Forms for garden tracks. How to make the right choice?

March 24. Plot. Views 5917 Comments To record form for garden tracks. How to make the right choice? No

When creating a project to landscap in the country area, no less important is the correct location of the tracks. Given the desires of designers and owners of the sites to create a unique colorful landscape, it is not amazing such a high popularity of ready-made patterns to create a unique path of the sidewalk.

How do sidewalks use?

Before you buy a stencil, the question is most often the question arises: why it is needed, and how profitable is such an acquisition.


The technology of applying a form for garden tracks is quite simple. In order to create an attractive path just:

  • place its basic parameters
  • prepare
  • put the form on the prepared soil
  • pour the solution
  • wait for his froze
  • remove the template.

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The result from the use of the stencil is a monolithic plate on which several stones of various shape are connected. Thanks to this principle of registration, over time, the destruction of individual stones and germination between them between them and weeds, which will inevitably spoil the entire effect of attractiveness, despite the originality of the design idea.


Important! The increased demand for such patterns is ensured by the widest possibilities of the embodiment of even the most unusual ideas and in relation to geometry, and for color. So popular now multicolored paths are created usingforms for the manufacture of garden tracks.


What are the advantages of using stencils?

The use of such technology gives a number of indisputable advantages, among which we highlight some of the most important:

  • Practicality
  • Lack of any restrictions on the location of the future track
  • Maximum accuracy of the parameters of the geometric shape of all elements
  • Efficiency at all stages of the pedestrian zone
  • Easy technology
  • The possibility of practically unlimited repeated use
  • The attractiveness of the finished sidewalk.

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Criterias of choice


To buy a form of a suitable type for a garden track, initially familiarize yourself with the technical criteria for which it is necessary to pay your attention to:

  • The material from which the form is made
  • Uniqueness of geometry template
  • Number of stones in one template
  • Height of the entire stove
  • Height of individual stones.


No less important when buying a sidewalk form for a garden path and general characteristics that are more to the process itself:

  • Manufacturer
  • Price
  • Delivery terms
  • Volumes of purchase. imgyz9igc.

    Important! To find the most interesting and durable stencils on the most favorable terms, pay attention to the followingly the outlined recommendations and nuances of the purchase process.

What material makes forms to fill garden tracks?

With the ability to handle the construction tools and the availability of free time, it is quite possible to create a shape of a garden path with your own hands.


For this suit:

  • sheet steel
  • plywood
  • wooden boards
  • sliced \u200b\u200biron strips.

    Important! In this case, form stencil, relying solely on personal preferences and artistic taste.


More economical, and in relation to time, and in terms of cash costs will be so popular today the use of finished plastic forms for garden tracks. For their foundations, quite durable polystyrene or polypropylene of various brands are often used.

Important! Note when choosing precisely on the quality of the plastic itself to eliminate the ambulance of the template damage due to inappropriate load when the cement mortar is filling.


What are the form of templates?

In this regard, it is difficult to give any recommendations, as all project parameters are taken into account. We allocate only the main characteristics that differ stones in the stencil:

  1. Number of corners. In this regard, both triangular geometric shapes are welcome, and polygonal, but those templates in which several species are mixed are most interesting. 77211
  2. Corner sizes. Stones can be like with clearly cropped angles and beveled and rounded. Selection directly for you. Consider only that the cornerstone forms are more impressed by the classical style with its weathered correct forms or innovative modernity with its cordial or minimalism. The streamlined stones are more beneficial when smooth lines of transitions from one form of landscape design to another or among the multicate of plant coloring. forma2.

    Important! The most interesting solution will be the order of an individual template for a personally proposed project. But, for the embodiment of this idea, additional funds will be required.


How many stones should be in a stencil?

The most practical shape is made of 9 stones located in 3 rows.


This principle allows you to get some advantages:

  • apply sufficiently varied forms
  • make a unique combination
  • do not lose the attractiveness of the entire shape of the template
  • reduce pattern repetition frequency
  • easy the process of filling the solution and installation and removal of the stencil. Dorozhki-i-Plohhadki-8

    Important! When ordering an individual form, focus on this indicator, but you can easily change it for your own needs if it brings its amenities.


What should be the size of the plates and stones?

Today, the form of the following parameters is most in demand:

  • 40 * 40 cm
  • 44 * 44 cm
  • 60 * 60 cm.


Separately pay attention to the height of the stones and the entire stove. It is important that their indicators differ slightly. With this form, the base of the plate and the space of directly stones will be distinguished, which will allow to recreate the most attractive type of natural protrusions of natural stones, despite their artificial origin. Most often, the difference ranges from 2 to 5 cm.


How does the wrong choice of manufacturer affect the quality of the sidewalk formed?

Before deciding where to buy a shape for a garden track, pay attention to the range of this construction store or feedback on the supplier when ordering in a private company. Thus, you will save yourself from such an unpleasant waste of extra time on viewing inappropriate products and from the improper quality of the obtained product, which is also impossible to replace it instantly.


Important! Take care carefully to this process so that in no case has the delay in the performance of work or other important deviations from the planned plan. With the late receipt of the stencil, the entire process of arrangement of the site will stop. This may also be entrusted with additional costs due to the need to purchase new materials and plants, instead of those that were inadvertently used and planted.


Therefore, give preference only to proven manufacturers, focusing on their stay on the market and customer reviews. For example, brands such as "garden track" and "My Track" have proven greatly.


Important! Please note that when using poor-quality fake, for example, a cheap Chinese manufacturer, the required monolith of the clutch of the stones of one stencil will not be achieved. This will inevitably lead to the destruction of the entire sidewalk after a year with a more or less regular load and the need for constant labor-intensive struggle against plants in the creams between the stoves.


Additional criteria

All other requirements for the form of selection of the form should be in the category of desirable or additional, but not at all mandatory:

  1. Requirements for the volume of the party. Such a nuance is most often found when ordering in online stores. The acquisition of one unit is sometimes absolutely unprofitable for sellers, why there are either clear conditions for the number of goods, or elevated delivery rates. d946EF29-5B53-431D-A4D0-AD236C64496D
  2. Delivery conditions we mentioned above. Basically, they are regulated by the volume of the party ordered, but in addition, it is also important and location. With a remote region, an additional fee is often charged, which significantly reduces the profitability of the transaction and the feasibility of making a purchase in principle. In this regard, construction hypermarkets are more interesting, where not only you can find all the necessary materials for construction, but also to save. Amazing-Garden-Paths-6
  3. The cost of stencils varies, depending on the selected complex of all of the above criteria. But it is natural that if the price of only one template will exceed the cost of the rest of the construction process (when taking into account and the quality of the material, and the complexity of the form, and delivery), then such a choice can hardly be called an excellent solution. Find the most responsive combination of price-quality-time to eliminate excessive costs or forming a paving path incorrect parameters. Forma1big


Review the applied video below to eliminate any questions regarding the selection of the form or directly the process of creating a garden path with its use.


Try to take into account all criteria and recommendations in the process of choosing and choosing the most suitable set of parameters. Only with such a responsible approach, you will add the attractiveness to the entire scenery of the local area or the garden-park zone and avoid disappointment from the result obtained, the result due to incorrectly selected shape.

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