Internal decoration of gypsum tiles do it yourself

October 8. Interior decoration, Repair and construction work, Walls and partitions Views 662. Comments to record internal trim gypsum tiles do it yourself No

As everything is certainly known, there is no exaggeration on sale without exaggeration the enormous number of products for finishing various surfaces. It is a tile, and artificial stone, plastic and other materials. People who plan to carry out repairs appear the opportunity to realize almost all their ideas, ranging from the most simple styles of space, and ending with almost incredible ideas.

You can definitely say that today people who want to implement with the help of finishing materials withdrawn designs pay attention to the external component of the materials. We are talking about tiles or other resources that have their own original style, features associated with texture, color scheme, etc.

Recently, a great prevalence received a gypsum tile. Surely its most important feature is an appearance. Manufacturers produce a gypsum product with various textures and basic forms, thanks to which we have already spoken, there are no restrictions related to the creation of experimental design projects.

Manufacturers who produce gypsum tiles are now a huge amount, and the price of this product gradually falls. It is safe to talk about the fact that today this material is one of the best options for finishing the walls.

In this article, we will look at the main features of the plaster tiles, as well as analyze the most important details of the process of finishing the walls. Thanks to a sufficiently simple technology, you can get a beautiful surface that, when using other materials, create is unlikely to succeed.


Interior decoration of gypsum tiles. Main features of gypsum tiles

To date, many Internet portals dedicated to the repair of premises regularly publish materials on the use of plaster tiles to create an original design. Moreover, there are really successful projects that are impossible to implement any other options. The good news is that the gypsum tile itself is relatively inexpensive, so the financial component in this matter plays a far from the main role. Obviously, the appearance of the material, as well as other features, can have an important component, and from this price tag can change somewhat.

It should be noted that the gypsum tile can be used with other materials, and they will create a worthy style of the room. Obviously, for such manipulations, you need a little orient in design, as well as pay attention to the most modern trends used in the repair.

It is also worth considering the main advantages of plaster tiles:

  • Small weight. When the material to be finished, it has a modest weight, it allows you to be sure that the tile will be kept without any problems even on the most reliable adhesive resource. In addition, low weight tile is the ease of transportation and other products to deliver products at the right point. Today, natural materials, including stone, are practically meaningless, since from the very beginning you can face problems, to avoid which you can only with the acquisition of a more modern resource.
  • Ecology. The safety of the room for finishing the room is an essential factor that means that the resource can be used without caution in any spaces. Here it is worth saying that the gypsum tile is not at all amenable to fire that cannot but rejoice. Therefore, the material can be safely engaged in hospitals, and in other institutions where security plays a colossal role.
  • Diversity in design. As we have already mentioned, the gypsum tile can have a different form, texture, texture and many other features associated with the appearance of the material. We can absolutely say that this material can be the basis for a wide variety of design projects, and no restrictions in this regard are practically found. To date, manufacturers of these products can boast of truly original tile options, but not always too original materials can be an excellent solution. As in many other cases, it makes sense to pay attention to the already existing options for designing rooms to implement their ideas on this basis.
  • Practicality of installation. Practice shows that at the events associated with the inner decoration of the walls of plaster tiles, it takes quite a bit of time. This is an unequivocal plus, given the fact that any time-consuming components for someone create too serious problems.
  • Noise and thermal insulation. As an additional bonus for owners, which, perhaps, do not even know about it, receive additional noise and thermal insulation of the room. The situation is so much that the material has a considerable density, thereby creating a sufficiently good insulating layer. Of course, it is not worth waiting for too strong effect, however, together with full-fledged insulating materials, the gypsum tile will delight excellent efficiency.
  • Microclimate regulator. The gypsum component of the material is capable of correctly adjusting the microclimate present in the room. Most often, the usual person does not feel at all, but the very comfort in which the owner of the house is, and is to some extent the merit of gypsum tiles.
  • Treatment. It is often that the owners themselves have all the necessary tools and devices to carry out repairs based on gypsum tiles. The bottom line is that this very material is extremely easy to process and receive the desired result. Moreover, in this case there are practically no changes, so get the design style of the surface is simple, but for this you need a specialist.

Of course, it has a gypsum tile and depressing disadvantages. Fortunately, they are quite a bit. First of all, I would like to note that the gypsum component of the material is quite fragile, so it will not be difficult to damage the tile. If you do not touch it, then nothing bad happens. In addition, I would like to celebrate another minus. It is based on using gypsum material only for interior decorations. If they are armed with them for external work, then the material is extremely quickly in disrepair. Fortunately, some experimental products based on plaster appear gradually on sale, which have increased characteristics of frost resistance and total strength.

