How to breed putty

September 9. Repair and construction work Views 5021 Comments How to record breeding putty No

Spackling work carried out during any repair. And in order not to spoil the appearance of the surfaces on which is applied a mixture, you should know how to properly plant putty. Usually putty breeding rules of proportion and consistency of the mixture are specified in the instructions on the package. However, often, can not take into account some of the nuances, and it will affect the quality of work performed. To this did not happen, try to use the tips on how to dilute the dry plaster, referred to in this article.

types of fillers

Today, the market can find a lot of varieties of plastering materials. Each of them is designed for a particular type of finishing.

All fillers are finely divided mortars. They mainly differ in consistency. There is some classification putty mixtures, depending on the material lying in its base. Thus, there are filler on cement, gypsum and polymers. We consider each of them in detail.

Plaster based on cement with a distinctive shade of gray, because of its resistance to moisture, is actively used for baths and other rooms with high humidity. In addition, it is often used for the facades of buildings.

Gypsum putty is often used for interior decoration before painting the walls or shove wallpaper. This solution has a much more attractive white-white color. In contrast to the cement putty mixture, the gypsum cannot carry a high level of humidity. Therefore, it is not suitable for use in the bathroom.


Putclone, which uses polymers as binding, is considered a fairly new material on the market. Disassemble acrylic and latex spacion mixtures. Acrylic is used, both for finishing the facade and for the work indoors. It can be used as a rough, leveling and even a finish mix.

As for latex putty, it is usually used exclusively for the interior decoration. It has such properties as high elasticity and low shrinkage. Therefore, it can be applied with a thin layer. Any mixture based on polymers is distinguished by strength and durability.

Putties are sold both in dry and in the finished divorced form. Dry mixes are starting and finished. They differ in the composition and properties. Finish spacure - fine-grained. After she, it turns out perfectly smooth surface. Starting mixtures are commonly used to align the wall defects. Such a material is applied with a thicker layer than finishing.

High strength is the leveling putty. Therefore, it is often used as starting.

There is also a universal putty. It is usually more expensive and has the same properties as leveling and decorative. But it should be used only when there are no serious defects on the wall.

How to breed putty (starting)

There are two ways to breed a starting putty. Consider more each of them.

First method


This method is like kneading the test. And most of all it is suitable when not in the presence of a mixer nozzle for a drill. You need to take a dry capacity (for example, a bucket from under construction materials) and pour into it the desired amount of dry mixture. After that, we should gradually add to water tank. If you do vice versa, i.e. To fall asleep the shuttle mixture into the water, it can grab in the form of lumps, which will be difficult to eliminate manually.


Consider gradually how to breed a gypsum putty in the first way.

  1. To prepare a gypsum-based putty, you need to take a clean plastic container and pour about seven trimmed dry mixes. Then add some water. Now you should mix the mixture well. Important moment: Used tool and dishes must be perfectly clean.
  2. If the dirt falls into the solution, it can lead to the fact that the mixture will freeze faster than you have time to apply to the surface. After stirring, you can pour out the remaining dry mixture and add water. Finally, you need to mix everything until a homogeneous mixture without lumps.
  3. Lumps, like dirt, can speed up the time of frozen mixture. Gypsum plaster is known for driving quickly, but despite this, after kneading, it is not necessary to immediately apply it to the work surface. It should be given about three minutes so that the mixture could be broken. After that, once again you need to mix well.
  4. The putty is allowed to add a dry mixture or water. But it is allowed to do only until the solution is applied to the working surface. The amount of the mixture should be so as long as twenty minutes of work. Therefore, it is better to prepare gradually than then throwing dried material.
  5. The main properties of the gypsum putty is that it absorbs extensive moisture. Therefore, it is usually used in premises with excessive humidity. This use is usually limited. However, recently, plaster plaster is used to finish the walls under painting. This is due to the fact that it lies with a fairly smooth layer, and on top does not need to apply the finish mixture.
  6. Sometimes gypsum plaster cracks. This usually happens because the technique of kneading was broken, an insufficient amount of water was added or a too small layer of plaster was applied, which normally should not be less than five millimeters. If the surface is not processed and not to clean before applying the mixture, in this case there may also be trees.

