Independent use of electrical husband during earthworks: Safety technique

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This tool is simply indispensable if it is necessary to make a well on the site. It allows you to perform this work quickly and efficiently. When buying such a tool, it is important to make the right choice to purchase exactly what you need. Therefore, it is worth knowing what to pay attention to. It is worth saying that the electric staff for earthworks to buy today is not a problem. Moreover, there is a fairly large range of units, each of which is characterized by power, weighing, the number of nozzles and the presence of various additional functions. But the principle of operation of these devices in general is the same. It is largely similar to the work of the screw rig. The price of electrical structures for earthworks in the online store is somewhat lower than in ordinary building supermarkets. Read more about these devices further.

Advantages and characteristics of electrical husband


Using a bera, you can make a well or hole for a well. In addition, these tools are often used in the garden for planting bushes, trees, as well as for the construction of fences. They will also be needed if you need to make a hole in the thick ice, which can be useful, for example, on winter fishing.

Distinguish simple and weighted devices. The first of them are mainly used on light soils. They are less powerful and less weigh than the boos of the second option. Through such tools, you can make a well depth to 20 cm. Even one person can cope with them.

To use weighted options, you will need at least two people. The scope of application of such aggregates is heavy soils. They are mainly used as professional technology. The main difference of these devices is the presence of a complex motor, which allows you to make well-size wells both in diameter and in depth. In addition, the kit usually has several a variety of screws. The design provides a gearbox. Its main task is to start the auger, which, in turn, provides drilling. Depending on the type of motobur, different types of gearboxes are used. So, in simple aggregates there is a coaxial gearbox. The same weighted basically set screw type device.

Anyone who wants to find a high-quality and at the same time, low-cost technique, pay attention to the characteristics of the device. Cheap models are generally not of high quality. The price of this technology depends on their type. Simple augers usually cost less than the weighted model.

types of electric drills


There are tools operating from the mains and gasoline models. Consider in more detail the characteristics and features of these aggregates. Thus, the design of the electrical husband is an electric motor with two handles and a clamping mechanism in which a screw nozzle is inserted. These nozzles exist different diameters so that one tool can use for the formation of wells and holes of different diameters. Distinguish several subspecies of the drills. For example, land, garden, pile and downtime. In order to make holes of a small diameter and depth, there are manual electrical structures for land. As mentioned above, there are still gasoline aggregates that work from gasoline engines. The latter today are considered the most popular due to the fact that they are mobile and independent of the availability of the power supply.

For land in gardening, the electrical structures are rarely used. But in other areas they have several significant advantages over other boosters. So, compared to manual electrical workers, these tools due to the fact that the main rotational motion is performed due to the operation of the electric motor, allow you to spend less physical forces on the same work. In addition, electrical units are much more environmentally friendly compared to the same gas testers. At the same time, they are almost silent.

Electrical work works very easily, it is enough to press it on it in a place where you need to form holes. After that, he himself without much difficulty will enter the earth. The cost of the electrical unit depends on its power, the number of replaceable nozzles and the manufacturer's brand. Today, electrical equipment for earthworks to buy in Moscow is not a problem. The use of such equipment helps a lot in building and gardening in the country.


As for the benzoburov, they are similar, as well as electrical devices, have their own classification. So, the aggregates of manual and wheeled type are distinguished. The first of them are more popular today than wheeled. This is due to the fact that their cost is somewhat lower. Wheel bears are more expensive, given their high power and complexity of the engine. Because of this, they are equipped with wheels in order to be easier to transport them easier. The depth of the opening that allows you to make an aggregate of this type, can reach 0.5 m. It is worth such a technique quite expensive. Therefore, used mainly by professional builders. As for manual motobours, they apply most often for work in one or two employees. For example, if you need to make a hole up to 250 mm.

Wheel devices are single-frame and modular. In the first of these, the engine with the gearbox is on one block with the device itself. In the units of the second type it is located on different trolleys.