Here you can also safely say that the gypsum tile is almost impeccable material, which can be safely used in any designer projects. The above information suggests that the benefits of the product has much more than flaws. Moreover, it definitely pleases the information that the gypsum tile is rapidly improving, so soon we will get the material without flaws.


Interior decoration of gypsum tiles. Varieties and application of gypsum tiles

First of all, it is worth noting the places where the tile can be used:

  • Finishing walls and ceiling surfaces.
  • Registration of facades.
  • Registration of fireplaces, arches and other housing facilities.

Experts note that there is often a gypsum tile becomes a kind of substitute for natural stone. In this case, we are talking about finishing various surfaces that need some designer highlight. Obviously, the gypsum tile may have a texture similar to natural materials. Accordingly, the sin does not take advantage of this to create a unique design, and at the same time it is not bad to save money. Again, on the Internet you can find hundreds of fireplace design options using plaster tiles.

Also, this product has two mounting options:

  • With smooth edges.
  • With groove-comb details on the sides.

The use of certain methods for fastening units of tiles should be based on the possibilities and situations in which the material is applied. Therefore, each situation needs to be carefully analyzed.

The main external differences that can be in the gypsum tiles relate to the material textures. You can find both smooth tiles and a material with a unique terrain. As we have said earlier, in this plan the product range is simply colossal. It should be noted that the relative price and other factors can significantly change the price, therefore, such restrictions need to be considered.


Creating tiles with your own hands and buying finished products

To date, people have almost all the conditions in order to implement the production of building materials. Most often we are talking about paving slabs, the production technology of which is quite simple.

At the same time, the situation associated with the gypsum tiles can be noted. Practice shows that the handicraft production of this product is not much different from the release of paving slabs. There will also be required forms, the preparation of the mixture, fill and shutter speed are prepared.

In the process, we will need such components: dry gypsum, water, silicone form, construction mixer, polypropylene grid. Thus, these components are talking about the total ease of events. It can only be noted that the cooking process directly begins with the creation of a gypsum mixture in accordance with the instruction that goes along with the material. Next occurs directly the fill of the mixture into the form. Consider the process a little more:

  • Immediately before using forms, you need to clean them from any contamination, as they can negatively affect not only the strength of the final product, but also on its appearance.
  • Next, you need to fill the shape of the mixture, but only half. A polypropylene mesh is placed, after which the rest of the form is filled.
  • It is likely that the surface after the fill will be far from the most evenly, so with the help of a tool you need to make a correction.
  • Well, ultimately the so-called technical pause is carried out, in which the shape with the mixture should be maintained at room temperature for some time.
  • Already after the tile has gained strength, it can be asked painting. It should be borne in mind that this is a huge space for creativity, so it is expensive to approach painting.
  • After complete drying, the paint can be processed to the repair process, as the tile is completely ready.

Thus, considering the above technology of the process of the production of tile, it can be said that the process is quite simple. However, it is not always advisable to organize our own production. Often it all depends on how the volume of the tile is necessary for repair. If small, it is better not to bother and simply purchase the material in the nearest store. On the large volumes of the material you can save significantly. Practice shows that the benefit often turns out to be more than impressive, since the markup producers make more than large. Again, it is worth making sure that the products that are produced in one way or another will be the same with you, after creating all the necessary conditions for handicraft production.

It is worth noting that the use of high-quality and original forms is half of the success. Now on sale you can find silicone forms that completely repeat the texture of wood or other material. On this basis, it is possible to implement an excellent design project without any problems, which will surely satisfy all residents at home.

Wall decoration Gypsum tiles

Most often, the process of finishing the surfaces of the plaster tiles consists of the following steps:

  • The choice of the most faithful technology.
  • Preparatory works of the foundation.
  • Finishing process.
  • Decor.

Accordingly, there are no unusual things here, because of which there would be any problems.


Interior decoration of gypsum tiles. Finishing options

Dry finishing involves the use of fasteners for fixing the tile. Wooden rails are often used as a base. It is obvious that such a process in some situations is the most justified, since it is always possible to remove the tile or carry out a complete alteration of the surface based on other materials.

With a wet trim of walls, it is required to use a special adhesive composition. For experienced builders, this is the most priority solution, as people with experience carry out similar repair activities extremely quickly and efficiently.

For people who do not have enough experience in this matter, it is advisable to choose the option that, in their opinion, is most practical.

