Discovering interior door with your own hands

May 31. Interior decoration, Repair and construction work Views 11636. Comments to write decoration interroom do it yourself No

Now the interroom door in the residential room is designed to perform not only sound insulation and thermal insulation functions. It is a full element of the interior of the room, which plays a decorative role. For this reason, modern stylish doors differ quite high cost.

For people who cannot afford such a purchase, there is another option. It is a decoration of old doors. The implementation of the door decor with their own hands will be true pleasure for those who have a good taste and fantasy.

Preparatory work

Regardless of the method of finishing interroom doors, the surface of the canvas is required. It is removed from the loops and is thoroughly cleaned from the old coating. The surface of the old door should be clean and smooth.

The door leaf is checked for emptiness, cracks and detachalies. If there are small cracks and emptiness, use adhesive composition. If there are exhaust places, then their closeing is made in the following order:

  • doors are covered with glue;
  • covered on top of a cushion;
  • pressed the press.

If there is deep cracks on the surface of the door, the process of embelling them is slightly complicated. For this purpose, fine sawdust, which are mixed with glue or furniture varnish are used.

Variety of decoring methods

There are many options for interior doors decor:

  • painting;
  • varnishing;
  • boring;
  • craquelure;
  • sticking wallpaper or vinyl stickers;
  • finishing with cloth;
  • veneering;
  • decoupage;
  • inlay;
  • stained-in painting;
  • sandblasting patterns;
  • use of overhead elements.


The most common option of the decor of the old door is its staining. Aqueous solutions are purchased, which include synthetic or organic coloring components. The choice of paint is carried out, based on the original color of the door leaf.

For uniform paint application, the door surface should be covered with several layers. Moreover, applying the subsequent layer of paint is made after drying the previous one. A long operating period and simplicity of care are two main positive features of painting the door.


There are several options for the door decor by using paint:

  • creation of simple geometric lines;
  • staining of moldings;
  • spectacular texture device;
  • using stencils.

The first way of finishing the door leaf provides for the creation of strips. And they can be coated as a significant part of the doors and allocate a certain part of the canvas. In the presence of an interior in the style of "Country" stylishly look wide stripes.

Creating contrast door moldings is more suitable for rooms decorated in classic or bohemian styles. In the absence of moldings, they can be made. To do this, use a carefully polished wooden rail or baguette from polyurethane to 1 cm thick.

The spectacular texture is created with the help of paints that mimic it. Paints under velvet, jeans, a stylist board, an old eye will emphasize the style that is selected for a particular room.

The most economical option for creating an art decor of the door is to draw pictures on pre-prepared stencils. And stencils can be used in the finished form, and make it yourself.

Varnishing, seaweed and craklers

To give the old canvase of new shades, varnish is applied. It is better to use parquet varnish or special varnish for the Lacobe Tree (Poland). The pluses of the Polish product include:

  • deep penetration into wood;
  • normal spreading over the surface;
  • the presence of a tinting basis.

Varnish is applied with a brush. The sprayer and roller do not guarantee the creation of a uniform layer. The door bursts twice twice.


Before lacquering, the canvas can be covered with a mourn. With the help of the boring process, the door acquires the desired shade. The subsequent application of varnish makes the texture brighter, and after grinding the door, become matte.

For those who do not like the matte surface, polishing and drying are additionally carried out after grinding the surface. After that, the door canvas becomes with a mirror glitter.

Craquelur involves the use of special varnish. It is called the crockel. It should be noted that it is necessary to acquire varnishes that differ in consistency and drying deadline.

Craquelor technology suggests:

  • preparation of the door surface;
  • applying two layers of varnish.

The preparation of the canvas is to carefully clean the surface followed by its degreasing. After that, the doors can be treated with a crockel lacquer. When the first layer is dry, another layer of special varnish is applied, which contains bitumen.

Due to lacquer with bitumen, small cracks are selected on the bright surface of the doors. The dark surface is covered with acrylic paint.

Craquelur is an ideal solution for those people who prefer an antique direction in the interior. This finish is rare, which can give any room of originality.

Sticking wallpaper and vinyl stickers

A very popular way to improve the appearance of old doors is the sticking of wallpaper. You can use a conventional paper or vinyl coating, as well as special door photo wallpapers.

Before sticking the finishing material, the door leaf is cleaned and degreases with a solvent. If there is an uneven surface, it grinds. Door places that are not planned to close with wallpaper, it is recommended to paint in the same color.


If the wallpaper is selected with a geometrical pattern, the lines must match vertically. If there is a door consisting of two sash, it is necessary to observe the symmetric location of the glued wallpaper.

If the interroom door was with a glass, plywood is inserted instead. Wallpapers are pasted on top of plywood. For pasting paper and vinyl wallpaper, PVA glue is used.

Door photographs are an unconditional leader in carrying out quick installation with the creation of a stylish look. This is a magnificent refreshing method for designing the door leaf. Now there are many options and photo decor of doors that have different ornaments, drawings and patterns.

