Repair and restoration of wooden windows

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Wooden windows on its operational qualities are not inferior, and often superior plastic. The exception is the service life: wind, temperature drops and precipitates lead to a damage of the protective coating, and then wood. But it is not worth changing them. Repair of old wooden windows is the best way to save money.


Required tools and materials required

Repair of wooden windows with their own hands involves the use of Swedish technology. It lies in the rush of the EURO-STRIP cord - seals from the weatherproof rubber. This allows you to warm the design. But first you should restore the window frame. This work is performed using the following tools, fixtures and materials:

  • zenzubel - special plans, for sampling quarters and sweeping of folds;
  • chisels of different widths;
  • ribbon for manual jigsaw or thin hacksaw blade;
  • scraper, spatula and shoe knife with a wide blade;
  • electric drill, a set of drills, including a crown (with a diameter of 8-10 mm);
  • carbonithic carbon;
  • building level;
  • a set of screwdrivers or screwdriver;
  • industrial dryer;
  • old iron.


It is necessary to purchase materials on the following list:

  • tree putty, thin sawdust;
  • glue for wood (can be "liquid nails");
  • olife;
  • antiseptic impregnating agent;
  • titanium or zinc denosherted bleel;
  • kerosene;
  • flapse brushes width 4 and 8 cm;
  • nails and self-tapping screws;
  • sandpaper large and finely abrasive (as well as "zero");
  • sheet chipboard or plywood;
  • silicone waterproof glue;
  • wash the old paint.


Important: It should be avoided using polymer water putty. Penetrating into the structure of wood, they increase wood thermal conductivity, which is negatively reflected on the room microclimate in winter.

In addition to the above, it is necessary to purchase a simile or transparent acrylic lacquer for restoring paintwork.


Accept for dismantling

Start repairing wooden windows is needed in warm, dry weather. In case of rain, the window should be closed with a plastic film. The sequence of actions is the following.

  1. With the help of a nail or ax, you support the bottom of the sash and remove them from the loops. Loops and handles can be immediately dismantled: after repair, new ones are installed on their place. Together with the accessory, remove the corners and get rid of sticking nails.
  2. The chisel is carefully soaring the strokes or clean the windows from the smelting. Remove the glass and remove to the side: they will still be needed.
  3. From the outside, dismantle the tears (fed from the tree). We take nails.



Clean the frame from old paint

The restoration of old wooden windows begins with complete cleaning of old paint. To do this, use two ways. Their first is chemical, it is used if the layer of old paint is not too thick. Perform chemical cleaning as follows.

  1. Before working, it is necessary to protect the hands with rubber gloves, and the eyes - glasses to prevent the acid of the mucous side and the skin.
  2. Brush densely apply a special means to the surface of the window sash - a wash of old paint.
  3. The necessary time will be waiting (indicated on the label), during which the washed should affect the paintwork. The result will be noticeable after the paint is swept and start flawed from the wood.
  4. Carefully acting with a shoe knife with a wide blade, a masticine or scraper, consider old paint.
  5. We clean the wood with sandpaper: first coarse-grained, then "zero".

In the absence of a special means, the chemical cleaning of the old window frame from paint is performed in this way.

  1. Disassemble the window frame on the details. To do this, you need to knock out or dried out in the corners of the sash.
  2. All wooden parts are wrapped with a rag.
  3. Place the details of the window frame in the plastic bag.
  4. Water kerosena wrapped wood (for this is spent about 0.5 liters). Nitro-solvents and solvent cannot be used: it will lead the wood into disrepair.
  5. Tightly tie the bag and leave for a day (more).
  6. Remove parts from the bag, count the softened paint.

Important: Details should be taken from the bag and clean one. Otherwise, the paint can snap again after evaporation of kerosene.

In the event that the layer of old paint is very thick, it will not be possible to remove with the help of chemicals. We will have to use the thermal method. Actions are performed with such a sequence:



  1. Gently warm the painted surface with an industrial hairdryer, directing its nozzle at a slight angle to it. The nozzle of the hair dryer should move from side to the side so that the paint does not ignite. The heating temperature of the hair dryer above 250 ° C is not recommended.
  2. After local intimidation, the paint is removed with a shoe knife with a wide blade, a masticine or scraper. You can use a scraper of a beekeeper.
  3. Paint residues are considered sandpaper, wood grinding is performed by "zero". The degree of cleaning depends on the choice of a new coating: if paint is planned - it is not necessary to get rid of small engines of the old paint in the recesses. If the window frame will be covered with a mourn and varnish - you have to do carefully clean.

There are other ways to warm up paintwork - with the help of an old iron, propane burner or a soldering lamp. The disadvantage of all these methods is the big risk of wood damage.


Introduce the window frame Olifa

To protect wood from rot, which is not completely destroyed by the influence of chemicals and the temperature of the flame of an industrial hair dryer, use the impregnation of the oil. For this, in domestic conditions, the window frame is coated 3-4 times with olifa. Each new layer is superimposed after complete drying (absorption) of the previous one. You should check the surface "on the low". A more effective way (it can be realized outdoors) is based on the following technology.

