Hibiscus landing and growing

May 20. Repair and construction work, Plot. Views 5465. Comments to record landing and cultivation of hibiscus No

Hibiscus is a very spectacular shrub, thanks to its dark green leaves and unusually beautiful flowers that are formed on the plant during the year. In the cool regions, its vegetative period lasts only a few warm months.



Hibiscus has several hundred echoed and wild species. In places of its natural growth, it is used not only as a landscape decoration, but also is used in food, as well as for painting hair.

Hibiscus garden


Such a plant as Hibiscus is rather unpretentious. It perfectly carries out in any soil, easily tolerate air and smoke gaspace, but requires a good drainage.

In order to grow this plant in the garden at our climate, it is necessary to acquire Syrian hibiscus. It has beautiful reprehension branches up to 3 m in height, begins to bloom at the beginning of summer, glad of eyes until late autumn. In addition, the Syrian type is frosty.


Plant is recommended in mixed flower beds from grassy light-lived perennials, which bloom in July.

Hybiscus growth occurs quite slowly, which is why it reaches its standard size only for a couple of years. At the same time, each of his flower does not fade and please the eye only one day.

For not the right content, this culture reacts to the state of health and its appearance, namely:


  • fitting of the lower foliage speaks of the formation of chlorosis;
  • cancer a plant can hit some of his branches or the whole culture. At the same time, red-orange bright masses are formed mainly on the crust;
  • fallen inappropriate buds indicate a lack of watering and nutrients;
  • if there are no flowers in the plant, but there is a magnificent foliage - it means that it has obtained an excessive amount of fertilizers with a large nitrogen content;
  • if the leaves have become sluggish means, there is a lack of moisture.

Hibiscus: landing and care



For the cultivation of hibiscus on the open soil, climatic conditions with not very frosty winters are ideal. Without a special shelter during this period, it can live solely in southern places, in the other areas it should be protected from the cold. However, even with such a situation, with the onset of spring, the plant will grow again, and flowering will occur on new young shoots.

The leaves on the bushes of this culture are formed only to May, so do the final conclusions about its preservation after wintering should not be in advance.

The most active influence of frosts are mainly on young plants. Therefore, when landing a hibiscus in the autumn period, it is necessary to create a mulching of the soil in the first winter and tighten the spruce snove with a bush. There, where the frosts buffet for a long time, hibiscus disembarking is recommended in spring.


The plant for planting the plant needs to be chosen with loose soil without stagnant moisture, which is saturated with humus. At the same time, it should be sufficiently covered and protected from the wind.

Lighting and subordinate


As for light and moisture, it does not accept direct rays and excess watering. In the vegetative period, at + 22 ° C, hibiscus needs regular spraying. In this case, it should be done very carefully, since the collection of water on the leaves can lead to the burn. Also, the plant must be picked up weekly from the beginning of summer to October, and during the rest - every month.

If Hibiscus is provided with the right departure, it can live for more than 20 years and as it grows it more winter-resistant, as well as get used to a certain temperature.

Hibiscus reproduction

Heaven Scent Single

Another Fabulous Look

Garden hibiscus multiplies in several ways:

  • seeds;
  • with the help of cuttings;
  • with the help of messengers;
  • dividing bush.

The most simple method is considered the second.

The plant transplant is best to produce in early March before the start of flowering. However, it should be initially engaged in trimming to activate branching.

The section of the branches create approximately 1/2 or 2/3 of their length. After transplanting, with good watering and excellent lighting, after 12 months, you can get a beautifully flowering plant.

Hibiscus skyline:


  • cuttings are cut from the top of a young increase, which has 2-3 interstices, from the beginning to the end of summer;
  • then sections are processed by special growth stimulants;
  • next, they are planted in a container with soil mixture from peat and sand, ensuring content at a temperature of from 22-25 ° C;
  • after 28-30 days, the cuttings must start the roots;
  • then they are rooted in a small pot with 1 part of the turf, leaf land, 2 parts of humoring and sand, watered with warm water.

Gibiscus reproduction by seeds


Sewing hibiscus seeds produce from January to March, after seeing them for a day in Epina. Shed material follows in a mixture of sand and peat. The pot with sowing is covered with glass. The temperature is maintained from 25-27 ° C. In this case, the soil periodically should be tired and sprayed.

After seedlings have formed several leaves, they need to be counted in the average size of pots. When growing hibiscus from seeds, the plant will begin to delight the eyes and be froning about 3-4 years of life.

Hibiscus: care


Hibiscus can be applied to create a living hedge. So in the spring and in July, it is necessary to cut the tips of developing branches using a secaterator - this will allow young plants to strengthen flowering. In this case, it should be remembered that premature trimming can lead to the fallout of buds.

Try to abundantly water the plant and regularly make a stealing with potash-phosphoric fertilizer, which contains nitrogen.

Thus, if we provide the right conditions of the Garden Hibiscus, the plant will delight you with your bloom and appearance for many years, and will also become an excellent garden décor.

Hibiscus Syrian video:

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