Multi-level stretch ceilings: design, photo

December 5. Interior decoration Views 2386. 1 comment To record multi-level stretch ceilings: design, photo

Stretch ceilings are made on the basis of PVC film, so they can have the most diverse texture, color and shape. Recently, the trend of the installation of ceilings of a multi-level form has acquired. This design includes several frame levels and vinyl film. If necessary, other types of materials, such as plasterboard or modeling, can be applied during installation.

Features of multi-level ceilings

The presence in the structure of the Ceiling PVC film glossy texture will create a visual effect of the house depth. A wide variety of images can be applied to the film, which provides the ability to create an individual and unique design. A rather interesting design solution can be embodied by establishing lamps in the ceiling. So you can highlight the working area or create a pleasant atmosphere with a muted light at the rest of the rest. Consider the detailed features of the installation of such structures.

Multi-level stretch ceilings have such advantages:

  1. A film that is used as a material for the production of ceilings has sufficiently strong and environmental characteristics.
  2. Stretch ceiling structures are a universal product that is suitable for use in any room. This product has moisture resistant qualities and is poorly exposed to the combustion process.
  3. Due to the elastic properties, the material is not deformed under the influence of the loads of any character. The presence of an air layer contributes to the preservation of heat and isolation of sound.
  4. In addition to aesthetic tasks, multi-level ceilings are capable of performing and practical function. They are most in demand in premises with ceiling coating defects that can be successfully hidden.
  5. Multi-level stretch ceilings are pricked by a rather extensive range and can be selected for any interior. They are mounted in places where you need to hide communications - wiring, water pipes. In this case, the use of such a multi-level ceiling design will avoid changing and transferring communication systems.
  6. Through these structures, you can share the room on the zone. This is quite convenient, as it does not arise to mount the partition indoors.

Multi-level stretch ceilings photo:


Design ideas for kitchen and bathroom

These premises have a common feature - an increased humidity rate. The impact of moisture is negatively reflected in the decoration. For this reason, choosing the ceiling, you need to navigate not only for aesthetic indicators, but also on functional qualities. The decoration for the bathroom and the kitchen should have resistance to moisture, evaporation and not absorb smells. All listed requirements are responsible for the design of multi-level stretch ceilings.

Important! If you make a comparison with other finishes, it can be concluded that the ceilings of the tension type are best suited for details. For example, plastering, drywall, tiled, wooden finish type In the case of intensive influence of moisture, they will come into disrepair and need to be replaced. And with insufficient exhaust, there is a possibility of fungus. Mirrored ceilings collect condensate, which during drying leaves traces. Therefore, such ceilings must often be washed.

Based on this, the best option for the kitchen room and the bath will be a stretch multi-level ceiling. In the kitchen, as a rule, due to a small placement of the room, set the stretch design in two levels. Features of the selection are as follows:

  1. The spectacular solution will be the creation of light, which will highlight the dining table or workplace.
  2. Also get the original design with the help of a contrasting ceiling. For example, the entire kitchen room is performed in bright colors, pick up a similar shade of the ceiling and at the same time make a glossy insertion of contrasting color - bard, purple or brown.
  3. You can install a multi-level design so as to visually separate the working area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen from the dining.


Living room decoration

The living room can be characterized as a universal room. It is used to receive guests, relaxing, holding family holidays and is an indicative location of the entire house or apartment. Therefore, the decoration in this room should create comfort, as well as the original and exquisite interior. Stretch multi-level designs of ceilings due to their aesthetic characteristics are able to cope with such a task:

