Requirements and standards for placing a cesspool

October 15. Useful advice Views 3061. Comments To record requirements and standards for placing a cesspool No

Many owners of private houses today refuse to connect to centralized engineering lines. In particular, the optimal option becomes the arrangement of an autonomous cleansing system or a simpler and cheap cesspool. In order for such an approach to actually give an effective result in relation to uninterrupted functioning and saving from the financial side in the process of servicing the reservoir, and also did not bring discomfort into life, it is necessary to comply with the rules for the placement and device of the cesspool. With them you will familiarize yourself with this article.

Device cesspool

2 Squeezing-Masa-Rings

Before proceeding with the design of autonomous sewage, first decide on the optimal size of the pit, based on the following standard standards:

  • with a constant use for a family of 3 people, the volume will be required within 12 cubic meters;
  • for continuous use of the family of 4 persons, the reservoir of at least 18 cubic meters will be suitable;
  • with partial or temporary operation, for example, in the country of seasonal accommodation from one person, it is permissible to create a system, the dimensions of which will not exceed 1 cubic meter. rasstojanie-Do-Vygrebnoj-Slivnoj-Jamy-Ot-Doma-Zdanija

Types of cesspools

To date, 2 options for the design of the cesspool are available:

  • hermetic septic;
  • humma without the bottom.

    Important! The second option is considered unacceptable if the alleged amount of waste exceeds 1 cubic meter. vigrebnaya-Yama-BEZ-DNA

Standards of the device cesspool without bottom

This design is the simplest way to create a structure for household waste provided by SNiP norms for cesspools. According to the established rules, such a waste channel should be constructed with the following conditions that relate mainly to the relative position of the cesspool and a drinking water well:

Requirements and standards of hermetic cesspool

Such a cesspool is a solid wastewater drive, to create a concrete, brick, metal, as well as special plastic forms of suitable size. Such a cleansing structure should provide:

  • free collection and pumping of wastewater as the reservoir fills;
  • operation of operation, without leaks and explosions;
  • maximum high level of environmental friendliness;
  • the possibility of free entry of special transport to perform cleansing works. top4.

Constructive features:

  1. Designing the shape of the cesspool of a hermetic type is carried out in the form of a well.
  2. The bottom is created with a significant bias in the direction of the technological hatch for cleaning the tank.
  3. The entire container is processed inside and outside the waterproofing material to eliminate the premature destruction of the system and possible leaks of harmful substances into the soil.
  4. Mandatory design and construction of high-quality ventilation systems to prevent the accumulation of explosive gases.
  5. The upper surface is equipped with a lid.
  6. The depth of the pit is up to 3 meters, which will effectively carry out cleaning work in accordance with the schedule and will exclude the cluster of the alley at the bottom. sanitarnye-Normy-Vygrebnaya-Yama

    Important! Sanitary standards for cesspools are designed during long-term research and finding the optimal solution to competent specialists in order to achieve maximum efficiency of such a structure while maintaining the environmental purity of the surrounding nature. All of them are indicated in the corresponding sections of SanPine and Snip. Vitely understand how to build a cesspool with your own hands will help below the applied video.

Standards for posting cesspool

Selecting the location of the well for wastewater and associated cleansing facilities, follow the following requirements:

  1. Celebrate pit place downstream groundwater.
  2. Watering wells, on the contrary, install in the direction of groundwater flow up.
  3. Dance installation location or reservoir Select on the site adjacent to the sewage site.
  4. The minimum distance from the cesspool to the central water duty, calculate at least 10 meters.
  5. The minimum value of the distance from the residential building and the housekeepings determine 10 meters, but ideally, it is desirable that it is 50 meters, if the area is allowed.
  6. The location of the cesspool is impossible near fruit plantings. The minimum value of the empty section between them is 3 meters.
  7. The close location of the wastewater reservoir and the fencing on the border of the site is also unacceptable. An acceptable indent - at least 1 meter. kak_raspolozhit_septik.

    Important! All these rules can be found in Sanpina positions 42-128-4690-88 and SNIPA 30-02-97 in more detailed form. Their observance will help avoid emergency situations that may entail health damage, as well as preserve the integrity and strength of all buildings on the site.

Standards for placing a cesspool relative to other engineering systems

A few more standards for the placement of cesspools relate directly to the lines of other communications - gas and water supply:

  1. The gap from the hermetic drive to the pipeline from reinforced concrete or asbestos cement is at least 5 meters.
  2. The distance from the cesspool to the pipeline from the cast iron, with a diameter of up to 20 cm - within 1.5 meters.
  3. The territory of the empty space from the wastewater drive to pipes from a similar material, a diameter of more than 20 cm - minimum 3 meters.
  4. The interjection of gas pipes and cesspool is from 5 meters. shema.

Clearance Purchase Rules

The entire process of arranging a cesspool does not represent much difficulty and will not require significant costs. More efforts will have to be applied in the process of its service, since self-cleaning in this case does not occur, regardless of the person without the bottom it is or a sealed drive. For timely removal of wastewater, the optimal solution will be the order of an associate machine with specialists who quickly delete all waste. It is recommended that this procedure is recommended, in the absence of emergencies or failures in the system, twice per year. ochistka-Vygrebnyx-Yam

In addition to cleaning a cesspool, its disinfection is required. For this procedure, a solution of such components is suitable:

  • sodium hypochloride - 5%;
  • creilin - 5%;
  • chlorine lime - 10%;
  • naphthalisole - 10%;
  • sodium metasilicate - 10%.

    Important! It is impossible to use dry chlorine lime for disinfection of a wastewater. 9926_1367529566_1


A reliable sewage system in its own area is the key to prosperous stay in the house and easy decoration of a beautiful landscape area. So that the designed autonomous cesspool has become a truly profitable solution, be sure to follow all the above rules in the process of creating. Such an approach will reduce the risk of a threat to your health, and will also eliminate the vain costs of accumulated funds.

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