  1. The steel pipe with a diameter of 100-120 mm is brewed from one end and installed at an angle of 30 degrees using a specially manufactured support structure. The length of the pipe must exceed the length of the processed parts.
  2. The pipe is filled with ¾ volume of oil and heated with a soldering lamp or a gas burner its lower part. In case of ignition, the olifa should be burlap under hand: it is thrown on the neck.
  3. Heating is continued until the air bubbles continue. If a strong smell occurs, the heating should be temporarily interrupted. You can not look inside the pipe! The process is monitored.
  4. Wooden parts are lowered into the container on the wire or with the help of the hook and are trimmed. They withstand them in a boiling olife about 5 minutes. Contact with hot olifa should be watched.
  5. The frame parts are removed from the pipe and laid on the rack for drying.
    The service life of the details treated according to such technology may exceed 50 years.


Build and alignment frame

Before reincarnate to bore the frame overhau, it should be aligned. To do this, lay a window on a flat surface (for example, on the chipboard plate) and check the correctness of the connection of the angles using a carpentry. With its absence, it is possible to use a metal roulette. It needs to be measured diagonally: even 1 mm is not allowed. After that, we carry out the following.

  1. The aligned corners and the windows side are temporarily fixed on the chipboard, carefully driven nails into it close to the frame. The stove must be covered with polyethylene film.
  2. We check outwards: they must sit exactly in the middle of the corner connections.
  3. If everything is in place - drill their drill, the diameter of which is slightly larger than the diameter of the heater.
  4. We insert new brazen into the hole, lubricating them with pre-moisture-resistant wood glue.
  5. In case of detection of the bell, heavily shifted from the center, fix it with several drops of superclaud. Old brazier should stay in place.
  6. After drying the glue drills a hole in the right place and set the new heating indicated above.


Before the final assembly, we make new brazenings. To do this, use a crown drill: they are chosen across the fibers wooden blank. Oak wedges will also be needed with a cross section of 5 × 1.5 mm. The restoration of wooden windows continues in the following order:

  1. All mounting holes re-pass drill.
  2. The design is again disassembled and treated with dumps with wood glue (liquid nails can be used).
  3. Collect the frame and leveled using nails driven into the shield. Check diagonal. Leave the design for the time required to set glue.
  4. Install new brazen on their place (while the glue should not be already frozen).
  5. Begroen lubricate with glue and are inserted into the holes. Fasten them with wedges. The connection strength is ensured due to the fact that the wood fibers of the brazen and parts are mutually perpendicular.
  6. The frame must be withstanding at least three days at a temperature of about + 25 ° C until the glue is completely secreted.


Fitting assembly opening

Wooden windows repair technology also provides for the restoration of internal quarters. This is done in this order.

  1. With the help of plugs check quarters by installing the frame on the ass. In case of detection perpendicular, we take it as a basis. In the absence of such, they detect the most inappropriate angle using the reynchin and the square.
  2. From the "left" angle measured and outlines a pencil on the line of the lines of the opening, which should be formed. Perform this Zenzubel. Wood in the corners are chosen by the chisel.
  3. In the same way, align the sash on the outside.
  4. Customize the neighboring flaps in width and height, for which we put them on a flat surface nearby.
  5. If necessary, align a quarter for glazing. No accuracy is required.
  6. In the event that the sash will result in much less opening, it is necessary to reduce its quarters using plywood strips.

Important! The restoration of the windows of wooden with their own hands is performed in full: cleaned from the old paint, the entire window block, as well as the windowsill and the sump, is grouped.


Splice and grind the window frame



Repair and restoration of wooden windows can not do without the elimination of small and large cracks, replacing the inserts of the fired material. You must perform the following actions:

  1. Small cracks eliminate with a putty. For this spatula rubbing it into the material. Putclone should be chosen in the color of wood.
  2. Small sandpaper grind the frame.
  3. Large chips and faded parts of the sash cut out in the form of a bar, in the place of which from the wood of the same breed we produce insert.
  4. Customize insertion in place, compatible with excess material. Breeping it with glue and nails (we cut the caps with core and hammer). Gaps are screaming.
  5. The chisel chosen the excavations for installing fittings.


Glazing, painting and finishing

The quality of color and glazing characterize how successfully the restoration of wooden windows is performed. The price of the question is good thermal insulation and an attractive appearance.
Oil paint is best suited: it is resistant to ultraviolet, moisture and temperature drops. Pentaratal and glyphthali enamels should be avoided: such a coating serves no more than five years.

Glass is desirable to insert to painting. If they have already stood before - you need to clean them from the old paint with a scraper and carefully launder. For frames with double glass, the inner sides are the most important. Tightness is achieved with the help of sealant: it is pre-applied on the surface of quarters. On the perimeter of glazing, the painting ribbon is pasted into the stroke. It is necessary in order not to affect the brush with paint glasses.
Repair of wooden windows with double-glazed windows is performed on the same technology. It often happens to replace the glass package. The reasons for this are as follows:

  • cracked glass;
  • low heat and sound insulation qualities;
  • violation of tightness.

If all restoration work will comply with the specified rules, you can perform high-quality repair of wooden windows. Prices for new windows and services of professionals are very high, therefore it makes sense to implement it yourself. Modern materials can help this.

In conclusion - repair of wooden windows (video about how to remove the old paint).

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