Roofing from galvanized steel: Features, Advantages, Installation

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Now the roofing coating can be manufactured from various materials. One of them is galvanized steel. On the peculiarities of the roof of galvanized steel and will be discussed in our article.

Product specifications

A distinctive feature of a galvanized sheet from conventional cold-rolled steel is the presence of an anti-corrosion coating. Due to the zinc layer (more than 0.2 mm), the life of the material is significantly increased.

The main parameters of galvanized roofing steel:

  • length - 0.7-3 m;
  • width - 0.5-1.25 m;
  • thickness - 0.5-1 mm.

The application of zinc can be carried out in two ways:

  • electrolytic;
  • hot.

In the electrolytic method, the material is immersed in a special bath filled with zinc solution. Electricity is passed through the sheet. As a result, zinc particles disintegrate and settle on the surface of the roofing material.

The hot method provides for lowering the sheet into a container with molten zinc. When firing, the sheet acquires a homogeneous structure with high plasticity. The result of this process will be obtaining a galvanized sheet for a roof of 0.6-1 mm thick. This coating is more reliable than the electrolytic method obtained.


The advantages of galvanized roof include:

  • strength;
  • low weight;
  • attractive appearance;
  • processed exposure (without problems cutting and drilled);
  • resistance to precipitation, ultraviolet, temperature differences and mechanical loads;
  • ease of installation;
  • minimum amount of waste;
  • the ability to create a roof of any configuration (due to the flexibility of the material);
  • fire safety.

The smooth surface of the roof of galvanized iron allows water to be drained if there is even a small slope. Thanks to this property, the service life of the roof is increasing.

Perhaps the only drawback of the material is noise when it rains and blows a strong gusty wind.

Varieties of galvanized coating

The main types of galvanized roof are:

  • fold design;
  • the roof of the corrugated floor.

Folding roofing

Falk is a seam obtained as a result of the joint of galvanized sheets. False come:

  • single and double;
  • lying and standing.

Double standing folds are the best in tightness. Laying galvanized roof can be carried out manually or using special equipment.

Folding roof is created on the roofs, the slope of which is 10º and more. The lamp is made from a wooden bar with a cross section of 5 * 5 cm in a step of 25 cm. Laying the timber occurs at right angles to the rafter system.


An integral condition for ensuring a long service life of the roof is to create a smooth crate. There should be no protrusions and recesses. Otherwise, the density of folds will decrease, which will lead to the destruction of the joints and the occurrence of leaks.

A more practical alternative option will be the roofing of galvanized steel in rolls. With this technology of the roof arrangement, the number of transverse seams is largely reduced.

Profiled sheet

The professional flooring is made of hot-dip galvanized steel, which is additionally covered with a polymer. To increase rigidity, the material is subjected to profiling.

The type of crate depends on the brand of the stacked professional flooring. When covering the roof with a material that has a C-8 or C-10 brand, the frame is made solid. In other cases, the angle of the roof rod and the size of the profile is taken into account.

For fixing the professional flooring, special self-tapping screws are used equipped with EPDM gasket. Such fasteps close the holes tightly and protect the roof from the penetration of water. Self-consumption rate of self-consumption - 5-7 pieces per 1 m². The self-tapping screws are acquired as color as the color of the profiled sheet.

The roofing device from galvanized professional flooring provides:

  • fastening windscrews made of the same metal;
  • installation of corner slats using silicone sealant in places of contact of the professional flooring with walls;
  • fixing the skate in the crest of the roofing wave.


Polymer materials

Compared to a conventional galvanized sheet, the roofing material, which includes polymers, has a more complex multi-layer structure:

  • polymer;
  • steel;
  • zinc;
  • primer;
  • polymer of a certain color.

There are various polymer coatings. More often apply:

  • polyester;
  • plaseris;
  • polar.

Polyester coating

It is a polyester protective paint that creates a glossy coating. Polyester has the following advantages:

  • affordable cost;
  • resistant to temperature fluctuations;
  • the preservation of the original color during operation.

The lack of polymer coating from polyester is a small thickness of the protective layer. As a result, the roof is not sufficiently resistant to mechanical loads. What is fraught with a reduction in the operational period of the roof.

Plaisol coating

This coloring composition refers to the most expensive products. It includes:

  • polyvinyl chloride;
  • plasticizers.

