Growing truffles: Step-by-step instructions, useful tips

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This mushroom is recognized as a global delicacy. The price for 1 kg varies within a few thousand dollars. Many people in life never managed to try the Mushroom Truffle.

As is well known, all that grows in the ground in natural conditions can be raised independently when creating favorable conditions. Rail the royal mushrooms is not easy, not only the starting capital will be required, but also enough space for the growth of truffles. If the process becomes better, then after 1-2 years, you can develop your own business that brings good income. Since the price of truffles is very high, you can quickly enhance the attachment.

On the secret truffel

This mushroom has many secrets. The first - even those people who collect truffles cannot observe their growth. The fact is that the "life" of the mushroom passes under the layer of land (the depth is about 20 cm) and depends on shrubs and trees. It feeds on the roots of these plants, giving them part of the beneficial substances. The erroneous opinion of many that the truffle is a parasite, on the contrary, the mushroom envelops the root system of the tree with its myceliums. Thus, thanks to the fungi, the roots of the plants receive more moisture and will be under reliable protection against harmful microorganisms. Such coexistence of two plants is called symbiosis.

Second secret - reproduction. If you compare this process with conventional mushrooms, then everything is clear: disputes are spread over the air or through water. But the disputes of royal mushrooms spread through the stomachs of animals. It turns out that passing through the body of a wild boar, disputes acquire the opportunity to germinate, but only in a place convenient for it - next to some trees. In order for the wild animal to find a mushroom, nature has envisaged and this moment - the truffle has a thin fragrance. By the way, not every mushroom smells like nice. Most mushrooms are frustrated by a rather unpleasant smell similar to the "aroma" of a spoiled fish or fiddling. And only some truffle varieties, including the Royal (Perigorsky), fastens a pleasant fragrance.


Of all the famous types of truffles, only black managed to grow artificially. They are also called French, since France occupies a leading position on the cultivation of truffles. Favorable place - specially planted oak groves or landing. The sizes of truffles can be different: from a small, magnitude with walnut, to a medium apple. There were in nature and larger specimens, about 1 kg.

Truffle photo:




What benefits

Incredibly, but for 1 kg of cooks of many countries of the world are ready to give a few thousand dollars! Why does the truffle have such stunning popularity?

There are about 10 types of mushrooms suitable for eating. The most valuable is black truffle (perigorean or Italian), winter and Piedmont.

Externally, the truffle is similar to the potatoes, the flesh of the fungus has a reddish tint. When he reaches maturity, the pulp is black, and white bodies will be visible in the context. It is because of the fine fragrance that black truffles is considered the most valuable among culinary. From the mushroom you can cook hundreds of various delicacy dishes. It is very important to preserve the delicate aroma of the truffle, so in most cases, cooks add a small part of the raw mushroom into the finished dish. If you do everything according to the rules, you can appreciate the unique properties of the truffle.


The calorie content of the royal mushroom is low, 100 g has only 24 kcal. The mushroom is perfectly combined with cheese, fruit and meat. It can be served as an independent dish with a white creamy sauce. It reminds the taste of fried seeds or walnuts.

We can talk about the benefits of truffle - this is a source of vitamins of group B, RR and C. The special value of the truffle is for adolescents, pregnant and lactating women. In addition, the regular use of the Perigorette Tiffel will extend the youth, will retain beauty and increase sexual activity.

How to grow truffle

The royal mushroom has long been trying to bring out in artificial conditions. Back in the 60s, the 19th century was actively operating in this direction. The first results of breeders expected more than 10 years! No one gave warranties.

In those places that are not rich in the chernozem, had to go for cunning and breed truffles in the premises. For these purposes, spacious basements were isolated, they took suitable trees, crushed to the state of sawdust, moistened to a special solution with nutrients and a soil was added with mycelions. Such artificial breeding did not always give a positive result.

A little later in France, scientists managed to hold another experiment on breeding black truffles. The laboratory was grown by young oak trees with artificially derived truffle. As soon as the mushrooms came out with the trees, the "couple" moved to the ground and continued to track the yield. Thanks to such technology at the beginning of the 20th century, the French managed to collect almost 1,000 tons of mushrooms per year.

Currently, the technology developed by scientists from Australia is considered effective, with 1 hectare you can get about 100 kg of harvest.

Growing truffles at home

Grow mushrooms yourself is a whole art. Case troublesome and costly. It is necessary to make large investments and wait for a crop.

To grow truffles at home, it is necessary to highlight a large plantation (if it is planned to grow mushrooms in the open air naturally) or a spacious basement. Mushrooms do not tolerate temperature fluctuations, so to get a crop, the optimal air temperature must be +22 oWITH.

Consider 2 options for growing royal mushrooms.

