How to stucked by the walls of the Rotband

September 9. Repair and construction work Views 2589 Comments to record how to stucked by the walls of the Rotband No

Often for alignment of the walls of the walls use plaster solutions made of cement. But such mixtures are characterized by a variety of flaws. The main ones are high density, poor resistance to cracks and small plasticity.

Gypsum mixes appeared on sale. One of them is a plaster mix of the Rotband. About how to plaster the walls with Rotband and will be discussed in our article.


Distinctive features of plaster

At its essence, Rotband, manufactured by the German company "Knauf", is a universal mixture of plaster and polymer additives. The main purpose of plaster is the decoration of ceilings and walls inside buildings.

The surface treated with this finishing material does not crack and will not give a shrinkage. Thanks to the excellent plasticity with Rotband, even people who have not encountered plastering works will be able to work without any problems.

The presence of gypsum in the mixture having a low density, does not increase the loads on the slab. Curing plaster is significantly faster than the solidification of the concrete mortar. What is the cause of reducing the length of the finishing works. And Rotband consumption (up to 9 kg / m²), almost half the flow of sand and cement mortar.

Many wonder whether it is possible to plaster Rotband wall or ceiling in the bathroom or in another room, where there is high humidity. The answer is yes. The only requirement - additional treatment places of contact with water of coating waterproofing material.


The advantages of using plaster Rotband include:

  • environmental material;
  • possibility of use on any base;
  • obtaining a perfectly smooth surface;
  • uselessness of filler;
  • excellent adhesion surface;
  • not being to delamination;
  • the ability to regulate the humidity in the room;
  • reasonable price.

Preparatory work

It will be appreciated that the application of the plaster mixture is carried out with the following conditions:

  • the recommended temperature range - 15-25ºS;
  • humidity - not more than 60%;
  • presence of dry base.

At the initial stage, the following work:

  • training base;
  • installation of beacons;
  • preparing a mixture.

Preparation of the substrate comprises:

  • clearing it from the old fabric, the dirt and dust;
  • sweep protruding elements of metal;
  • creating notches in the concrete surface;
  • floor base primer;
  • marking surface;
  • transfer of electrical outlets and switches.

To conduct quality markup used 4 screws and wood. Self-tapping screws are screwed in the corners of the walls. Between them stretched monofilament (as measured diagonally, and around the perimeter of the wall) and the horizontal plane is created. So define the boundaries of the application of the plaster.


As a guide beacons can use metal profiles, which ribs the thickness is 1 cm. In order to properly install beacons necessarily apply long level.

Stacking profiles performed on plaster. First exhibited extreme beacons. Profiles lean against the wall and gently pressed level. It occurs immediately control the vertical location beacons. After the solution under extreme beacons seize, can be performed to install other profiles.

The layout step depends on the length of the rule that will be used to align the plastering solution. The rule length must exceed the distance between the profiles by 20-25 cm.

An important role plays the correct preparation of plaster. The finished mixture is characterized by rapid frozen (20-30 minutes). For this reason, it is not necessary to prepare too much solution. For the preparation of Rotband, it is best to use a plastic bucket.

The third part of the bucket is filled with clean cold water. A dry mixture is poured into the water. The approximate ratio of components is: 1 hour. Water, 1.5 hours dry mixture. For the preparation of plaster, a building mixer is used, which is inserted into an electric drill.


As a result of thorough mixing, a homogeneous solution should be obtained, similar to a thick sour cream. His readiness to use as follows. Having gained a mixture of celma, it turns over. The plaster should not fall from the Kelma. After keeping the mixture for 5-10 minutes it is applied to the wall.

Plastering nuances

Now let's go directly to how the rotband wall is properly plastering. The thickness of the application of the finished mixture should be 5-50 mm. If there is a subsequent trim of the wall with a tile, then the minimum thickness of the plaster layer is 10 mm.

The application of the rothband is carried out using a wide spatula by moving from the bottom up. The mixture can be thrown onto the wall. Plot is treated with a height of up to 1 m and width equal to the distance between the beacons.

Pulling the separated area is carried out by the rules with a bevelled edge. This tool is tightly pressed to profiles and shifts upwards. Surplus the solution is removed and the spatula is returned to the bucket. The stucco should be filled with all the space without the appearance of defects. After that, proceed to the next site.


Due to the fact that the Rotband is distinguished by high plasticity, the plaster sometimes floats under his own severity. Therefore, by separating new sections, it should be returned to the old. In the presence of floating areas, the solution is stretched again from the bottom up.

An hour after applying plaster, the surface grout is carried out. To carry out this work it will take a sponge moistened in water. It is applied to the wall. A sponge circular movements are made. When softening the top layer of Rotband, a sponge with a grout is separated from the surface. This procedure is repeated until all the defects of the new wall are eliminated.

Video on how to stucked by the walls with Rotband:

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