Steel sheets are covered with a layer of plastisol with a thickness of up to 200 microns. For this reason, the roofing material has excellent resistance to mechanical stress and corrosion. Galvanized steel coated with plastisol has a textural pattern.

Due to the high coating strength, on the roof made of a plastic flooring with a plastized coating, you can easily move. This greatly simplifies the installation procedure.


Polarla coating

The polymer includes polyurethane. The thickness of the applied layer is about 50-60 microns. The main characteristics of the roofing material with Puralo are:

  • ensuring protection against corrosion;
  • mechanical stress resistance;
  • resistance to the effects of high humidity and aggressive medium.

Installation of a roof with a purel coating can be carried out at a negative temperature (even at 15ºС). The presence in the Puralau Acrylic makes the material with solid and rough.

Criteria for choosing galvanized roofing

The correct choice of material is a fundamental requirement for the device of the roof of galvanized steel. After all, the presence of defects leads to a significant decrease in the service life of the roof.

Attention should be paid to:

  • the integrity of sheets;
  • lack of scratches and cracks;
  • the presence of bundles and coarse compounds;
  • the thickness of the material and galvanized;
  • qinkov coating quality.

The minimum thickness of the galvanized roof should be 0.5 mm. The device of soles and rods is made by a thickness of more than 0.7 mm.

As for the thickness of the zinc coating, its optimal size is 250-320 g / m². Moreover, the zinc coating should be smooth, without inclination and bubbles.

Sale of galvanized steel sheets (except for rolled material) is carried out in two versions:

  • for manual loading - in packs up to 80 kg;
  • for automated loading - in container up to 5 tons.

Packaging must be wrapped in thin steel and tied with steel ribbon.

Mounting work

Work begins with creating a solid and even framework. The angle of linker is recommended to be made at 18-30º. A smaller size can lead to slow water. And this is fraught with corrosion of the metal surface.


During the arrangement of the crate of a wooden bar, special attention is paid to transverse joints. In order for galvanized roofing, the boards are put on such sites. The minimum width of the boards that will serve as the basis for horizontal foldings is 10-11 cm.

Of course, the best option is to create a solid frame. Thereby:

  1. Metal will not be saved at all.
  2. Evaporations available in the attic will not be able to reach the surface of galvanized coating. So you can avoid corrosion of material.

Regardless of the type of frame, effective waterproofing is achieved by laying pergamine or rubberoid.

Installation of galvanized roof begins with the preparation of the material. False folds along the edges of the sheets. Short sides of sheets are connected to the paintings with the help of lying folds. The folding picture can consist of several sheets. The distance between the lying fold should be less than the length of the sheets by 3-5 cm.

If low-skates are covered, the preparation of patterns is carried out along the entire length of the design. Only after a reliable connection of short sides, the long sides of the material are allowed. For this, standing folds are used.

For fixing the folded galvanized roofing to the frame, curzmers are used. One end of fasteners is connected to the crate, and the second - with standing folds. The pitch of the fastening of the klammers is 0.5-0.7 m.

For the device of the cornese edge of the galvanized roof, T-shaped crutches are used. They are nailed at a distance of 0.6-0.7 m from each other.

If the crutches could not be found, you can use rectangular metal stripes. The step of their installation is 0.3-0.4 m. At the final stage, the chimneys diameter and the manufacture of collars for them are measured.



The roofing material from the metal requires special care. Over time, the roof will have to be repaired. To achieve a maximum service life of galvanized coating, you must observe:

  • material flooring;
  • roof care rules.

The main rules for the departure of galvanized roofs include:

  • periodic removal of dirt that delays stock moisture;
  • staining of the metal roof;
  • closeing of seams of a solid crate.

Various paintworks are used for painting the roof: iron suits, ocher, acrylic soil enamel. The paint application occurs in 2-3 layers. The first staining is carried out 10 years after the rank of galvanized roof, the subsequent finish - every 2-3 years.

Rust can appear not only in the upper part, but also on the side of the attic room. To prevent this, the frame should be done solid. After that, the seams between the boards should be sealed with the help of chalk paste with the addition of small sawdust and oils. When the "putty" dries, the seams are covered with two layers of oil paint.

Video on the installation of galvanized roof:

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