Second way


This method can be used when the nozzle-mixer is available or a screwdriver. To do this, pour water first in the container, and then we fall asleep in it dry the mixture until you achieve the desired density. Sometimes the material is seized in lumps, but thanks to the use of power tools, they can easily be removed. With due skill, you can breed putty in such a way right in large quantities and good quality. It is important to avoid entering a mixture of a large amount of air. To do this, the Mixer Nozzle is to keep at the level of 800 revolutions per minute. One kneading is usually not enough. Therefore, it is necessary after exposure about a quarter of an hour to repeat the procedure.

In the first and according to the second method, the mixture must be prepared until the necessary density is reached. After that, the finished mixture should be left for a few minutes for swelling. Then it is necessary to mix well so that lumps are not formed. In addition, re-stirring makes it possible to increase the elasticity of putty.

How to breed putty for walls, ceilings and floors (finish)


As for the preparation of the finish putty, which is used for fine decoration of the walls, then this process practically does not have differences from the mixing mixture mixing technology. Only in this case it is worth paying special attention to re-stirring. This is due to the fact that even small lumps should not be present in the finish layer. This layer is usually applied to one millimeter thickness, which is why any particles and lumps will be noticeable immediately. Especially they will pay attention when using glossy finishing materials and if the lateral lighting is indoors. Stir the finish mixture is thoroughly and repeatedly. In addition, it is important that the tool that is used for putty is very well cleaned from the remnants of the materials and then washed.

In addition, you should not breed a new portion of the plated mixture in the same container, where the previous one was previously divorced. To be accurate, then the same container can be used for a new portion, but before it needs to be washed with hot water. In addition to the capacity, the mixer's nozzle should be washed, which was used for mixing. Only after that, the container and the tool can be used again.

When working with a putty, you should not add to the container with a mixture of the residue of the solution that were on the tool. It is better to remove them into a separate small container. If the particles of the solution were already in a container with a mixture, then the entire volume of the material is needed thoroughly so that the lumps are not formed.

Independent preparation of the mix


It is known that putty can be prepared at home. There are quite a lot of such recipes today, but any of them has the same basis. Thus, the main components include: chalk, olifa, varnishes, sinking plaster, as well as joiner or animal glue.

  • The gypsum-chalk spacion mixture is suitable for use in dry rooms, in order to align plasterboard sheets and concrete surfaces. In order to prepare such a mixture, it will take a container for kneading, three kilograms of chalk, one kilogram of plaster, five percent joiner or animal glue. For mixing, a spatula needs, and even better drill with a special nozzle. In addition, you should purchase a respirator or at least a gauze bandage that is protected from gypsum-chalk dust.
  • First you need to carefully sift and mix the chalk chalk. They should be gradually introduced into the container with adhesive mortar. All thoroughly mix before receiving a homogeneous mass. The amount of the mixture of the mixture should be so as to work for work, but not more. The fact is that this putty quickly freezes, because of which the excess will have to throw out.
  • If it is necessary to prepare the surface to paint with oil paints, the oil putty is prepared for which 100 grams of the sequivat will be needed, 1 kilogram of olifa and 2 kilograms of chalk. Such a mixture can be covered with surfaces subjected to frequent temperature drops, such as surface frame surfaces.
  • If the surface must be susceptible to adhesive painting, the adhesive putty is prepared. It will take 25 grams of olifa, 2.5 kilograms of sainted chalk and 1 kilogram of 10% of the adhesive solution. The adhesive solution first need to warm, then mix with the oil and bring to a homogeneous consistency. Then gradually enter the chalk until the desired thickness is possible. To improve the spreading of putty, the mixture should also add a finely chopped soap.

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