Gardenstone in the design of the country area

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In the modern world, people are all with great diligence trying to equip their home with a highlight and originality. If a couple of dozen years ago, our grandmothers stood in line for the same products, furniture, clothing, and there was no diversity, and all apartments and houses were the same type of construction, the local area turned simply into the garden, now it is possible to meet the abundance of the most A variety of things.

A man, thirsty of comfort and harmony, breaks away from the gray everyday life and begins to embody all his ideas and fantasies into reality. It is then that cardinal changes occur in the design of apartments and houses, along with high technologies, clothes becomes brighter, and the food is tastier and more diverse. Thus, a person expresses its individuality and from this the people of the country have become a little joyful and liberated. In this article we will talk about one of these self-expirations - about natural stone, which is used for the decor of household plots.

Fashion of modernity

  1. In the last decade, it became fashionable and popularly to decorate its territory near the house, create an interesting design from various textures and compositions. As a result, instead of the usual gardens, colorful paintings from fairy tales are spread, in which it is pleasant to spend time and enjoy the beautiful scenery.
  2. Garden stone can be a highlight of your site. His natural beauty, which, for many years, created the very nature itself, will not leave anyone indifferent.
  3. Natural stone, in combination with various modern effects and garden compositions, acquires a new life and manifests its best qualities. For example, depending on the lighting, it changes its appearance, acquires a beautiful shine at sun rays and a mysterious shade during twilight.
  4. Today, the garden stone is used in almost all landscaped solutions, since it is this natural material that is well combined with almost any style. It can be like a path of stone or huge figures, and even a whole Japanese garden from Boulders.
  5. Also, with the help of garden stones, it is possible to distinguish the territory on the zones, lay out an unusual beautiful colorful ornament and create stone placer.
  6. Any road surface today is impossible to imagine without curbstone, as well as garden tracks. As a result of the combination of such materials, it turns out a very strong and resistant coating, which is not destroyed for a long time and remains unchanged.

Benefits of gardening stone on the garden plot


  1. Very durable and durable material that will serve you for many years.
  2. A wide variety of colors.
  3. On the market you can find a wide range of types of stones.
  4. Frost-resistant and ferry material.
  5. Does not require a large number of workforce, easily and simply fit.
  6. Garden stone is an environmentally friendly product. And this is its main distinguishing feature from all other materials.
  7. Another advantage is that in the process of producing natural stone, environmental pollution does not occur and during operation it has no harmful effect on the human body.

Disadvantages of garden stone on the garden plot


  1. A financial aspect can be attributed to the negative side of the use of this material, but if everyone compare, as a result, the decor of the stone will not be so expensive, due to the fact that it is durable and durable. Specialists argue that the stone is able to perform its functions without deforming more than 300 years.
  2. Natural stone is not manufactured in production, and it is mined in small careers difficult labor, this is due to its price.
  3. In addition, it is collected and sent to the mandatory grinding, which explains the long term of its manufacture.

Application of garden stone in the design of the country area


With the help of a garden stone, you can create a unique decor both on a small household plot and in large gardens. It is used in various variations due to a wide variety of textures, shapes and sizes. In landscape design, expensive rocks are often used, for example, granite, marble or porphyr. And from inexpensive materials, preference is given to sandstones and limestone.

Due to the fact that natural stone in the process of operation does not change it can be attributed to the economical way to lay garden tracks, since a long time builders will not need to spend the forces on repair work. It is important that it does not destroy under the influence of low or high temperatures, it does not crack and is not deformed, this cannot be said about the artificial analogue.

Japanese garden of stones


  1. Japanese This skill was honed for many years. This kind of art, perhaps, mastered the whole world later.
  2. In such a decorative composition, it is possible to use stones, various textures and sizes. Thanks to which it is possible to save significantly, collecting boulders on the beaches or in the sea, which under the action of water were rejected to perfection for many years, acquiring an unusual and secure form.
  3. To create the foundation of the Japanese Garden you will need:
  • boulders of different sizes;
  • pebbles;
  • gravel.
  1. First, it is necessary to prepare the soil, for this, from the surface of the site, the upper layer of the soil at 8 - 10 cm is removed.
  2. Then it is important to clean the territory from the weed and to upset the future composition of the rope.
  3. In the future, the lower layer is littered with agrofiber, and on top fall asleep with fine sand, gravel or pebbles.
  4. Then, the stone border is stacked around the perimeter. His task is to keep the future form of composition. And further the process of creativity begins.
  5. From gravel you can make a wave-like shape.
  6. Big stones are mainly becoming the center of the composition, they are also often installed on the scale of tracks or around the perimeter of the pool.
  7. It should be used to ensure that the number of large stones is necessarily odd.
  8. Also make sure that in the end the garden looks one whole, and all of its parts harmoniously fit into the interior of the site.
  9. You can also sit near the stones to land small plants to give paints.
  10. It is important that such a garden is often done according to the rules of Feng Shui. Therefore, in the Japanese garden, four elements must be present - this is water, earth, fire and air. Instead of water, you can portray the layouts of stones, the fire to present from boulders resembling a flame, but with air and earth there will not arise.
  11. The Japanese say that such a garden of stones brings peace and peace of mind.

