How to choose a mixer for sink in the bathroom

August 31. Plumbing Views 678. Comments To record How to choose a mixer for sink in the bathroom No

The average family includes water with plumbing devices up to several thousand times during the year. This is a rather large load for any devices. And only high-quality plumbing products can withstand it without breakage. To use the devices not only convenient, but also nicely, manufacturers are developing various additional features for their products. Mixers that produce today are different from their predecessors. Moreover, this applies to both the appearance and the technical side. Today, mixers can decorate the bathroom, with the help of them you can even emphasize the style of design of this room.

Large manufacturers produce mixers for sink in the bathroom with a complete series that are performed in compliance with the same design. But because of such a variety of instruments on the market, it is often difficult to choose the appropriate option, which will not "hit" the pocket, and will last long enough. If you need to buy a mixer for sink in the bathroom, and you find it difficult to choose from, then the store can always get advice from the seller. It is not necessary to hurry with the choice, because the mixers usually acquire not for one year of operation. If you do not have experience in montage, it is recommended to trust this work by professionals.

Characteristics of shell mixers


By the method of installation and laying of pipes, devices are distinguished horizontally and those are placed vertically.

Depending on the structural features, there are instruments:

  • twentie
  • one-art
  • sensory
  • thermostatic.

Consider each of them a little more. Let's start with biennial, in the design of which are on one handle to adjust the flow of cold and hot water. Today, priorities gradually change in favor of other models of mixers. Nevertheless, the two-centuries still remain popular. This is due to the fact that new instrument models do not fit into the design of bathrooms decorated in classic canons.

The overlapping and passing of water in two-fledged mixers is provided by a crane-bux. Unfortunately, in such devices, the sealing gasket is rapidly flashed, which is why it has to be changed. Otherwise, the crane just begins to leak. Previously, rubber gaskets did, but they quickly erase. Because of this, as the valve wear, it is necessary to delay each time stronger. This may lead to the fact that the mixer for the sink in the bathroom will begin to leak. There is still an impossibility when adjusting the pressure to ensure that the water of the desired temperature fits from the crane. After all, the valves require several complete revolutions.

how to install-rin-bath

There is a model of mixers with ceramic valves. They are more wear-resistant, but also the fact that they have no flaws described above. The supply and adjustment of water in such mixers is ensured as a result of the operation of the pair of plates of the county form. In order to achieve the desired temperature of the flow of water, it is enough to turn the handle on a quarter or half of the turnover.

It should be highlighted on a subgroup of two-fledged mixers with a monoblock design. Here, the valves for the flow adjustment are installed on the housing. In addition, there are mixers with separate valves. To install them, it is necessary to make additional holes in the bathroom or washbasin. For some models, hidden wall mounting is used. Twentyl types of mixers although cheaper than one-to-room, but differences in the price of them are insignificant.


In single-art faucets there is only one handle, by means of which you can adjust the flow of both hot and cold water. Thermostatic types of devices can supply the water of the desired temperature almost constantly. As for non-contact mixers, they are characterized by turning on automatically. These devices allow you to adjust the pressure and temperature water literally in one movement. This is possible due to the use of a special mechanism. Single-art faucets can be ball or work on the basis of the cartridge. The first of them are considered obsolete and therefore they are almost not released. The second option is actively manufactured today. With the help of such devices, you can adjust the flow of water and its temperature is fairly fast. It is very convenient for what such faucets and are valued. You can still find mixers, water flow in which is managed using a joystick lever. Outwardly, he resembles a car transmission lever.

In some sample mixers today there are built-in water flow limiters, which makes it a lot of savings. Such a limiter works in the form of a lever. This mixer for the sink with a shower for the bathroom can operate in two modes - economic and maximum stream. Switching the modes is felt as a small hand resistance. Comparatively recently appeared mixers with an eco-lever located on the back of the case. When pressed, the pressure and temperature of the water increases. Mechanisms that limit the temperature of the water are not allowed to get a burn. This feature can be very useful, because Not always the temperature of the hot water corresponds to the norm.


There is a model of mixers that make a beep when the water temperature becomes higher than a certain value. For such devices, at the entrance to the apartment, it is recommended to establish special filters that purify water from various mechanical impurities. They can enter a bathtub and sink mixers.

What material to buy a mixer


It is believed that the best faucets are products with a brass case, whose weight is quite significant. A guarantee of quality can still be considered not only the weight of the product, but also its brand, brand. Such mixers are environmentally friendly. The housing made of brass is not terrible corrosion, but the appearance of this material is unsightly. Therefore, the outer part of the mixers is often chrome and nickel.

The body of brass is not subject to corrosion. In addition, this material of the racks to various damage, wear-resistant, and light casting allows you to make products of various shapes. To ensure additional protection, in particular, improving corrosion resistance, the outer surface of the mixer is covered with a layer of nickel, after which it is decorated with other metals, for example, as mentioned above, paint or chrome. Other details of the mixer are often made from synthetic material. If finance allow, you can buy mixers with decorative bronze or gold-plated coating.

Thermostatic mixers


Today, these products are in popularity are not inferior to single-art devices. Among the whole manifold, thermostatic mixers are highlighted by their reliability, stylish design and safety. At the same time, they are convenient to use in everyday life. Such devices are panels with a handle, which is used to regulate the temperature of the water flow. After adjusting the temperature, it will be constant until the settings are changed again. There is another second handle that is designed to enable and disconnect the water flow.

Most of these mixers are equipped with security adjustment, which does not allow water. Thanks to this function, water does not heat up 38 degrees above the temperature. The thermostat still protects from the receipt of very cold water. For families with young children, such functions of the mixer will be as impossible.

Touch devices


These are modern models, in the design of which there are no valves, no levers. Instead, they are equipped with special sensors, when they are triggered by automatic water turning on. The sensor's trigger usually occurs when the object of a certain size approaches the crane. When the object leaves the sensor area, the water automatically turns off. These mixers are often installed in toilets in public places or offices. This type of device can significantly reduce water consumption. Especially for apartment owners, in which the counters of cold and hot water are installed. Thus, it can be saved to pay for the relevant services.

Universal mixer

These products are suitable for use in small bathrooms. After all, with a small area, plumbing devices have to be installed close to each other. Such a mixer adjusts water in the bathroom and in the sink. To do this, the tap is simply rotated in the desired side. The length of the crane is at least 25 cm. Use such mixers is definitely convenient. However, with the advent of modern models, they are gradually losing their popularity. After all, it is more convenient for many when the functionality is clearly divided in the mixer.

Installing mixers for a new wall


Plastic pipes are usually used to install the mixer on the bathroom sink. Using them, the device is connected to the pipeline. When the connection is ready, the ball valve is installed. For fastening, special grabs are used. The mixer is placed in such a way that it is 30 cm above the top edge of the bathroom. Fittings are fixed to the ends of the pipes with which the mixer is connected.

There should be a distance of about 15 cm between the centers of two fittings. But this is not the only condition that should be observed. It is no less important that the fittings are located in one horizontal plane. When the facing in the bathroom will be completed, the end of the fitting should be placed with the wall. At the same time, fittings must be located in parallel to each other.

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