By type of rotation transmission, mechanical and hydraulic devices are distinguished. The most reliable are hydraulic. This is due to the fact that the load when using them is distributed evenly, therefore the details of the device wear out quite slowly. For this reason, when performing large volumes of work, it is recommended to use this technique.

The benzobura possess weight gain before another similar technique:

  • First of all, it is worth noting a high level of reliability, which is ensured by the faithful selection of equipment and the calculation of power.
  • In addition, they allow drilling of different in diameter and depth of wells. At the same time, when using them, you do not need to prepare the soil and other equipment.
  • Of the benefits, it is worth mentioning high performance and power of the device. Especially in cases where professional type aggregates are used.
  • In addition, the benzobura occupy a little space and are easily transported.
  • Many models of aggregates weigh a little, which allows you to cope with him even one person.
  • Another advantage is the reduced level of vibration.
  • This equipment uses gasoline, which makes them independent of the availability of the power supply. Such devices are mobile, which allows you to perform work at different parts of the country area.
  • Benzobur copes with a wide range of work, which makes it useful in many areas, for example, in construction and in gardening.
  • The benzobura is equipped with a control system that is triggered when problems occurred, as a result of which the device is turned off.

Tips for choosing an electrolycar unit

This tool is recommended to purchase only in specialized stores, where experienced specialists will always be able to help with the choice. They will offer an optimal version of technology suitable for the price and set of functions.

In any case, when choosing a drill, special attention should be paid to the following three parameters - power, the size of the auger head and the engine volume. The power of the borax is usually indicated on the label. It will be useful even before the purchase to get acquainted with the instruction manual to learn other technical characteristics of the instrument. At the cost of the bora, it is largely affected by its power, from which, in turn, the speed and quality of work depends. Inexpensive models of aggregates usually have no capacity of no more than 2.5 hp Such tools are suitable for shallow holes. It is advisable to choose to choose in accordance with his targeted appointment. A screw that is the main worker element of the borax, comes in the kit not in all cases. If there are no such details in the kit, then they will need to buy separately.

The speed of the screw during operation depends on the engine power during operation. This should also be taken into account when choosing a tool. The engine work volume should be suitable for work with the desired type of soil. For sandy soil, which is considered easy, there will be enough tool with a capacity of up to 2 hp and engine capacity up to 35 cubes. Chernozem is a heavier soil. Therefore, it needs more powerful technique. It will be enough for a boiler with a capacity of 3 hp and the engine volume is at least 40 cubes. To work with heavy soil, you need a professional type aggregate with a capacity of at least 5 hp and the engine capacity is about 200 cubes.

How to use motobur for earthworks


Like any other tool, Motobur saves time and strength. The main working element of the design of this unit is a screw boring, which is activated by the integrated motor. Most often, such tools are equipped with two-stroke gasoline engines. To work with them does not need special training. Partly this is why they are so popular. To start working with it, it suffices to read the instruction manual and safety instructions. Thanks to the operation of the auger, the spent soil is displayed out. To free the drill from the accumulated land, you need to periodically take breaks in the work and pull out the auger.

When this unit is working, the situation is incredited when the auger is stuck in the ground. Therefore, today many borants are equipped with a security system, which in such cases turns off the engine. It is extremely necessary in order to avoid breakdowns. This system often triggers with random loss of control and protects the unit from random launch.


The benzobor does not need a cable. Therefore, you can work with him anywhere on the plot. But it is still necessary to periodically refuel the gas tank with fuel periodically. Consumption, and consequently the cost of fuel, usually small.

You should consider the quality and type of soil, with which you have to work. As mentioned above, the harder the soil, the more powerful there should be a tool. To perform complex drilling to use professional equipment. This equipment is usually constructed so that they can be controlled in several hands. It should also be noted that some manufacturers make motobra so that consumables can be installed only the same brand. In this case, often individual structural elements cannot be combined.

Today you can purchase electrical trains for earthworks in online stores, as well as in building supermarkets. There you can also buy all the necessary consumables. Prices for many aggregates are quite accessible to ordinary customers. With such a technique, excavation works will not be a problem. If you need a single use technique, you can take electrical trains for earthworks for rent.

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