friendly materials that are completely hypoallergenic and can be used to design a child's room;
  • prevent the sedimentation of dust on the walls, as well as the formation of fungus and mold;
  • can be performed in wide variability of textures, styles and design solutions, due to which harmoniously fit into any dwelling interior;
  • gymelocoes are characterized by high strength, as well as resistant to physical and mechanical effects;
  • ability to stick to any type of surface;
  • the coating has reinforcing properties, due to which the risk of cracks on the walls is reduced;
  • high fire fighting characteristics;
  • long service life - up to 30 years;
  • ease of care and durability of material to the effects of chemical detergents;
  • the possibility of repeated renewal and repainting, some coating is able to withstand 25 cycles, and the average variables ranges from 10-12 times;
  • high coefficient moisture resistance.


Distinctive characteristics

Consider a set of parameters that distinguish of glass fiber wall covering from traditional vinyl or paper wallpaper:

  1. The high strength material, together with the elasticity. Thanks to these features to perform gluing process can be even the novice webmaster as to spoil the canvas is almost impossible.
  2. The porous structure of fiberglass wallpaper favors a healthy and comfortable microclimate in residential space, which is ensured by a good pairs of material. In addition, the wallpaper passes the air, saving the walls from the reproduction of fungal infection and mold. This allows you to use this coating even in high humidity climatic zones.
  3. Such products are made from natural raw materials, it is absolutely hypoallergenic and environmentally friendly. Due to this, it is permissible to stick in the children's room, as well as in the room where Allergy lives.
  4. Fiberglass wallpapers, which are often decorated with designer publications, have the properties of reusable. They can be repainted several tens of times, so that this coverage is beneficial to apply in children's institutions, museum halls, hospitals and restaurants.
  5. Gymelomes belong to the discharge of the reflected materials.
  6. Fiberglass coating has the characteristics of the strength due to which they are not afraid of contact with the hands of man, furniture, etc.
  7. Wallpapers are advantageous from the analogues for a long service life. This indicator varies within 10-30 years, which will depend on the quality of the painted materials and features of operation.
  8. This coating can be deactivated and disinfection, since the web is resistant to an aggressive chemical environment.
  9. Such a coating is superfluous in care, since any detergents are suitable for cleaning.
  10. Wallpapers fit harmoniously into any interior due to the unobtrusive pattern, laconic design and the possibility of scenery in their project.


Scope of glasses

The range of use of wallpaper on a fiberglass basis is quite varied. Fiberglass coating applies to design such objects as:

  • buildings with high fire safety requirements;
  • medical institutions;
  • office space and retail space.

Due to the fact that the glass windows are used under the finish finish and the possibility of painting in any desired shade appears, this material can be used to decorate such public places as:

  • administrative institutions;
  • hotels;
  • schools, kindergartens;
  • restaurant halls.

However, the extraordinary durability and originality of fiberglass wallpapers are dictated by the popularity of such a wall covering among consumers of ultramodern products. Through what glazes fit harmoniously into the decorative concept of any designer residential design project.

The video seminar on properties, features and characteristics of this wallpaper can be seen on the fragment below:

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