  1. To create a classic style, you can recommend the selection of matte stretch ceilings or satin pastel colors. Similarity with natural cloth, no shine and a smooth surface will create a relaxed, relaxed atmosphere.
  2. If the living room room has a small metra, in this case, you should stop the choice on the gloss ceiling. Its texture will contribute to the filling of the room with glitter, because of which the space will visually increase. In addition, such ceilings are suitable for lovers of creative solutions, since the mirror effect makes the finish extraordinary.
  3. Metallic type design will be a good choice for decorated in the High-tech style. The multi-level stretch ceiling with backlit creates the transfusion of shades, and the room is filled with light and highlights.
  4. Suede and fabric ceilings will contribute to the formation of an exquisite setting with notes of aristocracy.
  5. Build a living room in a unique style will help designs with photo printing. Paints with which the photo printing is performed does not contain toxic components, so absolutely safe. The image will not be damaged throughout the life of the ceiling, even under the influence of moisture and due to mechanical damage. The most suitable base for applying photo printing is a matte or satin canvas. It is not recommended to use a glossy finish on the cause of the highlights in the image.


Ideas for bedroom designs

The bedroom is a rest room, the atmosphere of which should have to relax. Choosing a stretch ceiling for the interior of this room, you should proceed from creating a comfortable and relaxing situation:

  1. Do not choose the ceiling of bright, saturated colors for the bedroom. The most optimal option is calm beige or white shades.
  2. In the case of windows on the south side, it is recommended to choose the ceilings of cold colors. On the north side, the situation is the opposite, warm tones will be most appropriate here.
  3. The ceiling coating form for the bedroom can be diverse. It may be bevelled, arched, circular or combined structures. With this ceiling, you can highlight a sleeping place in the room, setting a multi-level coating over the bed.
  4. For the design of the bedroom today are popular designs of stretch ceilings, creating the imitation of the starry sky. Such an effect ensures the presence of fiber-optic parts and light sources that are installed above the surface coating. Different patterns are formed from these elements, while you can adjust the brightness and intensity of their lighting. Such a coating makes it possible to observe the Milky Way imitation, flickering stars and comet traffic.
  5. For a bedroom, having low ceilings, the optimal design of multi-level stretch ceilings is a glossy coating design. The effect of mirror reflection visually will increase the space, create the impression of higher ceilings and fill the room with light.
  6. Also, when finishing the bedroom, textured ceiling coatings are used, which create the effect of natural velvet, wood, silk, suede, marble or granite.


Tension ceilings care

In order for the stretch ceiling to have an attractive appearance, a long service life, and also saved its functional properties, it must be periodically cleaned of contamination. It is not possible to clean the stretch ceiling finish. In the bathroom, the external attractiveness of the coating spoil traces from dried water droplets, in the kitchen room - the sharpening soot. In the rest of the premises on the surface of the ceiling over time there is dust.

Cleaning can be carried out by dry or wet:

  1. With a dry way, the surface you just need to wipe with a rag.
  2. Wet cleaning involves the use of detergents with the addition of ammonia alcohol. After applying such a composition on the ceiling, there is no divorce.

It is categorically recommended to use for cleansing the surface of the stretch ceiling solutions for washing the glasses, since their composition includes dyes that have the property to be absorbed into the ceiling structure. Cleaning should be carried out with the help of soft sponges or veosals, as the hard material hurts the surface of the finish.


Multi-level stretch ceiling structures are distinguished by universal characteristics. With this finish, you can make any room and create an original and unique interior in it. This contributes to a wide range of shapes and colors of the coating, which can be chosen for every taste. In addition to the aesthetic advantages, the stretch ceiling coating has a number of practical qualities - is resistance to the effects of high temperature, mechanical stress and moisture.

The details of the installation of multi-level stretch ceilings on the video can be seen below:

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One answer to multi-level stretch ceilings: design, photo

  1. Alexey:

    I, too, I have long wanted to install a stretch ceiling in the hall, but I have a rather large square there, there is no such width of the film. I contacted the manager from Evita to St. Petersburg And he advised me to choose a two-tier ceiling especially in order to avoid seams on the ceiling. If the ceiling area is large, it is better to do two levels, then it will not be necessary to sew the canvas among themselves, as in the case of single-level ceilings.

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