For this reason, the main task will be the right choice of wallpaper, which harmoniously fit into the surrounding interior. The main thing is to purchase photo wallpapers, which are designed to wet the door leaf.

The process of performing installation work itself is described in the instructions, which is attached to the wallpaper. There are such nuances when using photo wallpapers:

  • they are suitable for standard doors;
  • with frequent touch to the door, they lose their attractiveness.

Vinyl stickers (stickers) are the cheapest and simple option for finishing the old door. In most cases, they are used with a small damage to the door or the presence of scratches.

Sticker fastening technology provides for a thorough cleaning of the surface from fat and dirt. The sticker is aligned, the picture is separated from the substrate. Stickers stickers are made in the same way as finishing with wallpaper. In order to prevent the appearance of bubbles, they are carefully smoothed.

After 15 minutes, when the sticker is secure, it is necessary to remove the protective film with it gently. If it is removed bad, then you need to use a hairdryer.

Pretty creative in the room will look a door that is saved by geographic maps, photographs or notes. But best of all visually will increase the room space stickers with natural landscapes.

Decorating with cloth, veneering and decoupage

The finishing of the door leaf fabric is not a new idea. In view of the variety of colors and textures of problems with the choice of material for stylish doors, it will not arise at all.

The shelter technology itself is a cloth slightly harder to finish with wallpaper. When buying a finishing material, you must pay attention to:

  • flambling fabric;
  • spots after interaction with glue.

If the tissue is scattered, then the edges will have to turn the edges.

You can update the old door made of sawdust or chips using smooth veneer sheets. This material will be able to hide all flaws. The main requirement is the quality preparation of the canvas.

Olympus Digital Camera.

The vection process itself implies the following steps:

  • close up of putting all the gaps and irregularities;
  • after its drying, the surface is grouped;
  • cutting veneer;
  • production of joinery glue;
  • applying glue on the inside of the veneer;
  • printing the finishing material to the door.

Cutting veneer is better to produce using paper patterns. The inner side of the veneer is inspired by the skin, and the gaps are closed with putty (if there is).

Direct stagnation of the material is made in the transverse direction to the fibers. The glue is applied to veneer and on the door. After 8-10 minutes of waiting, the finishing material is connected to the web.

Stroking is carried out from the middle to the extreme part of the veneer billet. It is necessary to put pressure with effort, but you should not overdo it. You can use the iron heated to 50º. In the event of bubbles with air, the veneer is screwed at the place of their occurrence. Using the syringe, you should enter glue. The incision immediately burns.

After gluing, the veneer must completely dry at an air temperature of at least 25ºС. After 2-3 hours, handles and locks are installed.

You can decorate the old door by using decoupage cards. Preparatory work consists in washing and drying the canvas. The perimeter of the opening is stuck with scotch. The door is processed with a primer, rubbed a candle of paraffin and stains.

For 8-10 minutes, decoupage cards are placed in cool water. Before sticking, all drops of water are removed from their surface. For this, napkins are used. PVA glue and they are applied to the door and on the inner side of the decoupage card and they are connected.

Bubbles and folds must be absent. If they appear, they are removed immediately. After some time, it is impossible to fix this problem. After drying the pattern, its extreme part is reliably fixed with a putty.

Alternative doors decorating options

Those who prefer to engage more complex works will be interested in inlay, stained-in painting and sandblasting patterns on the doors.

As materials for inlay, you can choose:

  • mirrors;
  • glass;
  • skin;
  • bamboo;
  • mat.

Inlaid is a rather complicated process. But the result will not make yourself wait. You can get a magnificent designer masterpiece.

Very attractive appearance have the door, the glass inserts of which are covered with stained painting. Decoration is carried out using special stained glass paints on water based.


The technology of creating a stained painting includes the following steps:

  • creating a sketch on paper;
  • cleaning and degreasing glass surface;
  • drawing pattern;
  • creating a stained painting;
  • paint drying;
  • inserting glasses in the door leaf.

You can decorate the door with glass inserts by applying a sandblasting pattern. This option to decorate the door will be spectacularly looked in any room.

You can use other ways to improve the attractiveness of the old door and separate it with overhead items:

  • stones;
  • metal;
  • bone;
  • or expensive wood.

Opera and slope decoration

In addition to updating the interior door, it is necessary to decorate the openings and slopes. A beautiful door canvas will not be harmonized at all with undetented slopes and opening.

The cladding of old slopes can be carried out in several ways:

  • fastening new slopes from MDF;
  • installation on a glue composition or on a corner of drywall slopes;
  • using door sketches (especially relevant with increasing box);
  • creating slopes from plaster.


The finishing of the doorway provides for the following consecutive actions:

  • installation of guide elements (they can be profiles);
  • application of plaster on profiles;
  • fastening of platbands.

If there are significant irregularities on the surface of the opening, the profile is mounted on pre-installed perforated corners. And only after that the plaster mortar occurs. The platbands are better to choose such that have special grooves for dense fixation of the planks.

Door decorating video:

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