Crushed stone for foundation: fraction, requirements, choice

June 29. Building materials Views 1056. Comments to record crushed stone for foundation: fraction, requirements, choice No

Construction work is a very responsible process. It is especially serious to treat the very beginning of building buildings. Of course, we are talking about the construction of the foundation. Despite the fact that the technologies for creating the foundations of buildings have long been known, in various cases, the features of the construction of foundations may differ significantly.

This article will talk about choosing rubble to build foundations. It is worth saying immediately that before creating the foundation you need to take care of the choice of filler, on which it depends on how strong the foundation of the construction will be.

In some cases, tips on choosing rubble will allow not only to save money, but to make the future housing is somewhat stronger, more durable and rustier to various factors.

Features of choosing rubble

If we talk about the classification of rubble, which can be used when creating foundations, first of all it is worth noting ways to obtain it. Often, this natural material is made by crushing large stones. Accordingly, special crushers are used in production, with which the natural material fraction can be monitored. Experts claim that the most durable is the type of rubble, which is created on the basis of granite. Despite this, it is most often used by gravel crushed stone, which often meets all the standards provided for the creation of the foundations of large buildings. Moreover, this is also the most economical option.


As mentioned above, when choosing rubble draws attention to its strength. Mark M200 is applied in cases where there is no heavy load on the base of the construction. If a significant load still has a place to be, you should pay attention to the brands from M1200 to M1600. Moreover, there are also no rocks in durable crushed, which can negatively affect the overall quality of the foundation.

In addition, you should pay attention to the frost resistance of rubble. If the construction of the foundation takes place on the territory of Eastern Europe, as well as Central Asia, then without a truly frost-resistant rubble can not do. In this case, we are talking about brands from F15 to F400. Accordingly, when using rubble, which is not capable of acceptable frost resistance, one can face various problems, in particular, we can talk about the low strength of the foundation. Many experts as a frost-resistant foundation base use all the same granite crushed stone. However, its cost is too high. To date, manufacturers offer crushed stone, which in many characteristics, including frost resistance, not worse than granite.

It is worth saying that specialists are often focused on other parameters of rubble. It may be, for example, adhesion.


Optimal sewnka selection

Before starting the construction of the foundation, it is necessary to carefully analyze the peculiarities of the future structure. Accordingly, on the basis of the data obtained, we will be able to conclude what kind of crushed stone we need.

Considering that buildings very often take constant and periodic loads, it is worth determining the strength of the foundation. If we are talking about creating a multi-storey building, then the M1200 brand material will be unambiguously. In the event that we need to build only a small country house, or a tiny warehouse, you can use less durable rubbank.

It is incredibly important to analyze the geometric characteristics of rubble. It may seem that this is a trifle, but it is really important for the construction of a durable base of the dwelling. Experts report that the most optimal option in construction is a cuboid crushed stone. This solution ensures the perfect sealing of the concrete mixture. However, it is known that it is very difficult to get cuboid rubble, and too much effort is spent for its production. It is important to note that to acquire such a type of rubble, though it is easy, but this is not cheap pleasure. The characteristics of the cuboid rubble also differ in the fact that the composition of the material does not often occur by body grains, which do not always have a positive effect on the strength and durability of concrete.

As for the presence of bodybushes in other types of rubble, then most of them are located in the simplest variations of this product. Accordingly, in such conditions it is impossible to ensure that such a crushed stone will be durable and reliable to create a concrete structure. Therefore, it is best to give preference to an improved rubble, in which there are fewer body grains.


Applying rubble to create a foundation

When creating a foundation, the rubble fraction should be 5-10 mm, 10-20 mm or 20-40 mm. Obviously, a smaller fraction is optimal for a solid foundation of the future structure, however, on a large scale, the use of small rubble is not a suitable solution.

When buying rubble, it is also important to pay attention to whether there is at least a small roughness on the surface. This factor has a positive effect on the binding properties of the material.


It should also be noted that instead of a classic crushed stone in construction, river gravel is very often used. Experts focus on the fact that this option is suitable only for construction on a small scale. Multi-storey builds require creating a truly durable foundation based on ordinary rubble.

Very often, rubble producers spend a thorough analysis of their products. Accordingly, in such conditions it is possible to fully appreciate all the features of the material - its disadvantages, advantages and specific characteristics. According to the submitted parameters, you can calculate the loads that will easily withstand the foundation of the structure.

As already mentioned, it all depends on the dimensions of the future structure. If this is a small country house, then the usual crushed stone is suitable, with which it will be possible to build a reliable and durable foundation. The manufacturers themselves will immediately present all the information that concerns the characteristics of rubble, as well as restrictions in terms of its use.

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