Installation of electric boiler

October 11. Useful advice Views 1343. Comments to record electric boiler installation No

In the cold season, the problem of heating at home is becoming acute. One of the best solutions of this issue can be considered the installation of an electric boiler, which is able to provide comfort and comfort in any room. Today, there are many models of similar aggregates for heating systems of different types. On how to choose the right and install the boiler tell you more.

Advantages and disadvantages of electric boiler


The electric boiler for the house is the key heating room. It serves mainly for heating and supplying water to the system. This unit works due to the transformation of electrical energy into thermal. At the same time, such installations have a rather high efficiency - from 96 to 98%, which is the highest indicator among all existing types of heating boilers.

To date, there are several types of electric boilers. One of them is a rosight boiler, which is also called ten one. The power of this system depends on the power of the main heating element.

The advantages of these boilers include:

  • ease of installation
  • compactness
  • affordable price,
  • the presence of temperature control sensors.

Of the disadvantages, it is worth noting the likelihood of scale on the heating elements and the need to change the shaft often.

One of the types of electrical units are also electrode boilers. They work through the passage of electricity through water, which causes its heating. Such boilers are known for their safety and compactness. If you compare them with ten ideas, it does not form scale on the surface of this unit. This is due to the fact that water molecules when working this installation are split into ions.

Third view - induction boilers. They have the highest efficiency. At the same time, there are no heating elements in their design. Heat output special materials, the basis of which make up magnetic chemical compounds. These boilers are safe, but have a fairly high price.

Given all the above, we note the general advantages of electric boilers:

  • With their work there are no waste.
  • In addition, they allow you to quite easily adjust the temperature.
  • All of them have a fairly high efficiency.
  • You can easily install an electric boiler in the room. For this you do not need to mount chimney and ventilation systems.
  • In addition, such aggregates occupy a little space. In addition, there is no need for special premises for them.
  • Modern models make it possible to choose a boiler that can fit into the interior of any home.
  • In addition, electric boilers are safe and eco-friendly.

Of the minuses of electric units, first of all should be noted their high cost. In addition, when electricity interruption occurs, the boilers stop work until the fault is eliminated. It should also be said that in the process of exploitation of such an aggregate on the inner walls, scale is settled, due to which electricity consumption is only increasing. Although it is not necessary to equip a separate room for them, but still a room in which the electric heating boiler is mounted with their own hands, should be qualitatively isolated. Without it, there will be big heat loss that, naturally, leads to an increase in energy costs.

Basics of choosing boilers


Since the electric boiler is installed for heating the room and the comfort depends on it in the whole house, it is very important to choose it correctly, considering all the qualitative characteristics of a particular model. This is necessary for such technical parameters as power, installation efficiency, adjustment of power parameters, equipment.

The most important point, of course, is power. It is chosen in the calculation, which is 10 square meters. m. Must has 1 kW. If you need a double-circuit boiler and for heating, and for hot water, then its power should be at least 30% more. When the house is heating at an electric concrete, it is better to purchase an aggregate with a power slightly more than the calculated indicators. The fact is that the power drawdown is possible. That is, when the voltage drops in the network, the power of the boiler will become less nominal.

Several steps of adjustment allow you to control the power of the boiler, depending on the specific situation and climatic conditions, which will help a lot of savings. It is worth saying that modern producers seek to improve the aggregates created by them for heating so that the consumption of electricity boilers is constantly reduced. This is usually done by installing special automation. The easiest way to regulate the power is to install the thermostat. It works as follows - after reaching the temperature of the coolant (usually water) to the value displayed on the device, the power supply circuit is closed. The smoother temperature adjustment today provides aggregates equipped with microprocessor control.

As for the configuration, it is often different at boilers of different producers. In those units that have a high price, there is usually an expansion tank, circulation nanos, remote sensors. Before buying a boiler, you need to find out what power will be able to withstand your power supply line. You can get such data in an organization that serves your power grid.

