Parquet floors: repair and recovery of parquet do it yourself

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Many household owners prefer floor facing by parquet, as the highest quality, cozy and environmentally friendly coating. With the right operating conditions and good care, such a coating will serve several decades. However, in some cases it may be necessary for the recovery repair of the parquet with their own hands. The amount of complexity of the work performed may depend on the degree of damage to the coating, for example, it can be both the local applying of protective coatings and a wet room cleaning and a full-scale floor cycle. About how the repair of parquet is performed with their own hands, as well as step-by-step instructions for performing work and damage characteristics, will be presented in this article.

Characteristics of damage to parquet


It is worth saying that it is not in all cases to resort to the performance of expensive cycular works and a complete replacement of the parquet, and you can do "small efforts". So, there are several varieties of complex coating damage, as a result of which it may be necessary to repair the floor and parquet with their own hands using a cycle:

  • Full wear of the parquet coating, which is not visible to an armed look. It may be such damage such as large cracks, bloating, separation of planks, etc. Such defects occur over time if the parquet has not been taken due care.
  • Wave-like swelling of parquet slats as a result of moisture in the room. In this case, it may be necessary to partially replace the sections of the floor, as well as the cyclove and overlapping the remaining slats.
  • Excessive rubbish of the wood from which the planks are made. This may occur over time and as a result of the use of poor quality material. You can check for such damage using a simple test. It takes not too sharp spice and they are sainted one of the parquet planks. If when you press shilylo "went down" into a board of more than 5 mm, this indicates the presence of a looseness of wood.
  • Rocking and covered with mold parquet planks. In this case, it should be not only replaced by the rotten sections of the material, but also to completely dry the room, as well as overrably the base coating.

In other cases, when repairing a shield parquet, you can do without the use of cycular work with rejection.

Varnishing, parquet


Parquet paint mixes may be required to perform repair work. Thanks to these materials, you can not only paint the damaged areas, but also create a protective layer on parquet layers.

There are several types of such mixtures:

  1. Alkyd and URALOBID.
  2. Epoxy.
  3. Water based.
  4. Acrylic.

Alkyd paints and varnishes have some advantages:

  • Relatively low price.
  • Lack of toxicity when applied.
  • Fast drying. Alkyd mixtures dry for 1 hour.

The main disadvantage of alkyd paint mixes can be considered their briefness. The operational period of coating treated with such solutions does not exceed 9-10 years.

Upair lacquer has a higher price, but it keeps much longer than alkyd mixtures.

Epoxy varnishes have the following characteristics:

  • The operational period of parquet treated with such solutions is more than 35 years.
  • They have a fairly high price.
  • When applied, toxic substances are capable of separating. Therefore, during the repair of the old parquet, with their own hands with the use of epoxy varnishes, you should necessarily wear protective clothing and glasses, as well as open a window for venting.
  • In contrast to alkyd mixtures, epoxy is frozen for quite a long time. To enter the room, after their application, it is possible only after 6-7 days.


Acrylic paint mixes have the following characteristics:

  • It is very expensive, in comparison with other paint coatings.
  • They have low toxicity.
  • The operational period of parquet treated with such solutions, subject to the rules of care and with careful exploitation, exceeds 55 years.

A water-based mixture has many advantages:

  • She is non-toxic.
  • It is inexpensive.
  • Relatively dryly dries (within 24 hours).
  • It is able to strengthen the parquet strips, since when applied, the wood penetrates.
  • The coating treated with a water-based lacquer is to improve operational characteristics from above can be treated with mastic.

The disadvantages of this type of varnish can be attributed its high sensitivity to the sun rays. Therefore, parquet, treated with a paint mixture on a water basis, can change its color over time.

Methodical Parquet Paul Repair Method

Toning with putty


Eliminate small aesthetic shortcomings of parquet layers (chips, small potholes) with the help of tinted putty. Such mixes in the ready-made form can be purchased in the store, for example, Bona putty, or can be prepared on your own. This follows:

  1. Take a few spare flooring slats, which in color and shade do not differ from the available parquet on the floor.
  2. With a sharp knife, you should cut the top layer of the parquet plank and grind it. Must as a result, it turns out a small parquet chips.
  3. Parquet chips are mixed with parquet varnish. The mixture should remind cream or sour cream.
  4. We add to the solution of the sawdust filler. It will give the mixture the necessary viscosity.

Note that the shade of an independently cooked spacion mixture may differ from the color of parquet, which is lined with the floor, as parquet planks under the action of sunlight can change its color over time.