Soil infection Mycelium

For these purposes, you need the following:

  1. Purchase mycelium Truffle (on the substrate or substrate).
  2. Prepare branches, leaves (fallen) from oak, nut or beech, moss.
  3. Shovel.
  4. Water
  5. Soil for truffles or peat substrate for growing indoor plants.
  6. The landing is better to perform in the warm season - in late May or June. Not far from the selected tree (the age of trees is 5-10 years old) you need to make several wells (3-4 will be enough), the depth of the well - 20 cm, diameter - 10 cm.
  7. In half each fifth, we will lay the prepared soil, and on top of it - the right amount of mycelium. Then the wells are filled to the edges of the remaining earth. It must be very tightly tamped.
  8. Now very carefully in each well need to pour 10 liters. Calculated water. For watering, you can use rainwater.
  9. From above, you need to put the prepared foliage, moss and branches and again rush to water, but already around each fifth.

Olympus Digital Camera.

After 3, and then and 5 years should expect the first harvest. It will depend on weather conditions. By the way, you need to ensure that the soil has always been wet and in no case should it dry. With the onset of cold places, it is necessary to insulate the extra layer of leaves.

After a few years at the end of August, you can count on the first harvest of the truffle. It will reach the sizes from 40 to 70 g and will acquire a gentle fragrance. Every year, 5-7 mushrooms can be collected from each well.

Seedling contaminated disputes

This method of growing truffles is considered more efficient, although it requires costs: material and temporary.

First, oak seedlings or flashes are taken, which infect the black mushroom mycel. Several weeks they are kept in "Quarantine" to prevent the death of mycelium. The seedlings must be contained under sterile conditions. If all the requirements are observed, then mycelium is coming and after that the seedlings can be planted into the nursery.


For the first few months, they should be maintained in "quarantine" conditions. Even the service personnel is obliged to follow the rules of hygiene, so as not to infect young oaks with harmful microorganisms.

After 12 months, we can talk about the full observing of seedlings. During this period, they should grow to 20 cm. When breeding a black truffle, it is very important to use not young oaks, namely, seedlings - in this case, you can achieve good results. By the way, on some farms, the substrate method is practiced when the truffles are sitting on oak spons, next to an adult tree.

How to choose a suitable place, advice of professionals:

  • watch out for the acidity of the soil, ideal so that the pH does not exceed 7.9 and not below 7.5;
  • choose aerated soil, with sufficient calcium and humus content. Also in it should not be attended by outsiders and stones. Before planning a seedlings, it is necessary to mechanically thoroughly treat the soil;
  • pay attention to a very important detail: other microorganisms (mushroom disputes) should not be present in your soil;
  • after landing for 2 years, we need to get rid of weeds;
  • the average daily temperature in the warm season - from 16.5 to 22 oWITH;
  • to make more convenient to perform soil processing, choose not a relief territory.

How to land

The landing of oak seedlings infected with the black truffle mycel is carried out in the spring when the threat of frosts has already passed. The soil needs to prepare well and remove all weeds. Use chemicals for extermination of weeds cannot be used, since even their small part in the soil can lead to the death of mycelium.

The use of herbicides with ammonium gluphosphate, but only in small quantities and in the case of acute necessity. This substance quickly decomposes in the soil.

Landing is performed according to a specific scheme, taking into account that 1 hectares accounted for no more than 500 oaks. Immediately before planting the soil, it is impossible to fertilize, it can lead to the death of the royal mushroom mycelium.

It is also necessary to take into account that the risk of damage to the root system is great during the transplantation, so oaks are planted first into the prepared hole, a small amount of water is flooded, the sapling is tightly falling asleep soil and again it is abundantly. The depth of planting is 75 cm to protect mushrooms from frost and other adverse weather conditions. In addition, mulching (from a layer of leaves, moss and branches) is made near the tree. If the plants are young, it is better to protect them with a plastic film.

Since the truffle is an ectomicurizic mushroom (the formation of mycorrhiza on the root system), then the area of \u200b\u200bthe tree for development should be at least 20 m 2. Together with Oak, the cultivation of other companion trees are allowed: citrus, olive trees. It is impossible to plant a poplar, chestnut, pine, spruce and fir.

About combating pests and harvest

Since pigs and rabbits bear the main danger to truffle, you need to protect the territory where the Perigorian mushroom grows. Also a serious threat to the future harvest carry cockroaches and weevils.

On the appearance of mushrooms (in a few years) can be found in small tubercles that will appear on the soil. The body of the mushroom is in the ground, the depth is about 20 cm. The weight of one instance is from 0.5 to 1 kg. Black truffle has a round or oblong shape. The color of the mushroom is black, and the "leather" is solid.

Most of the crop can be located almost on the surface of the soil. In order not to disturb the ripening process, it is important to pour such places with sainted sand. By the way, that mushroom is close to the surface, you can judge the flies and midges - if there are many of them in this place, then it's time to collect a harvest.

For the search for royal mushrooms, specially trained dogs are used (they will sing with milk with the addition of a mushroom beam, and later they train with a stick, grated truffle) and pigs. Digging the truffle is only possible by hand with small blades.


The cultivation of royal truffles is troublesome, but due to the high cost of mushrooms - very profitable. There are many farms in the world of growing valuable fungus. You can find grounds even in those places where these mushrooms never grew. So grow truffles in artificial conditions is quite real, especially since the yield on such farms will be several times higher than in nature.

About the intricacies of growing truffles See this video:

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