Safety regulations


Before installing electric heating boilers, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic safety rules:

  • So, first of all, before starting the installation, you need to make sure that you have not forgotten to turn off the power supply.
  • In addition, the boiler cannot be installed next to water sources or water supply. During the work, you cannot use shut-off valves.
  • For any electrical equipment to which the electrocotel refers, it is necessary to ground. It is customary from the copper wire. At the bottom of the unit of the unit there is a so-called zero terminal, to which the ground wire is connected.
  • It is impossible to engage in such electrical equipment without permission for this special services. If in the future you will need to repair the boiler, then trust it only by the experienced electrician.
  • While choosing a boiler you need to make sure that its power is suitable for the existing power grid. Be sure to read the instructions that goes along with the equipment.

How to install an electric boiler


Electric boilers are good in that they do not have any special installation requirements. In particular, you do not need to equip a separate room, and there is also no need to equip a special chimney. All this makes the installation of an electric boiler with a fairly easy task. The main thing is that it is required is the presence of a suitable wiring. Even before purchasing the boiler, it is necessary to know what the maximum power of your power grid. You should also clarify the power of the counter. If the power value is less than that of the boiler in a set with the other electrical appliances, the meter is required to replace. But it cannot be done independently, only with the participation of the energy sales service.

If the electrocotel has a power of more than 10 kW, most likely, a three-phase network will be required to work. If there is no such power grid, then there are two options: take a boiler of less power or connect the house to three-phase power supply, for which you have to pay.

After that, you need a suitable wiring on the cross section, which will go from the meter to the place of installation of an electric boiler heating. To do this, it is recommended to use stranded wires. They will heat less due to the fact that they have better conductivity. It is still worth focusing that for three-phase foods there is enough of a small cable, i.e. In this case, the load distribution of three wires is more evenly.

Use this table:


In the package with the boiler there should be a guide, which indicates the features of the connection of the equipment. After examining the material, you will avoid errors when installing the unit. It is also worth saying that it will not be superfluous to know at the place of sale, which cases are subject to the warranty service of equipment, and which is not. Perhaps the warranty will not act more if you will carry out the connection of the boiler yourself, and not using a specialist with the relevant certificates. In this case, it is recommended to use the wizard services to connect the boiler or search for another boiler.

There is no big difference in the method of installation of wall and floor electrocalls, except for the way they are fixed. So, the wall, as can be seen by its name, is attached directly to the wall, and the outdoor is usually mounted on a specially prepared platform. If you decide to establish an aggregate yourself, and not to hire specialists for this work, then it is still worth listening to what they advise. So, for example, it is recommended to pay attention to the device of an electric boiler. And do not forget what role this equipment plays in the entire heating system.

Often, such devices are used only as reserve, not basic heat sources. For closed-type systems, shut-off valves are required, which is usually mounted on the segment of the pipe coming after the expansion barrel. The heating circuit of the electrode type units should be necessarily equipped with a pressure gauge.

Without tools with the installation of the boiler, do not cope. For example, to do the holes under the fasteners, it is not without a drill. For mounting the boiler, a mounting film and metal fasteners will be required. In addition, they will need pipes, couplings, flanges and a sequence cable. The workful will be using the electric boiler scheme.

Note that the wall on which the unit is planned to be placed, should be such that it can withstand the weight of the equipment. It is possible in the future the boiler will have to be repaired. To make it more convenient to do, on the side and on top it is necessary to leave free space. Consider this when choosing a fastening site.

It is very important that the boiler is installed without distortion. This moment can be controlled by the construction level during installation. It is important that the wall is, or rather, the material from which it is made, was fire-resistant. To properly place the boiler, usually apply the mounting bar. When it comes to connecting an electric boiler to pipelines, be sure to make sure that they must be approached under the characteristics of the pump.


There is nothing complicated in the installation of the electric unit. Nevertheless, you need to remember some subtleties of this case. So, low-power boilers usually work without any problems from a regular power grid by 220 volts. More powerful models need a three-phase network. In any case, it is important to correctly calculate the cable cross section. The correct calculations will be prompting which cable is needed so that it can power the boiler power and at the same time it could successfully pass the current of the required value. After the operational installation of the electrocotel through flanges and couplings, it will be necessary to connect water and the pipeline of the heating system.

Next, the unit is required to be connected to the power grid. How to connect an electric boiler? It is important that before this was already installed suitable automata and RCDs. You still need to ground the boiler in advance. Water into the system is dialing only after turning on the unit. When it is done, the boiler must be checked for performance.

Electric boiler: photo

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Electric boilers: video

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