Painting on stones


  1. Garden stones can be painted with their own hands. This is a new trend, which today is only in fashion and is still not beaten enough.
  2. A skillfully painted stone comes to life in front of the eyes, turns into a cute bunny or in a cute ladybug. This kind of art fascinates and can not believe that it can make a person personally.
  3. If you decide to try to create something new, namely painting on the stones, you will need:
  • acrylic paints;
  • solvent;
  • brushes and tanks for mixing paints;
  • a natural stone.
  1. It is better to choose from garden stones to pebbles, it has a round shape and it will be easier to depict the sleeping animal, insect or berry.
  2. To make it easier to portray, it is better to use thick and thin brushes at the same time. And at the end you need to cover the image with a transparent varnish, it will last longer and give a beautiful glitter figure.
  3. Before starting painting, experts recommend to prepare a stone - to treat primer and apply a common background. If you are not an artist, but you have a desire and small skills can be started to draw simple drawings, God's cow, smiley, kitty or dog, albeit form.
  4. First of all, you should apply a drawing with a pencil, and then already start by sampling.

Mountain landscape


  1. Such a design always looks attractive. Stones lay out so that the imitation of the mountains is created. The space between the boulders is filled with the earth, and then plants are planted in it. As a result, a stone slide with live flowers is obtained.
  2. Such a composition of stones is called another alpine slide. It is usually installed on the hill to give a figure even greater significance.
  3. The bottom of the slides fall asleep in a broken brick, so that the surplus of water will be glad, and then begin to lay out the stones.
  4. Professionals recommend using one kind of stone.
  5. The first layers are preferably laid by flat boulders, so that the slide is well kept. It is possible for strength to fasten them with cement mortar. Such slides are ideal for small artificial waterfalls.

Garden figures from stones


  1. Such single stone compositions always look exquisite and interesting. Your garden can purchase a rich and complex style.
  2. Such kinds of compositions are mainly the result of the work of the creators-professionals. They can be bought in the store or order individual manufacture.
  3. A stone work of art is perfect to make a central garden figure or position it in a secluded corner, which suddenly opens your eyes from a specific garden point. But make sure that the stone figures do not get out of the overall style decision.

Garden tracks from stone


  1. A beautifully unlucky stone path is one of the main, and one of the most popular landscape design. It not only connects the visits, but also serves as a separate decorative element of the territory.
  2. The track must withstand any weather and do not require much care.
  3. The dimensions of stone paths can be very different, depending on their purpose. The track connecting the gate and the entrance door of the house, usually has a width of about 100 - 130 cm and put it into the shortest path. And the paths leading to the garage, the swimming pool or the guest house are trying not to do straightforward, often they are branched as much as possible and bend to show the visitors all the delights of the garden.
  4. Under the track necessarily laid 2 grounds depending on its workload. If this road is designed for automotive machines and frequent movements, the base is made by concrete, and for pedestrian tracks, there is enough sandstone or just gravel.
  5. There are a large number of materials that allocate in 2 groups: hard and soft. First, it is possible to include: wood, natural stone, monolith and brick. And the pebbles, sand, gravel and crushed stone include soft rocks.
  6. Locked the track as we have already spoken, 2 ways: on a sandy surface or on a concrete mix.
  7. Two ways are very similar, but there are small differences. First, there is a trench in the size of the future path, and then the bottom is poured concrete.
  8. In order for the track to hold the form, pre-form a formwork, which can be removed only with complete cement drying.
  9. In the second case, the bottom simply falls asleep by gravel or rubble, and then the sand falls asleep and the stone is stacked on it.
  10. The seams are filled with sand.
  11. In completion, it is important to moisten the path well.
  12. As can be seen both methods are almost identical, only the base is the difference.

Garden curb stone


  1. This stone is often used in the design of flower beds and garden tracks, it can also be used as a formwork for planting colors, it is well withstanding the soil and landing.
  2. Such a material looks pretty and attractive than ordinary borders for roads.
  3. Such boulders are often found in the form of decor in the compositions of the Alpine slides and the Japanese garden from stones.
  4. Border garden stone is also called onboard. In the alphanumeric designation, you can define the type, length, width and height of this product. According to the standards, the brand should also contain information about its target destination, or this is the subject of the decor, or it performs a protective and solid function. The color gamut of this material will delight even the most picky buyer.
  5. If you wish, you can even make such a stone yourself. This will require stencil and concrete. In the process of kneading the solution, the most important thing is to comply with the proportions so that the proportion of the solution is the proportion.
  6. Thanks to the curb stone, the site is easy to give a complete, harmonious and well-kept look.

Patio on the garden plot


  1. This type of natural material is another modern direction in landscape design. Patio in translation means - a house without a roof, so all the compositions of the composition must remind the open-air room.
  2. Often this scenery for the garden looks like a unlucky stone area, which is often used to receive guests and for evening summer gatherings. She is trying to make an elevation to be able to watch the garden.
  3. First of all, the patio from the stone should be made comfortable. Therefore, they mainly use flat stones, while avoiding the use of sand and other bulk materials, because it is uncomfortable to walk and they lead the platform into the mess.
  4. For paving, concrete slabs are used, clinker brick, natural stone and wood - the cheapest option. Experienced designers prefer to combine materials, while stressing the different functional areas.

To create a comfortable and cozy garden, people spend a lot of time, effort and finances, but in the end, seeing that so carefully created, the soul comes to the delight and nature will certainly reciprocate.

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