Dry stream. How to make a dry stream with your own hands. Master Class

March 3. Plot. Views 6209. Comments To write a dry stream. How to make a dry stream with your own hands. Master Class No

Dry decorative stream - the most optimal option for designing the landscape in the country area. Such allegedly dried speed is instantly coming to life, it is worth passing a small rain, while it provides the complete transformation of the drainage ditch, and also zonizes the household terrain and perfectly hides the flaws of relief. At the same time, in view of the fact that the dry stream does not imply the presence of water sources, it is quite simple to care for it.


It is not technically hard to build a dry stream, but physically you will still have to work hard. Today we will look at how to arrange your household plot using a minimum of funds and a maximum of fantasy.

Recommendations for design and decoration:

Olympus Digital Camera.

  • it is important to create the most natural picture;
  • to create a unique masterpiece, you can make a small gorge or merge of sleeves;
  • dry streams can be made of sand, shallow and large pebbles, stones;
  • use can be one material or a combination thereof;
  • to create the flavor, you can make the flow of the stream to the hill;
  • all elements must intelligently blend with each other;
  • the biggest stones are best to fulfill the side of the "shores".

How to make a dry stream


Selection of shape and place


By organizing the space of your garden, initially determine the size and form of the future "reservoir", focusing on the parameters of the site. For example, a winding and narrow stream will visually deepen the territory. If you want to re-organize such a terrace and recreation area, it is recommended to make a simulation of a small lake or pond.


  • mapping a dry stream away from garden tracks;
  • it is best to use a buggy relief and where many plants are located;
  • so that the stream looked more interesting, to equip along Cape or sandy "Beach";
  • much better if the bed of your "reservoir" will argue.

After the place is chosen and the sketch is made, you can pour out the contour of the sand, which will allow you to visually assess the area.

Preparation of the base under the stream:


  • first you need to dug a trench with a depth of 100-200 mm;
  • the walls should be made at an angle of 45 °;
  • next, the soil is rambling;
  • then the dark building materials - nutrasyyl, rubberoid or film are laid;
  • the layer of fine gravel or crushed stone is laid in the direction.


  • if you want to use a stream in drainage purposes, then the stones located in the row must be strengthened. To do this, it is necessary to knead the sand-cement mortar and pour them a layer of about 50 mm;
  • silence along the channel, as well as along the coast, you can arrange large boulders or rock fragments that will mimic thresholds;
  • boulders, located along the coastal zone, are recommended a little shop.

Filling a stream:


  • the edges of the "reservoir" lay down with large stones, along the way, pulling them with small pebbles, and closer to the channel - the middle size of the goals;
  • dno ripped with flat pebbles and make accents with the help of large and medium boulders;
  • if you need to create waterfalls and thresholds, we use light stones.

Dry stream design:

  • to create a unique type of stream, you can use decorative stones of various colors (granite, basalt, gneus, marble, limestone, etc.), as well as glass products that are laid out at the bottom of the bed;
  • plants are better to choose a low-spirited, which are similar to those growing in natural reservoirs (sunflower is amolistic, Arundo cane shaped; bamboo sheetcase, Chinese cane, etc.)


  • the use of smooth stones will give the "water" more shine, imitating water;
  • light stones are better to apply to create thresholds and waterfalls;


  • if you lay flat stones on the edge, then they will pass the "movement" of water;


  • some types of stones can be painted independently blue, or find their natural analogues;


  • to make water imitation, use the stones with a blue tint and sorted blue pebbles;


  • you can lay out the glass from the glass or apply old beads;
  • if you use a unique method of tight dropping of flowering plants in the row, you can create an imitation of water flow;
  • you can decorate the "reservoir" with the help of a small bridge, log or stone slab;
  • if desired, it is recommended to place a modern sculpture in the direction of the stream, and on the shores to install lanterns and pyramids.

Care of dry streams in the country



  • the stream is necessary periodically so;
  • the grass should be pulled out not all, some wildflowers and cereals can be left;
  • the vegetation around the "reservoir" needs to be trimmed with garden scissors, not allowing it to grow too much;
  • regularly raise the pebbles, under which ants can be divorced and destroy them;
  • although Moss creates the illusion of the river shore, it should also be eliminated;
  • plants are recommended to feed mineral fertilizers and loosen the soil under them;
  • those herbs that are planted along the rocky channel must be regularly water;
  • in the fall, it is necessary to rush the channel and remove the foliage in it;
  • in winter, plants, prone to freezing, should be covered with heat insulating material.

How to make a dry stream with your hands video:

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