Repair of warm electric floor with their own hands

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Warm floor - a find for families with children, this salvation in a frosty winter. This heating method saves space due to the absence of radiators, evenly distributes the heat from the bottom up, creates an optimal health atmosphere. However, sometimes the perfect heating system delivers many hassle: ceases to heat the floor, it is ineffectively consumed energy, etc. Do not hurry to fall into despondency. Malfunctions of different kinds can be easily eliminated by determining the cause. We learn how to check and repair a warm floor.

Warm floor system


The mechanism under this title is a collective image of the heating systems embedded in the floor. The following types of warm floors are found:

  • water;
  • electric;
  • liquid electric.


Water warm floor

Olympus Digital Camera.

The most common right is the mechanism of warm sex based on hot water heating. The pipe system is paved in sex, ensuring efficient heating of the room.

Water floor has several objective advantages over electrical:

  • laying of pipes is allowed under furniture and any outdoor material;
  • relative cheapness;
  • relative energy savings.

The equipment of the heating system provides:

  • distribution collectors - designed for the rational distribution of the heat source in contours;
  • mixing nodes - maintain temperature regime, provide heat inflows.

The fruitful operation of this type of heating largely depends on the competent installation, rather than the health of all the circuit nodes. You need to know the following nuances when installing:

  1. All installation work is carried out at the end of the decoration finish.
  2. Be sure to mark the surface level.
  3. The points of attachment of electricity and hot water are determined.
  4. Create niches for distribution nodes.
  5. To prevent carrying pipes, overlap is aligned. Thus, heat transfer decreases, hydraulic resistance increases.
  6. Waterproofing and thermal insulation are produced.

Water floors function due to hot water circulation. The hot fluid flows come along flexible pipes installed in the floor in the form of "snake".


Repair of water warm floor


Experts assure that with high-quality installation, the repair of warm water floor is not required up to 50 years. In case you need to fix the heating system, do not despair. Repair is easy, the equipment is located in an affordable place. For example, when an air traffic jamming is recommended to solve the problem by draining water with a crane.

Repair will bring a lot of trouble, if only the pipes damage. It often happens during the installation process when plastic communications are infused or grinding angular machine. With this development, the situation should be:

  1. Disable water.
  2. Open the area "Alarms".
  3. Cover the place with a protective film from garbage.
  4. Decompat the end of the pipe.
  5. Attach the fitting and perform crimping.
  6. To shorten the pipe to the desired size to connect with another end.
  7. Test system.
  8. Pour the screed.


Electric warm floor


Warm electric current-based floor is constructed in separate housing zones. These are kitchens, balconies or bathrooms. Most often, marble, porcelain stoneware, ceramic tiles are used as a cover. By design, warm floors on electricity are:

  • rod;
  • film;
  • cable.

The latter are considered the most popular due to the simplicity of design and installation. The mechanism includes sections, mats and wires on the coil. The heating sections are installed directly into the screed, and the mats are mounted on the screed and are coated with glue.

The principle of work is:

  1. When starting the cable heats up.
  2. The thermal sensor reaches the temperature threshold installed on the thermostat.
  3. When leveling indicators, the power is automatically turned off.
  4. When difference - turns on.

The reason for the malfunction of the warm floor is a failure of one of the chain links.


Repair of electric heating floor


1. Fault of the heating cable.

With a primary inspection of the design, you should pay attention to the thermostat and the thermal sensor. If they function, but the floors do not heat up, apparently damaged the integrity of the cable. There may be several reasons: from mechanical cliff to wire brave.

A standard set of operations is carried out:

  • disconnection from the network;
  • turning off the cable from the thermostat;
  • measurement of the resistance of the heating cable and isolation (an error is allowed in 5%).

At higher resistance rates, you can unambiguously talk about the damage to the cable. If the cable breaks, the insulation resistance is most often reduced. To detect the break, use a high-voltage generator or audio setk.


2. Repair of electric floor cable.

  • the reason and place of the cliff is determined;
  • separation site is dismantled;
  • revealed screed;
  • the trimmed wire is connected by the sleeves with the press tick;
  • the wire section is isolated with a hemkeeper clutch;
  • the screed and flooring is carried out.

3. Repair of thermostat.

  • test connective terminals of all nodes;
  • the thermal sensor resistance is measured;
  • the thermal sensor is replaced if necessary.

Often the thermostat malfunction is associated with insufficient heating of the warm floor. The device is turned off when the thermal sensor is installed near the heating element.

4. Repair of the thermal sensor.

If the sensor is damaged, heating continues. In this case, the system of automatic switching mode of temperature is violated. As a result, it leads to the overruns of energy. So, how to check the heat-mall sensor?

  • disconnect the device from the thermostat;
  • measure resistance;
  • check indicators with source data;
  • replace the sensor if necessary.

If the device is placed in a corrugated tube, the replacement is not complicated. If the sensor is mounted in the screed, you will have to remove the concrete section or replace the thermostat to the modern thermostat with the built-in timer mode.

5. Low power supply.

In private houses, there are cases of voltage jumps. In the event that there is no built-in system of power supply, voltage stabilizers come to the rescue.


Liquid electric floors


This is a kind of symbiosis of water and electrical floor heating. The design of liquid-electric floors is a complex of pipelines with non-freezing liquid and heating cable inside. The repair work of this type of heating mechanism is carried out by analogy with water floors.


How to avoid repair of electric floor


In the process of installation it is important to take into account a number of fundamental rules that will help avoid repair.

  1. An illiterate power selection and type of heating cable to a lack of insufficient thermal insulation is the main cause of inefficient heating.
  2. It is categorically not recommended to step on the heating cable before installing.
  3. You need to choose the heating element according to the size of the room, because when cutting the cable loses strength.
  4. Before purchasing, you should consult with experienced familiar. Feel free to ask for advice. Even professionals do not neglect competent opinions.
  5. Include the heating scheme can only be completely drying the concrete screed.
  6. Be sure to do the measurements of resistance before and after installation. Indicators should not disperse with technical passport data.
  7. It is advisable to avoid the formation of voids around the heating cable. Otherwise, it will cause overheating cable.
  8. It is required to clean the surface before mounting.
  9. It is forbidden to mount the cable in places of concentration of furniture. This rule does not apply to water floor.
  10. Install the temperature sensor in a special corrugated tube to simplify access.
  11. Create a cable or pipe laying scheme. This will allow small losses to repair the system.



The system of heating electric floor under the tile or marble must be performed taking into account all the recommendations. It is not welcome to cut the heating cable, bend and attack it. In the process of repair, it is recommended to use special equipment that will help detect cliffs without dismantling a significant part of the floor. Finally, when restoring a warm floor on electricity, the device for measuring resistance will be the best weapon. Taking advantage of these recommendations as a desk book, you can easily repair warm floors on your own.

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