How to bother the ceiling

October 13. Repair and construction work Views 2339. Comments to record how to bother the ceiling No

Due to the huge range of building materials, the whots of the walls and the ceiling became an infrequent "guest" in modern homes. But despite this, this method of finishing is the easiest way to give the perfect purity and aesthetic capacity to residential rooms. About how to beat the ceiling correctly, we will now tell.


Prerequisites using bliss

Many people trust the experience of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers. They prefer to environmentally friendly finishing materials, which include lime-based whims.


In addition to absolute security for human health, this material has such advantages:

  • excellent disinfectant properties;
  • good vapor permeability (moisture evaporates through small pores of the coating);
  • resistant to premature abrasion;
  • minimum cost of work.

Belil has a slight weight. What does not lead to additional load on the ceiling floors. In addition, if you implement such a process as the ceiling whitewashes, the height of the room will remain at the same level.

Poles consists of the following steps:

  • preparatory work;
  • preparation of the working mixture;
  • application on the surface of Belil;
  • cleaning room.

Preparatory work

Before paving the ceiling, the furniture and floors should be plastic film. If it is possible, it is better to free the room from furniture. If the walls are not faced with new material, they also need to be protected by film. Polyethylene should cover the entire surface. If several films are stacked, they should be connected with scotch.

Also hide from plays from hitting:

  • heating radiators;
  • door cash and plinths;
  • lighting devices (if there is no possibility to remove them);
  • electrical sockets and switches.

Preparation of the ceiling is:

  • its purification from dirty spots;
  • removing the old coating;
  • sealing cracks;
  • priming surface.

To remove bold spots, a solution is used, which includes a calcined soda (2%). After the disappearance of the stains, the ceiling is washed with warm water. If the surface is covered with soak, it is better to use a solution of hydrochloric acid (3%). Rust spots are displayed with copper vigor.


To remove the layer of the old whitewash, you need warm water and a wide brush intended for painting. But this method has a significant drawback - it will take a sufficiently large amount of time and effort. Yes, and dirt will be too much. Now there is a special bow, which is applied with roller. After 30 minutes after putting off, the old whitening (or paint) is ready to remove.

In some cases, you have to face such a problem as mold. If it appears, you can not do with cosmetic repair. To eliminate mold, you need to use a special tool. For example, Porozid aerosol.

It should be immediately noted that if there is oil paint on the ceiling, you have to forget about the whim. Clear such a coating is almost impossible. There are two options: either again paint the surface, or to make the creation of stretch ceilings.

To close the cracks use putty. To apply it applies a spatula. In addition, the finishing of the putty will make a flat surface of the ceiling. And this is extremely necessary, as the whots can emphasize all uneven areas. If there are large cracks, the serpent ribbon is additionally used.

Before the ceiling itself, it should be treated with primer. Thanks to its use:

  • the moisture resistance of the foundation will increase;
  • decreases the flow of Belil;
  • prevents the emergence of various microorganisms.

Blend and tools for blissing

As long as the primer dries up, you need to cook the working mixture. There are two main options:

  • chalk composition;
  • lime mix.


A simple working mixture of chalk consists of:

  • 3 kg of sifted chalk;
  • 30 g of joinery glue.

Chalk and glue are dissolved in 5 liters of warm water (45-50ºС).

But it is better to take advantage of the next, more efficient whitewash:

  • 2.3 kg of chalk;
  • 80 g of joinery glue;
  • 18 g ultramarine (blue);
  • 60 g of household soap;
  • 3.5-4 liters of water.

This mixture will be enough to treat 9-10 m² ceiling.

But you need to consider one important nuance. If the previous whitewash was carried out using lime, then the chalk pavement is not recommended. This will lead to the appearance on the ceiling of dirty spots and divorces.

The lime mixing mixture includes:

  • 2-3 kg of hazed lime;
  • 80-100 g of cook salt;
  • 0.4-0.5 kg of dyes (must be clouded in water).

First, all components are diluted in a small amount of water and thoroughly mixed. Then the water is gradually added to 10 liters. You can add blue in the resulting composition.

To apply whitening the ceiling, you can use one of three tools:

  • brush;
  • roller;
  • sprayer.

