Paving Stone on the Dacha

June 25. Building materials Views 872. Comments To recording paving stone on the summer site No

Almost immediately the owners who acquired private territories, think about creating garden tracks or other full-fledged surfaces. Practice has shown that with the aid of a material performing the function of the coating can be completely transform portion, make it more attractive, flowering and truly original.

Probably already heard a lot about the fact that a variety of materials on the basis of which the track is simply enormous, and each host can choose the coverage is not only performance, but also in accordance with the external view of the structure or site in general.

To begin, it should be noted that the majority of conventional materials, which are often used for coatings, do not differ very high resistance to external factors. These include regular rainfall, wind, low temperatures at which the material is frozen. At the same time, the main task is to choose the hosts of the optimal materials which would have remained in its original state for years. Fortunately, these materials do exist, and first of all we are talking about paving stone. Of course, this resource has its drawbacks, but the advantages have unambiguously paving stones more.

In this article, we will consider in detail the specifics of creating tracks or other surfaces based on paving stone directly at the cottage. It is important to note that the most attention should be paid to the peculiarities of this material, and only in this case, you can get a qualitative result that will not disappoint anyone.


Features of using paving stone

It is worth considering the situation associated with the use of coatings for the country area. As you know, today, many are considered as a good option to use sweater materials for creating tracks. This option has the right to exist, but immediately it becomes clear that the durability of such a coverage is under a big question. Literally in a couple of seasons, the same plastic elements of tracks turn into the most real garbage, from which it is necessary to get rid of the faster. If we talk about really good versions related to the creation of paths based on breeding resources, you can mark the tile and the like materials.

Obviously, the acquisition of high-quality and durable material is extremely important for the hosts, which will not only delight with its aesthetics or originality, but also remained in the initial state for many years. Of course, there are truly impeccable materials, but there are resources close to this.

Thus, in this case, it is worth paying attention to the paving stone. It looks canceled, and is suitable for most areas or territories. Well, the most important thing is that is a truly important point, it is the overall reliability and durability of the material. Practice shows that rather the house will begin to collapse than the stone will become unsuitable for use. It is interesting that this tile can comfortably exist in almost any conditions, however it is best suited for locations, where in the winter period the temperature is lowered much lower than 0 degrees Celsius. We are talking about frost, which usually negatively affects the condition of the coatings. The fact is that frost resistance in many cases is an extremely negative trend. Thus, after several cycles of freezing and thawing, the material loses its initial state and becomes almost unsuitable for further operation.


Advantages and disadvantages of paving stone

Of course, before making a conscious choice associated with the acquisition of material to create tracks or other surfaces, it is worth considering the advantages and disadvantages of paving stone.


  • Strength and durability. Obviously, stone itself is a material that is extremely difficult to damage. This is especially true of those places where people appear not so often. In the framework of the country area, the path from the paving stone will serve dozens of years, and the appearance of the surface will remain in the initial state. The same situation with the strength of the material. The paving stone often has excellent strength, which even with active operation on automotive highways makes itself felt. Only with a strong desire, it may be possible to split the stone into several parts, however, during normal operation, the stone does not even be abrasion. It is also necessary to remember that today it will not be possible to find more reliable material.
  • Appearance. Natural stone is an extremely successful material that will be better fit into almost any space. If we talk about the diversity of external variations, it all depends only on how many owners are willing to pay for the material. You can combine various types of stone, and ultimately it will be really a successful composition, from which surrounding will receive only positive emotions. Separately, it is worth saying that many people make a decision to combine various materials for creating tracks, and in this case other resources can be used with paving stone. The most important thing is to create an attractive externally surface, since it is often a mudlessness that causes not the most successful compositions within the framework of the cottage.
  • Ecology. The stone is an excellent material in terms of environmental friendliness, however, some other resources that are often used to reflect areas are made on the basis of not the safest components. Thus, it is impossible to allow the surfaces on the summer site at least a minimal threat in terms of the extraction of harmful substances.
  • Easy repair. In contrast to many other materials, the paving stone is extremely easy to repair. For example, if one coating unit has become unsuitable for use, it can be simply replaced. All this goes extremely little time and strength. The same asphalt, which often covers country areas, in most cases needs comprehensive repair. Accordingly, it is not only a simplicity that is associated with repair activities, but also general practicality and savings, which often becomes a decisive factor.
  • Easy styling stone. To date, many tiled materials that are offered for laying in country sites and many other territories are distinguished by the total simplicity of laying. It is the overall process of laying, if he is simple, it is a huge plus for the owners. Unfortunately, to create many other surfaces you need to have a certain experience, including equipment. Without it, it will not work a qualitative result.