Interior decoration of gypsum tiles. Preparatory activities

Preparation should also be treated responsibly, since it is often the final result dependent on all these events. Often, the following steps are in preparation:

  • The most important is the alignment of the surface before finishing. Often on walls or other surfaces, there are various deepening or bulges, which when installing tiles will be extremely unwanted. Thus, it is worth keeping in mind that alignment should include the correction of even the most minor at first glance. With the help of putty, all these shortcomings must be eliminated.
  • No less important is the surface cleaning from various contaminants. Unfortunately, from some kind of garbage adhesion between the wall and finishing material may not be the best.
  • After all the measures related to cleaning and alignment, it is necessary to dry the surface. Often, ordinary hair dryers are used for this. If the main stage of work is planned not at the very near future, then drying can wait a bit. Already immediately before placing the tile, you need to control the surface to be completely dry.
  • With the help of the metal hacksaw, you need to cut some units of material on the part. Obviously, it is necessary to try to use one-piece tiles, but it does not always work out. Directly cut tiles should be done carefully, as it is also easy to damage the material.
  • Before using tiles in the process you need to carry out a small sorting of tiles. These are one-piece units of material, and pieces that are cut specifically for certain areas. In addition, it is advisable to check all tiles so that the defective units are not used in the process. Most often, there are cracks on the tile, which will gradually turn into a more serious problem.
  • On surfaces that will be fried by tiles, various communications can be held. Of course, it is necessary to take care in advance that the tile does not create any problems and that communications do not become a serious difficulty on the way to implement the original design. Therefore, if we are talking about pipes or other communications, you need to create in the hole tile. It is extremely important to do it even before the tile is fixed on the surface. Otherwise, creating an attractive style of the surface is unlikely to succeed, or just the design will suffer significantly.
  • In the event that a wet method of finishing is chosen to lay a tile, it is necessary to carry out the processing of the back side of the material with shallow emery paper. Such a simple approach to the process will allow slightly improving adhesion, which is extremely important when finishing the walls.

Dry laying technology of gypsum tile

Often the process consists of the following steps:

  1. As we have already spoken, in this process it is necessary to use a special tile with grooves and protrusions.
  2. In the process, we will also need wooden rails that are mounted on the wall in accordance with the tile width. Most often, the rails are located vertically.
  3. Locking tiles occurs with the help of protrusions using the bolts or screws. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the laying of the tile occurs from top to bottom.
  4. Approximately the same way the entire volume of plaster tiles occurs. You can immediately install all the necessary rails, or gradually make the installation of wood elements.

Do not forget that the scheme of the location of the tile may be original, therefore, and to the installation of the plates should be approached responsibly.


Metal Tile Styling Technology

  1. First of all, the surface markup occurs, with which you can accurately set exactly where each individual tile is located. It should be borne in mind that often several variations of tiles are used in the process, so the material is located in a certain order.
  2. The preparation of the solution is observed, as it is not possible to carry out the finish of the whole wall in one goal. Accordingly, the volume of the solution should be small, as it will quickly dry and loses its initial properties.
  3. The layer of the adhesive solution should be no more than 2 mm. A total of several layers can be applied.
  4. The process of laying the tile is derived from the bottom row.
  5. The adhesive solution is often applied not only to the surface of the wall, but also on the back of the tile. This approach will ensure excellent adhesion.
  6. Between the tiles, it is often withstanding a small step that is just a couple of millimeters. For this case, special plastic crosses are used. Sometimes the laying of the tile approach occurs, and no distance between the material may not be.
  7. During the stacking process, the tile must be monitored that the wall surface is still smooth. In this case, everyone will be redone, since there is a chance of a complete failure of repair work.
  8. Immediately after the labeling of the last tile was completed, you can proceed to the suture of the seams. A special white mixture is used, which is perfectly distributed throughout the surface using a grinding grater. It should be borne in mind that the remnants of the material will definitely be on the tile, and it is worth getting rid of a rubber spatula, or some other effective way.

Immediately after such a repair, you do not need to load the wall with some decorative elements, as this may adversely affect the overall reliability of the surface. Accordingly, it must pass about 7-10 days, since up to this point the finishing surface will gain strength.

Obvious is the fact that the laying method depends only on the conditions in which repair work is undergoing. Accordingly, in a particular room, the technology can be somewhat varied depending on the specifics of the surface and other conditions. Therefore, it is appropriate to be the need for consultations from specialists who will share useful recommendations for high-quality repairs.

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