Applying Falsestov


The imitation of the joints is needed after restoration of the parquet in order for parquet slats an aesthetically attractive look and smooth form. The order of work is as follows:

  1. Give to frozen parquet putty, but not completely. The mixture should thicken before the jelly state. It is worth considering that some species of paintworks dried very quickly, so you should not miss the moment.
  2. The imitation of the joints is made using sewing and ruler. So, set a ruler in the level position and for its contour, raids are carried out.
  3. If the moment is missed, and the putty mixture has already frozen, then the imitation of the joints can be performed using a more acute sequel. The tool is "scratching" stripes with a strong pressure.

Manual cyclical


You can repair the shield parquet with your own hands using a manual squabble. In this way, small damage is usually repaired. Tools for manual cycles can be purchased in any building stores. Sometimes they are made by their own one from the old Rubanka.

Procedure for performing work:

  1. Prepare the surface. Clean it from dust, garbage.
  2. Remove the layer on a damaged area with a grinding machine.
  3. Sand the surface, clean the sawdust. Sometimes for fixing the planks may need adhesive for the repair of parquet with their own hands.
  4. Split or covered with paint and varnish mixture.

Grinding parquet.

This operation can not be done manually. Sometimes "grinding feet".

Procedure for performing work:

  1. Old shoes are taken with a smooth surface. It passes out sandpaper.
  2. One way can be pasted fine-grained skirt, and on the other - the material of Belubee.
  3. Grinding is performed using the "screaming" movements of the legs. Such an operation is made much easier than grinding manually.

Removal of damage to the floor

Gum and plasticine


Since such substances cannot be removed from parquet slats with solvent (spots remain on the boards), you can use another method.

Procedure for performing work:

  1. The ice cubes are stacked in the plastic bag.
  2. The package is placed on a pollutant area.
  3. Next, you should wait about half an hour, after which the plasticine or chewing "will rise" from the parquet. They can then be successfully removed.

Scratches and chips

To eliminate such defects in the following method:

  1. Small damage can be removed using special sets for the repair sold in construction stores. Usually such packaging is completed by all necessary means. So, initially removed the damaged layer with a parquet strip using a squammer or sandpaper.
  2. Next, the silent place is putty.
  3. When the putty acquires a jelly-like state, the folders are made using sewing and ruler. The detailed method is described above.
  4. Next, the frozen putty is neatly sandwiched with fine-grained emery paper to give a parquet of a beautiful aesthetic appearance.
  5. Sanding surface is covered with parquet varnish. It is better to apply paint and varnish mixtures in two layers.

Elimination of slots


The work technique in this case is as follows:

  1. Remove the damaged layer from the parquet.
  2. Split slit. You can use a set for the special carpet.
  3. We form rafts.
  4. Varnish the surface.

If the cracks are somewhat, then:

  1. Initially, the damaged area of \u200b\u200bthe household hairdryer for 15 minutes should be warm up.
  2. Then tighten the damaged planks to each other, so that one large slot is formed.
  3. The resulting gap close up according to the technique described above: first put sand, then lacquer.

Disturbed parquet planks


Disturbed parquet planks are repaired as follows:

  1. If the discharge planks are arranged not after each other, but the rotor, then they can be attached to the neighboring with small carnations. Nails are located at an angle of 45 degrees.
  2. Hats nails should be "drown" in the planks with a small hammer.
  3. Receptions near nails hats need to sharpen.
  4. The frozen putty is sanding.
  5. Then the sandy place is covered with parquet varnish in two layers.

You can read about some interesting techniques to remove damage to the repair of parquet with your own hands on the forum.

If the parquet strips are loosened by groups and not for which they are fixed, then used when repairing bamboo pieces. They are driven into the gap between the "walking" horses, then treated with a cycular typewriter, put off, draw fakes and covered with parquet varnish.

Elimination of violin


If parquet strips are pressed upon by pressing the creak, then you can enroll as follows:

  1. If an optimal level of humidity is present in the room, parquet planks should be torn off "from the edges". So, initially you should dismantle the plinth.
  2. We check the quality of existing spacer wedges, and if they are outdated and do not perform their functions, they should be replaced.
  3. The strength of new wedges should be tested within 7-10 days. And if the planks have never ceased to creak, then they will have to be completely transferred.

Parquet swelling when moisture

If the parquet strips are extended when the moisture is inserted, you need to do the following:

  1. Heat the damaged part of the household hair dryer.
  2. Put the load on the deformed bar, pre-cover their cloth. Under the action of cargo, the bar must be aligned.
  3. The cargo must lie at least 24 hours.

Repair of parquet do it yourself: video

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