How to separate the facade of the frame house

August 21. Repair and construction work Views 3820. Comments to write than to separate the facade of the frame house No

The appearance of frame technology made it possible to build houses faster and cheaper. This house is not inferior to wood and brick, that's just the facade requires a mandatory finish. How to separate the facade of the frame house, consider in this article.

Materials for finishing facade frame house

The facade of the frame house - the fertile soil for the designer. He may look:

  • as a brick house;
  • as a sandstone house;
  • like a wooden chopped house;
  • as an ancient stone castle;
  • and can acquire the most modern look if you are plastered or separated by siding.

And what materials are needed for this? Is it really sucking with brick or masonry masonry? No, in the case of a skeleton house, everything is easier and faster:

  • probably the most economical option is to separate the facade of the tree, i.e. clapboard, material imitating the timber, blockhaul;
  • popularity in the first place - siding fibrocement, PVC, vinyl or base;
  • still placed the facade of polystyrene foam, and then attached;
  • tile materials are just what allows outer walls to disguise under brick, stone, sandstone, etc.;
  • material remotely resembling tile - thermopanels. He, of course, is 2 times more expensive, but it is worth;
  • among the options for finishing the facade of the frame house there is a decoration of its brick facing. Immediately say it will cost, oh, how not cheap.

This video tells about the various materials used to finish the facade of the frame house:

Consider the decoration made by siding.

Facade Facade Facade Complete Siding


Finishing from the base siding gives the house personality due to:

  • various texture. It can imitate brick, stone, tree, duncar;
  • wealth colors. Creating different combinations, allocate some parts of the house, emphasizing attention to them.

In addition to beauty, it's also:

  • practicality;
  • moisture and temperature resistance;
  • strength.

Siding Vinyl

If you compare vinyl siding with the basement, then it is much cheaper. So, if 1 kV. m basement siding along with the fastening on average costs 1000 rubles, then vinyl - 400. But this does not understand its positive qualities:

  • resistance to atmospheric influences;
  • strength;
  • durability.


Very good, high-quality siding both vinyl and basement produce companies from Canada Royal, Mitten, Novik. Among such products, other manufacturers are allocated:

  • providing a long warranty - 50 years;
  • the ability to operate both at -50 degrees C and +60;
  • the open flame does not cause combustion and release into the atmosphere of toxins;
  • resistant to water, fungi, insects;
  • very steady color;
  • Novik Inc. Releases a premium siding, which contains no lead.

A modern finish is a mansion - ventilated facade.

Benefits of the ventilated facade for a frame house

Consider why many developers instead of traditional options choose a ventilated facade to finish the facade of the frame house? Probably because it really has a mass gain:

  • the walls have the ability to breathe due to the air layer, which is generated between the finish and insulation;
  • lining the facade in this case can be aluminum, or the granite slabs, and this is a long service life, strength, environmental friendliness;
  • this type of finishing is energy saving;
  • he has excellent noise absorption;
  • installation can be exercised despite the weather conditions, because it is not attached using adhesives and a solution, but a purely mechanical manner.

Ventilated facades of frame houses, which you can see below, are made of porcelain stoneware:




Makes up its series of layers:

  • protective. Its functions - to prevent moisture penetration and be an obstacle to the penetration of drafts;
  • insulated. After decorating a frame house with a ventilated facade, it becomes much warmer;
  • fasteners system.


Types of ventilated facades

Ventilated facades can be divided into groups:

  • the facade, which is attached to the frame of aluminum or zinc, and is separated by siding or block mobile. The cost of this economy is the lowest, although its task is performed on excellent;
  • medium group. Here, as a rule, a frame of a stainless steel, and the facing is made of porcelain stoneware, metal, i.e. facade cassettes;
  • premium Group. Fasteners - stainless steel. Finishing is an expensive ceramics tile, a sheet metal sheet metal.

Important: If you decide to separate the facade of the frame house with a porcelain stoneware, then consider that this is possible only if there is a solid foundation.

If you purchase a porcelain stoneware, then it is necessarily high-quality, and so is the one that offers a trademark "Ural Porcelain Strongs". His distinguishing features:

  • made with observance of sanitary standards and standards;
  • made on modern equipment;
  • used raw materials - high-quality and safe;
  • hard laboratory control for compliance with technology.

Quality facing materials for facades of ventilated produces a group of companies "A-trading":

  • they are beautiful and reliable;
  • the company produces both facade profiles and finishing materials;
  • promotions are held, sales, when materials can be purchased cheaper.


Wet facade of a frame house

Owners of solid, respectable buildings prefer facades plastered. They give the house some kind of romanticity.


Perform a wet facade of the frame house with a qualitatively not all under power. You need to go through the stages:

  • laying special sheets serving thermal insulation. It may be mineral wool in sheets or polystyrene foam. Bashed these sheets need carefully, because they will have the main burden. Used as fasteners and glue, and dowel;
  • installation of the reinforcing layer on the composition of the adhesive from the grid or grid. Before it is performed, it is necessary to primitive the previous layer;
  • applying a special decorative plastering solution with clear observance of technology requirements. Even being as ace in this matter, it is difficult to do everything without defects that can even manifest themselves after a long time;
  • when the plaster dries, it is painted.

By the way: Wet this facade was called because the plaster solution is bred by water, and so it is completely dry.

The selection of decorative plaster should be performed carefully, because the durability of the finishing depends on its qualities. Decorative plaster differs with good characteristics from the ABS company:

  • here and classic, and modern textures;
  • it is convenient to use, durable;
  • included you can purchase and paint;
  • she has excellent vapor permeability;
  • mechanical strength is high;
  • to weather vagaries is stable.


Jub from Slovenia supplies plaster for wet facades Jub Jubolin.


Stand out:

  • high environmental safety;
  • ability to correct the shortcomings of the surface;
  • the fact that with its help various effects are created - freshness, lightness, warmth.

Finishing, imitating rounded log

The effect of the rounded log is achieved by using the material to finish under the name Blockhaus:

  • from the inside of this board with a semicircular cross section there is a fastening of the type of spike-groove;
  • on the other hand, the surface produces the impression that the facade is arranged from rounded logs;
  • manufacturers handle the board fire, antiseptic, hydrophobic means, which makes it invulnerable to all external influences.


The advantages of it is that:

  • his density does not threaten him;
  • texture and color are preserved for a long time;
  • the fungus does not damage it;
  • blockchaus is 2 times cheaper than natural logs;
  • made of natural wood - pine, larch, ate;
  • the facade lined with a blockhaw remains vapor permeable;
  • installation of blockhaus is made easily even non-professional.

It is divided into classes: a and b:

  • in the first case, some minor defects are allowed;
  • in the second, i.e. B - There is more defects. Here and dark bitch that do not fall out and cracks, resin, wormworms, but their dimensions are regulated.

Lack of blockhaus in its price. It is difficult to call it hard, in any case, plaster and siding costs cheaper. And on this video, you can see the installation process of the blockhaus:

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