How to ensure water heating in the pool? Overview of the water heating and their characteristics

February 21. Useful advice, Plumbing Views 3777. 1 comment To record How to ensure water heating in the pool? Overview of the water heating and their characteristics

We all want to enjoy as long as possible, swimming in the pool, however, to enjoy water treatments in the cool time of the year, it is advisable to equip the bowl of water to be heated. At the same time, to achieve the optimal temperature, the owner of the pool is enough to purchase a heater and related equipment.


In this article, we will consider how to warm the water in the pool, because this should be thought about it at the stage of its design, since all technological elements of this system are interconnected. Experts advise to install devices for heating in a complex with other equipment, if this activity was not planned in advance, it is possible to equip them later.

The selection of water heating in the pool depends on the following factors:

  • heat source that can be used in this pool;
  • the number of operational days a year;
  • heating pace;
  • conservation of heat in the pool;
  • features of the arrangement of communications;
  • the volume of water to be heated;
  • from where is the pool.

Recommendations for the optimal water temperature in the pool:

  • for adults from + 24 ° C to + 26 ° C;
  • for children - approximately + 30 ° C.


Water heating methods

Today the market offers a large number of water heating systems in the pool bowl, however, we will look at the most sought-after:

  • thermal pumps;
  • solar collectors;
  • electric flowing heaters;
  • heat exchangers.

Heat pumps

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In this equipment, the energy source is ambient air, it is for this reason that the heat pumps are considered to be a fireproof and economical way of heating the pool. Their main difference is sufficiently low power and minimal consumption of electricity.


At low temperatures, the heat pump functions as a heating system, and at high - as an air conditioning system. This type of product is the most optimal solution for our climatic belt, since it acts from - 25 ° C to + 40 ° C.


  • thermal pumps are connected to the return duct of the pool directly;
  • it is mounted right outdoors;
  • pumps have a stainless steel case and titanium coating for a condenser and heat exchanger;
  • the pump is designed in such a way that its water circuit does not have contact with the power grid.

solar collector


This type of collector is a device designed to obtain thermal energy from solar.


  • used for heating;
  • for water supply at home with hot water;
  • to warm water in the pool bowl.

Collectors are connected to a row of flasks, tubes or a large screen that perceives the rays of the sun. They consist of modules, each of which has the ability to heat up to 30 m. Cube. water. In order to increase productivity, a slightly larger number of modules attach to the collector.

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  • he warms a large amount of water for a rather short period of time;
  • does not imply additional energy consumption;
  • easy to install and use;
  • differs low cost.

The only lack of solar heating is seasonal operation.

Heat exchangers

heat exchange

The heat exchanger does not use electrical energy because it connects to the total heating system. Its power can be large (up to 200 kW) and small. Such equipment is considered the cheapest option and is a common water heating method.

The principle of functioning of heat exchangers

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The heat exchanger has the form of a flask in which the coil is equipped. It is on it that moves the heat carrier. The coiner itself is washed with water from the pool, which should be preheated. Of the overall heating system, warm water enters the serpent with a special circulation pump, whose activities are regulated by a special electromagnetic valve. The valve action is regulated by a thermostat. Therefore, a person remains only to set a certain temperature on it, and everything else controls the automation.

The choice of power of this product is elected depending on the bulk of the pool bowl.
The heat exchanger is placed in the water circulation system outside the pool bowl, namely after the filter and pumping station, in front of the disinfection system.


  • gas heat exchanger;
  • electric;
  • water.

Flowing electric heaters


Such equipment is intended for heating a constant fluid flow with a very small pressure drop. Flowing electric heaters are quite compact, they can be applied even in small technical premises. The housing is made of titanium, stainless steel and plastic, and the tanes themselves are produced from a special alloy of stainless steel.

The choice of power of this instrument should be selected, focusing on the bulk of the pool. At the same time, its main advantage is that thanks to the beans, a fairly fast heating of the fluid is created.

A set of equipment of flow-through electrical heaters includes:

  • two types of thermostat (one limits the maximum temperature, the other - regulates the temperature of the water that fills the pool);
  • flow sensor (in the absence of water circulation, turns off the device).

The best manufacturers of water warming in the pool

Today, the stroke is saturated with a variety of products that are offered by producers to warm up the basin. Thermal pumps, heat exchangers, electric heaters, circular pumps, solenoid valves, thermostats, and the like are designed to cope with this task. The best equipment is always distinguished by excellent quality and long service life, so we offer to your attention world-famous firms that are responsible for their goods and provide warranty service on it: Hayward, Kripsol, Djawaio, Flexinox, Wilo, Grundfos, Pahlen, etc.

Kryptsol company specializes in the manufacture of electric heaters from 3 kW to 18 kW. Thanks to the compact sizes, they can be mounted almost anywhere. The kit includes a sensor, pressure, temperature controller and thermostat. The voltage varies from 230-380 W. Crypsol products are designed to heat the hydromassage spa pools, children's and sports, while 2 types of flow heaters are used - heat exchange and electric.

Water heating equipment in the Pahlen basin includes several types of products: electric heaters and heat exchangers. This manufacturer has established itself as a supplier of exceptionally reliable and high-quality goods, which, with the right installation, will serve for a long time.

Jettrace offers the maximum list of services and equipment for heating pools, starting with designer and ending with service.

As for the firm on djawayo, it can provide a consumer with heat exchangers and regular electric heaters, as well as a different product.

How to provide solar water heating in the video pool:

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One answer to how to heat the water in the pool? Overview of the water heating and their characteristics

  1. Margarita:

    And we use a woodwood water heater, very convenient and not so expensive as electric

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