Installation of the roof of polycarbonate

July 28. Roof Views 3392. Comments To write the installation of the roof of polycarbonate No

The roof of polycarbonate is an excellent choice for the premises where it is necessary to create the optimal flow of natural lighting. At the same time, the wonderful performance characteristics of this building material and easy installation make it more and more popular.

Polycarbonate Roof Device


Polycarbonate is ideal for the construction of a winter garden, attic, greenhouses, a veranda and orangene. It provides maximum penetration of sunlight and maintaining normal air temperature.



This material is a panel that are connected by longitudinal rigids. In addition, they may differ in the number of layers and thickness.

As a rule, the use of polycarbonate is due to the need to quickly erect the roof, which is created on lightweight structures.

Features of a polycarbonate roof


If you cover the roof of polycarbonate, then in addition to excellent lighting, you will acquire a lot of other advantages:

  • provide good ventilation indoors;
  • protect the space from the effects of ultraviolet;
  • create optimal vapor, hydro, heat and sound insulation;
  • expand the designer solutions to modify the roof;
  • create a lightweight roof due to the small specific weight of this building material;
  • there will be no precipitation on such a roof;
  • there will be no need for additional insulation, etc.

In addition, due to good flexibility and stiffness, such a roof is able to withstand a large load from atmospheric precipitation, and high fire safety provides the duration of its operation.


  • requires accurate circulation;
  • long-term storage of sheets is allowed exclusively in the ventilated room without direct exposure to ultraviolet and in a horizontal position;
  • polycarbonate shelter by polymer building materials is not recommended.

Types of polycarbonate


  • economic option - serves from 5-8 years;
  • optimal - up to 10 years;
  • professional - up to 12 years;
  • premium up to 20 years.

Thus, the roof of polycarbonate, the price of which is quite acceptable, may have a different form (single and two-tonic), as well as to be performed in the form of an arch. Among other things, it fits perfectly into any landscape and allows you to significantly save on electricity.

Installation of the roof of polycarbonate


How to make a roof of polycarbonate:

1. Getting Started with the construction of a polycarbonate roof with your own hands, initially determine the quality of the building materials used and the thermal resistance coefficient.

So for isolated premises, polycarbonate is ideal, having a maximum thickness, and for radius roofs - thinner sheets. At the same time, for a thick material, it is recommended to create a rare crate.

2. At the second stage of construction, it is necessary to calculate the total area of \u200b\u200bthe structure and create a project of roofing crate.


  • wooden beams should be mounted with a cross section of at least 50x50 mm;
  • to enhance the design between the beams, it is recommended to install additional bars in such a way that 1x1 m square is created;
  • permissible to use transverse and longitudinal sections;
  • the rafters are mounted in such a way that a polycarbonate sheet having a width of 2.1 m fitted in the center of the beam;
  • the device of such a roof must be performed with a slope of 50%.

3. Installation of fasteners and connectors.

Since these products are detachable and not, the profile size should be determined by the sheet thickness. So the second option is fixed to beams without additional preparations, and the mount is created in a step of 30 cm with the help of self-samples having thermopensive washers. The first is installed in stages:

  • initially, the lower part is fixed;
  • the top is attached after installing polycarbonate.

4. Laying polycarbonate.


This action is made with vertical orientation of rigidity. If you use rounders, the latter is created by radius.

5. Fastening sheets.

Polycarbonate fastening is provided by fixing profiles. In the case of mounting sheets width from 1 m it is created point.

The mount is carried out on all beams in a step of 30 cm, and the material is drilled in advance in fixation places 1-2 mm more than the size of the self-drawing. Tighten the latter is not recommended.

Mounting Rules Polycarbonate Constructions


  • for sealing of seals, exclusively neutral sealants should be used (for example, polyurea);
  • polycarbonate plates need to be laid so that the side protected from ultraviolet was directed outward;
  • to create a thermal backlash, the holes for fasteners are made oval and slightly increased in size;
  • installation of plates is made parallel to the direction of the roof slide;
  • it is necessary to exclude the concealment of a person on the plates (use boards-pedestals);
  • the connection of individual plates is created using the "H" form profile;
  • the protective film is removed immediately after installation;
  • screws, studs, screws mounted with gasket and washer are used as fasteners;
  • to eliminate local heating design, it is recommended to paint metal parts into white;
  • when installing polycarbonate roof, it is necessary to avoid direct contact of the slab with metal and wood. To do this, apply rubber gaskets, 3 mm thick.

Mounting cellular polycarbonate video:

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