Disadvantages of paving stone:

  • High price. Obvious is the fact that natural stone in the form of tiles can not cost cheaply. Moreover, only wealthy people can afford in large volumes. If we are talking about creating a small narrow path, then there will not be so much material here, and often the owners can afford such a purchase. At the same time, do not forget that there are dozens of other coatings on the market, which will cost several times cheaper, and at the same time according to the characteristics not different from the paving stone. Thus, it makes sense to analyze existing options on the market and make the right choice. Often, the owners are not ready to post too much money for such events.
  • Large weight. Unlike many other materials, the paving stone weighs a lot, and often it creates a lot of problems, starting with transportation and ending with the work on laying the material. This is especially bad when the material of the material is too large, so it will be extremely difficult to transfer them from place to place. Thus, if there is no possibility to carry out the entire volume of work due to the large weight of the material, you need to either attract third-party specialists, or choose another material for the surface.

It must be said that many positive and negative aspects of the use of paving stone are manifested in various conditions, so before making certain conclusions, the specifics of the existing space should be taken into account.


Basic ways to lay paving stone

Often in practice it applies 3 methods of laying paving stone. Most often, the paving stone includes a conventional paving, and methods for laying these materials are almost identical. You should choose the option of stacking, which will be the most qualitative and cost-effective in the presented conditions.

  • Most often the base of the surface of the paving stone is the platform created on the basis of layers of gravel, rubble and sand. Many mistakenly believe that no binding material does not work out of such a basis, however, practice shows that this is a good solution that the best shows itself in conditions when people and light transport are moving along the surface. Moreover, such a surface is inexpensive and practical. When sediments, the paving stone will be tightly in the sandy layer, which provides a high level of reliability.
  • In the event that various vehicles will move on the created surface, or a lot of people move on the paving stone, you should provide additional protection. Thus, the basis for such a surface will be the crushed stone, as well as the cement-sand mix. Often, such a base for paving slabs is the best solution to create a surface in the garage, in the parking lot and the like places. It is important to note that today a blocking or paving stone is rarely used as a road surface for cars, since strong shaking creates extremely unpleasant conditions for the driver and passengers.
  • In the event that it creates a road to move large streams of cars, heavy transport, there is a need to create a concrete basis for stone. Only with this situation you can provide high surface reliability, as well as the overall durability of the road. Again, do not forget that create large roads, and even more so on the basis of concrete, these are colossal cash spending, which can be easily avoided.


Stacking Stone Styling

First of all, it is worth noting that the laying process includes several important steps, each of which must be made as high as possible. Moreover, it should be borne in mind that, regardless of the place of laying and the type of material, everything should be as smooth.

First of all, we will consider the process of creating a small platform based on paving stone. It is worth paying attention to the fact that this process is similar to the creation of small tracks within the framework of the cottage. In addition, it is precisely in private areas that such platforms are created.

