Treatment of crust of shrubs and trees in spring

July 24. Plot. Views 4262. Comments To write the handling of shrub bark and trees in spring No

So that the garden pleased with the lush greens, fragrant fruits and berries, he needed regular care. Especially important processing when trees and shrubs begin to wake up after the hibernation. How to handle the bark of shrubs and trees in the spring will tell this article.

Where to start in the spring

Most of all suffers in the winter of trees and shrubs. Similar to this not only frost, but also rodents. So at the very beginning of spring on a sunny day, when even the snow has not yet melted, go out into the garden with a bucket and a litter, carefully examine its inhabitants. The earliest treatment of trees and shrubs in the spring will be as follows:

  • we try not to miss the remaining fruits from the fall and delete them;
  • while the trees are naked, the nests are clearly visible, where the pests are signed for the winter. They are also removed and put in a bucket;
  • noticing on the cortex or damage caused by rodents, we remove the detached bark using a wooden or plastic knife, pre-spread something under the tree;
  • it is impossible to leave remote trees. Everything that was collected in the bucket and to the litter we endure outside the garden and burn.

These events are common to all plantations.


Features of handling shrubs in spring

To destroy pests and causative agents of various diseases on shrubs, we are still processing:

  • boil water, pour it into a bucket or watering can, and immediately repent the bush. If the temperature is minus, then when entering the plant, it will coolest at least up to 80 degrees with;
  • If on the street above 0 degrees, then let the water be cooled to this limit. It is done before the kidneys begin to bloom, otherwise they will receive burns. Tle, ticks, fire and other pests will not be able to multiply;
  • sometimes a moss appears on the shrub cortex or damage. It is also subject to destruction. Do not rush to remove the knife, it is better to take a burlap and how to erase it;
  • now you need to spend another procedure. It is desirable to pour a shrub from the sprayer with a solution of urea: in 10 liters of water to dissolve 500 g. They use other solutions, but to use better proven to be sure that they will not bring instead of benefit, harm;
  • if you encroed the spraying time and kidney in the meantime, we started swell, then use the Council: to handle shrubs in the spring, prepare a burglar mixture using a copper vapor in an amount of 0.3 kg, the lime is expensive - 0.6 kg, and if there is a smaller, then 0, 3 kg. Water take 10 liters. It turns out good protection against the most popular pests and diseases. Such a spraying is suitable not only for shrubs, but also for trees.

Treatment of tree bark in spring

If most of the processing activities for shrubs and trees are similar, then they perform the blots of the bark only in the trees, although there are gardeners who are whiskers whites. She is protected from the spring bright sun, and in addition, kills an infection, if so is on the crust.

Fundamental rules

It is not performed by whitening when it flies, but at a certain time: by the time of whitewings, all the pests hide in the ground should not get out of there, otherwise everyone will settle on an unprotected trunk. The ideal weather, when dry, but not yet warm. Pobelka1.

  • Preceded by a whirlwind of cracking and damage to a garden boiler or a clay bolt.
  • After processing cracks, you can start a whitewash using a brush or a spacing.
  • The whots are useful not only for trunks, but also for skeletal branches.

Cooking clay boltushki

Clay bolt to handle the crust of fruit trees is known for a long time. Prepare it in different ways:

  • sometimes it is simply bred clean clay to a consistency that resembles a thick sour cream, then deceive damaged areas. Sometimes the mixture is added in the mixture, the mixture is added, then the mixture holds longer;
  • lime, manure and the same copper vigoros are added to the clay solution.

Composition for bliss

Thinking to carry out the treatment of the bark of trees, you can do this:

  • go to the store and purchase ready-made powder or solution, or even a special paint;
  • knowing the recipe, it is not difficult to cook whitewash.

Recipe spins for self-preparation

Mix the following components:

  • the main component is lime. We take it 2.5 kg;
  • add copper vitrios to the lime - 0.5 l;
  • for the breeding of these components, water can be required;
  • after the lime and copper canopy dissolve in water, add joinery glue to 0.2 kg. Such a solution is a decent replacement store.

Instead of copper sulfate, it is possible to add iron, but annually using these components every year, you also contribute to their accumulation in the soil, and these are already toxins. For the bark of trees, like shrubs, it is very useful to process them with an anxiously soapy infusion:

  • we take 1 l hot water and weep 0.3 kg of ash and soap in it - 5 g;
  • it is broken by the solution, and then to deceive them a bark on the trunk and branches. This is perceived as an extraordinary feeder. There is a solution and disinfectant properties.

With the same purpose applies and intrinsic lycles:

  • 3 kg of ashes sifting and pouring a bucket of water;
  • mix, bring to a boil and let it stand;
  • we drain the liquid that appeared on top. This is a hoarse liquor;
  • for kneading or spraying, trees are bred by water in a 1: 1 ratio.

Poons for processing the crust of fruit trees from the store

Now a little about finished whitewings. They include different additives, reinforcing therapeutic effect, insecticides, destroying pests.

Teaches therapeutic "Dr. Garden"


This pavement includes:

  • silver particles, which enhances its effectiveness in the fight against microbes;
  • the insecticide present in it kills the wintering plants in the cortex, ticks, leaflerting;
  • releases whitewash Russian manufacturer.

The same composition and garden whitewash from the Russian manufacturer Green Balt TekhnoExport.


Paste Garden "Ranner"


Excellent remedy:

  • disinfects, does not allow the deposit in damaged places and contributes to healing wounds, for no matter how reason they appear on the trunks of the trees;
  • does not freeze when cold.

Enjoy to handle the crust of apple trees and other trees and water-dispersion paint, but for young trees it is impossible to use it, as it clogs the pores, the tree does not breathe and can die.


The advantages are that:

  • its composition is enriched with antifungal and antimicrobial additives;
  • the rain does not wash this whitles. She can stay on the tree for a year.

On the apple tree loves to hide in the winter. See how the apple tree bark is treated in early spring urea:

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