Perforator cartridge - how to remove

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The perforator is almost indispensable equipment for performing a number of construction and other tasks. When choosing such a reliable friend and assistant, first of all, it is necessary to determine the device of its cartridge. During operation, any master may face the need to remove and replace it in order to install new nozzles or the repair of the tool itself. For professionals, the replacement of the cartridge in the perforator is a simple task, which can be solved easily and quickly. But, if you encountered a similar problem for the first time, you should familiarize yourself in advance with some recommendations that will be described below.


The main types of cartridges for the perforator

Before moving to the removal and replacement of the cartridge, it is necessary to determine its type in advance that is used in this device. Experts allocate the following types of cartridges, which are most often found in modern perforator models:

  • collet SDS cartridges;
  • key or cam cartridges;
  • flexible cartridges.

SDS Punners for Perforators


Translated from German Abbreviation SDS means - Steck - Dreh - Sitzt or "Insert, turning, ready." The cartridges of this type have guide wedges and lock balls in their design, due to which the very fast and reliable fastening is ensured. They are very convenient in operation, easily removed and replaced with new ones. To do this, you need only to turn the cartridge. SDS-MAX, SDS-Plus, SDS-TOP cartridges.
They differ among themselves the working diameter of the nozzles that can be attached to them.

  1. Thus, the SDS-PLUS is installed in the lungs and medium models of perforators for attaching nozzles with a working diameter of no more than 26 mm.
  2. Cartridges for the SDS-MAX perforator are found in medium or heavy class perforators with a drilling diameter of more than 20 mm.
  3. SDS-TOP is not as common as other types of cartridges, and are designed to fasten nozzles with a drilling diameter of 16-25 mm.

Collet SDS Cartridges provide for a deeper fixation of the drill and are installed in most modern perforator models that combine the drilling and impact functions simultaneously. For devices having only one drilling function, cam or fast-mode cartridges are suitable.

Cam or key cartridges for perforator


A key or cam cartridge assumes the installation of a drill using a special tool or key that is sold complete. This is the most common type of cartridges that has an affordable cost.
It is suitable for large drills and powerful devices, which require reliable fixation of the nozzle. However, the main disadvantage of such a cartridge is the impossibility of replacing the drill in the absence or random loss of the key.

Fast pressure cartridges for perforator


Flexible cartridges are distinguished by convenience and ease of use. The drills in them are installed without a key, in contrast to cam, so the replacement of the nozzle is carried out quite quickly and without any effort. This type is most suitable for whom in the process of work has to be very often changed to snap the perforator, performing several operations at once. At the same time, the cost of the tool with the quick-release cartridge is slightly higher than others.

The process of removing the cartridge from the perforator

After the type of cartridge is defined, which is installed on the perforator, go directly to its removal.

  • To do this, you will need a standard set of tools that can be found in almost any home: hammer, screwdriver and key. As a rule, the cartridges are attached with the help of the so-called spindle or a screw rod.
  • First unscrew the screw. To do this, open the clamping cartridge. In most cases, any difficulties should not arise here. However, if still the screw does not give in and does not leave immediately remove the cartridge, then experienced masters are recommended to knock on the hammer over the screw head. Thus, it is possible to achieve his relaxation, after which it will try to use a screwdriver again.


  • Next, the cartridge is clamped in the key or take into vice with plastic sponges, and scroll the spindle. Without having turnkey cuts, you can try to fix the spindle inside the device itself, although it is much more complicated.

Replacement of cartridge for perforator

  • After removing the old cartridge, the new cartridge turns on the perforator to the stop.
  • Then the screw is inserted back into the nest and delay it until it stops. Thus, all manipulations with the cartridge, which were listed above, are only in reverse order.
  • Replacement can be made on a cartridge of another type. The main thing is to decide in advance which one you need in work.

So, we looked at the device of cartridges, their main types, dignity and disadvantages, as well as operations that can be carried out with them. In addition, the process of replacement and installation of a new perforator cartridge was stages. As it turned out, it is quite realistic to solve such a task for each of us. Especially with the right approach and accounting for all the recommendations of specialists.

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