  1. First you need to mark the territory. Even before we acquire building materials and other resources, it is necessary to establish whether all these activities are possible in the previously planned framework. Unfortunately, we can talk about the problems that are in facilities that directly in the site interfere with the work on laying paving stone. For example, a tree grow in the right place, or to stand some canopy. At the same stage, it is recommended to settle all problems and do everything possible so that there is no difficulty in the process of creating a site. For marking, we need pegs and rope. Thus, the installation of pegs around the perimeter of the site occurs, and the rope is stretched between them. So we can make a complete picture that relates to the future platform in general.
  2. Next occurs the deletion of the soil layer. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the upper part of the soil is often porous enough, so if someone makes the decision to create a tile platform on a basis - unambiguously colliding with problems. Soil will begin to see, so much to deform. It should also be understood that the removal of the soil occurs at a slight angle of inclination, as it is later when the site is already created, the precipitation should be assigned to the side, and with the help of the oblique surface there will be no problems at all. As for the depth of the soil, it all depends directly from the specificity of the soil. Often he itself is extremely dense, and sometimes soil even at great depths remain porous.
  3. The next step is the soil seal. As we have already spoken, often in the soil can be emptiness (porosity), because of which a wide variety of problems occur. Already after laying the tile, the surface can significantly fail, and correct this situation is very long and difficult. Thus, you need to take care in advance that such situations do not arise. For the soil seal, it is necessary to use, for example, vibrating plates. With this installation of the soil becomes really a reliable basis for other materials. It should be borne in mind that in some situations, when the scale of work is quite modest, it is possible to limit the miniature devices created by their own hands. By and large, in such work, it is possible to implement one or another idea (part of the technology) in various ways, so the most important thing is to obtain a qualitative result.
  4. Now it comes time to create interlayers from natural materials. We are talking about rubble or gravel. Often, experts create a layer of 10 cm thick. It is worth remembering that crushed stone is an extremely important component, since it is using high-quality drainage. All moisture and water will pass through the rubble and get absorbed into the ground. It is interesting that sometimes you can do without rubble, but only in the case when there is a cover (canopy, roof). Of course, it is better not to risk and make a choice in favor of creating a layer of rubble.
  5. Next comes the time of cement-sandy solution. It is worth paying attention to the fact that without this step will not be able to create a really smooth surface. The ratio of cement and sand is 3 to 1. At the same stage, it is necessary to think about installing borders. Often, if we are talking about laying the tiles, paving, or paving stone, it is necessary to understand that the borders are an indispensable attribute of the site. Most often it is a kind of fence that allows you to create a solid composition. The arrangement of borders is an extremely simple process, with which even a beginner can easily cope. It is important to choose borders that match the dimensions of paving stone or tiles.
  6. After that, it is necessary to create a sandy pillow, which becomes directly the basis for sidewalk. As in the case of a layer of rubble, the thickness of the sand layer must be at least 10 cm. Experts advise the use of river sand, which has no moss of clay. At the same time, careful preparation is required, which lies in the alignment of the layer. After that, the sand layer is moisturizing, and this is done until the small puddle is formed on the surface. Next comes the sealing time of this layer, and for this again you can use special equipment, or to carry out the entire amount of work with the help of submitted means.
  7. Now the responsible stage comes, which lies in the laying of paving stone. It is worth emphasizing the attention on the fact that this process is similar to laying a paving slave, so there should be no difficulties in the process. To lay each unit of sidewalk, you need to use a rubber image, with which the material is fought in the sand. This makes the position of the material durable and resistant under any conditions. Cyanka should be touched slightly, since too active actions can lead to the formation of cracks and other material flaws, which cannot be allowed. Therefore, everything should be done carefully.
  8. At the very end, it is necessary to navigate the surface of the created surface with fine-grained sand. This is necessary in order to fill all the existing gaps that definitely take place after work.


Separately, I would like to note that it is often a need to create a solid track that would become a reliable basis for movement of transport or other objects that create a large load on the surface. In this case, some subtleties of technology are changed. For example, the thickness of the crushed stone layer should be approximately 20 cm, the sand pillow can reach 15 cm. In addition, when creating a cemete-sand solution, it is necessary to use a ratio of 6 to 1, and the layer itself will have a thickness of about 5 cm. Tamxing the above layers no longer It occurs manually, because for this it is advisable to apply special mechanized devices. If everything is done correctly, then such a surface will be a great base under the automobile road, which will move transport. It should be regularly analyzing the surface status. Some situations require minor repairs, which will be extremely useful if one or another unit of material started to collapse. You should also not exploit similar surfaces too active.

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