The easiest way is to finish the surface of the brush. It is effective when you need to process a room with a small area. On the quality of the blotch, the condition of the brushes, which for 5-6 hours need to be soaked in water. The handle should swell and secure the hairs. Otherwise, the hairs will stay on the ceiling.

In any case, in such a job, how to quickly blame the ceiling, the brush and roller do not belong to effective tools. It is better to apply the sprayer with which you can separate several rooms at once in a short time.


The sprayer must be at a distance of 0.2-0.5 m from the surface treated. The exact distance depends on the power of the jet and pressure of compressed air. The blade tool moves at the same speed and is sent perpendicular to the ceiling.

Plot technology

A certain type of bliss is applied depending on the type of premises. Application of the chalk mixture on the ceiling is carried out in:

  • bedrooms;
  • living room;
  • other residential rooms.

Moisture-resistant limestroke, besides residential rooms, can be used in:

  • bathroom;
  • ban;
  • pool;
  • basement;
  • garage;
  • saraj for firewood.

Chalk whiten

Before born the ceiling with your own hands, you need to determine the presence of lime in the previous whitel. For this, the surface is wetted with water. The lime solution will immediately darken. If this did not happen, you can use Bellyl from the chalk.

The ceiling temperatures are carried out in 2-3 sunset. When using a brush, the first layer of Belil is applied in the transverse direction to the sunshine. The application of the second layer occurs on a dried surface in the opposite direction.

You can not apply a chalk mixture to create a thick single-layer coating. In the process of drying, such a ceiling will begin cracking. And the maximum base protection will not be achieved. If defects appeared after the end of the blame, then another layer of the mixture should be applied.

Each pavement layer performs certain tasks:

  • the first is designed to fasten the coating with the base;
  • the latter performs decorative functions and protects the ceiling from the negative effect of external factors.


At the request of the sea ceiling, you can give a color shade. To do this, take advantage of the following pigments:

  • blue - makes the surface of a snow-white with a blue tint;
  • chrome greenery or crown - gives greenish tones;
  • ubra or Luzheny Siena - cream shades;
  • okra - ivory colors;
  • bone soot - gray shades;
  • surikom - pink or reddish color.

Among the flaws of the chalk, the blots should be mentioned about the possible presence of spots, strips and bubbles. In most cases, the appearance of defects is associated with low chalk quality and with the incorrect ratio of components in the working mixture.

If the composition is characterized by insufficient saturation, it will affect the color shades of the surface. In the presence of oversaturated bleached the ceiling will be covered with bubbles, and when dried, it will begin to disappear.

Lime whitening

A more durable coating is obtained when using lime blots. As a result of its application, a protective film occurs, which is resistant to abrasion and exposure to water vapor.

Lime-made whitewashing effectively connected with brick, stone and plaster. But Belil cannot be applied to the surface, which contains bitumen spots and rust. For this reason, special attention is paid to thorough surface cleaning.

The limestone glasses are applied with two subtle layers. Moreover, in contrast to the chalk mixture, the application of the second layer of the lime solution occurs not yet on the dried first layer. Thus, the ceiling is given the most durable surface.

The only condition for the achievement of high-quality whitewash is the presence of the process of lime carbonization. So that Belils retain moisture for some time, before carrying out the work, the surface of the ceiling is recommended a little moistened with water.


In addition, the working mixture is recommended to add a mustache salt or calcium chloride. These substances accumulate moisture from the air. Due to which the effective lime crystallization process occurs.

Application of a lime solution is made on a cloudy day or in the evening. It is impossible to allow sunlight on the surface to be treated. The lime film is gaining maximum strength when the whirlwinds occurs in a fresh plaster layer.


In many ways, the strength depends on the type variation. The most durable coating is obtained using fresh hot lime. Already a week later, the film will be very strong. Less than expected lime and lime fluff.


To finish the ceiling with lime blotch, it is better to use the paintopult, the diameter of the nozzle is 3-4 mm. Due to the fact that the lime is characterized by high alkalinity, when applied with a solution, use gloves and protective glasses.


For high-quality drying, the ceiling in the room should not be drafts and sun rays. The windows are best darkening.


And finally, you should mention how much it costs to bother the ceiling. This indicator depends on:

  • ceiling heights;
  • his states;
  • total work.

On average, to whitewash 1 m² ceiling, you need to spend about $ 1.5.


Video on how to whiten the ceiling:

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