Mounting door coupe with your own hands: phased construction construction. What is necessary for self-installation

September 17. Interior decoration, Useful advice Views 585 Comments To write Mounting door coupe with your own hands: Phased construction design. What is necessary for self-installation No

Sliding interior doors are increasingly used for the construction of residential and commercial premises. They received such popularity due to their compactness and ease of use. The main advantage of the sliding door is that it takes a much less work space in comparison with swing models. It is very relevant in our age of minimizing residential area. In small-sized apartments, where every square meter on the "weight of gold", set the bulky design of the swing door is unreasonable. If earlier the lack of the latter was compensated by cheaper fittings than at the opening doors, then its availability is currently reduced to "no" this is an advantage. Contrary to popular belief, the installation of the door-coupe with his own hands is nothing complicated. About how to install the door of the coupe intercomed with his own hands with a step-by-step instruction, consider further.

Types of sliding doors coupe

Before you start buying a system for a sliding door, you must select its design, manufacturing material, as well as the installation method. Not only the complexity of the installation of the structure depends on this, but also its price.

By the material of the fabric, sliding interior doors are:

  • MDF - MDF cloths are the most fiscal option. Lightweight models from this material do not require the installation of a powerful suspension system, which reduces their cost. Compared to products from a natural tree, they cost inexpensively, but in their performance characteristics and beauty, they do not infer anything.
  • Natural tree. The data of the canvas look very beautiful. They are distinguished by a long service life, special beauty and warmth in the interior. The disadvantage of wooden models is their conservatism, which does not allow them to be used in the interior in the style of "Modern". Yes, and the price of such crafts is not too democratic.
  • Glass. Glass doors look very beautiful in a minimalist interior. They visually expand the space, filling the room with light. However, for the production of glass canvases, glass is a large thickness that gives it quite a large weight. To install the door-compartment made of glass requires a strong fitness, and it will be set to independently somewhat problematic. The cost of glass powders, and accessories to them, at the moment is still high.

Install sliding doors-coupe can be in several ways:

  • Standard installation. It is used if you just need to separate one room from the other. On the guide is installed one or two sash, which will overlap the doorway. This is the easiest installation that does not require special skills.
  • Hidden installation. At the same time, the door hides behind the false wall. This installation is more complicated and requires certain knowledge. In addition, it is necessary to pick up more high-quality fittings for it, as it will be more complicated to serve it.
  • Hybrid installation. In this case, one sash is made deaf, and one - movable.
  • The installation method, like the material of the sash, is selected individually depending on personal preferences and the overall design idea.

Construction door coupe

There is nothing complicated in the design of the sliding doors. It consists of several structural elements:

  • Top guide. This is one of the main elements of the entire system. It is on the upper guide that the carriages are moving, which hold the door leaf. From the quality of the part itself and the correctness of its installation depends on the further operation of the entire system. The length of the upper guide must be twice as much as the width of the doorway.
  • Carriages. Roller suspensions (stops - in the case of a lower installation), thanks to which the door leaf can move along the guide. The quality of the carriage is determined by the quality of the steel, of which they are made, as well as the bearings of the rollers themselves. Cheap accessories can quickly fail, which will lead to the jam. Yes, and its operation will not deliver special pleasure.
  • Bottom support roller. It is necessary in order for the bottom door to stood hard on one axis with the top guide.
  • Lower guide. Installed in the lower door door.
  • Stoporks. Serve to ensure that the door leaf does not fly from the guides.
  • Doblyo elements. They include false panels, platbands, door box, etc. Used to hide the design elements of the suspended door.
  • Guide bar. It is attached to the wall above the doorway and serves to mount the upper guide. The thickness of the bar is usually equal to the thickness of the door leaf.
  • Locking fittings and handles.

How to collect interior doors coupe do it yourself

The process of installing such a system is not difficult and for each, who at least once kept the instrument in his hands. This is especially true of the ordinary door from one canvas. In order to fulfill this work, you will need some tool. What you need to install the door coupe:

  • Drill or perforator for drilling holes in the wall. For concrete walls, a shock drill is needed or perforator. For a conventional brick wall - it will be enough a regular drill.
  • Mill or set of chisels for sampling groove in the lower door of the door to install the bottom guide. Naturally, it is better to use a milling mill. First, it will save a large amount of time, and secondly, the groove will be much better.
  • Roulette, square, line, pencil, plumb, screwdriver.
  • The entire fastener to the system of the sliding door should be included, but for a bar and challenges will need to purchase anchor bolts, self-tapping screws, finish nails.
  • The first thing is necessary to reflect the doorway. For this often apply a false box in the color of the canvas. It is installed on the wedges with the mandatory control over the vertical and horizontal. This uses the level and plumb. After the box is exhibited, the gaps between it and the doorway are filled with mounting foam.

How to fix interroom door coupe

Order order:

  • Start the installation of the sliding door is necessary from the installation of a bar. Its height above the door opening depends on the width of the top guide and the features of the design of the carriage. From the edge of the door box, it is necessary to retreat a certain distance and spend a line of level. The bar will be installed on this line. If you install it unevenly, the door can open or close the door.
  • After that, the timber must be overtaken and covered with varnish. It will protect the wood from moisture and extends the service life of the door.
  • Next, it is necessary to attach the upper guide to the bruus. To do this, with a drill with a drill with a diameter of 4 mm on the inside of the guide, the holes are drilled in increasing no more than 100 mm. Then the guide is attached to the bruse using self-tapping screws. Self-tapping screws should be length, which is several millimeters less than the width of the bar. To twist the screws, it is better to use a screwdriver.
  • After the guide is attached to the brue, it is possible to start its installation on the wall at the doorway. For this purpose, anchor bolts with a diameter of 8-10 mm are used. They must be quite strong to withstand the weight of the whole design.

  • For starters, the holes of the corresponding diameter are drilled in a bar. Then it is applied to the wall on the battered line and through the holes made are the same to be drilled in the wall. After that, the timber is attached to anchor bolts.
  • Now you can start working with the cloth. First, it is necessary to install the lower guide in the lower end of the door canvase. For this purpose, the groove is chosen. You can do this with the help of the chisels, but still it is better to rent a milling mill. Choosing a groove, the bottom guide is installed inside, and is fixed with the help of screws.
  • Next, you can install rollers for door coupe with your own hands and check their performance. They must freely walk along the entire length. If everything is fine, they are removed, disassembled and the steel plate is screwed to the upper end of the door canvase using self-samples. In place of installation of the carriage, you must drill the hole. The fact is that the carriage roller itself screws into the nut in its case. This allows you to adjust the gap between the guide and the web.

  • After that, it is tightly started in the guide and test.
  • To the rollers do not jump out of the guide, the stoppers are installed on it. They make them out of rubber, so that they fulfill the role of a kind of buffer so that the rollers do not beat about a solid surface.
  • Now you need to install the lower (flag video). It will not give the door to deviate from the axis of the upper guide. A flag roller is installed on the side that the door will open. In order to do this correctly, you should use a plumb. It must be located on one vertical axis with the top guide. It is attached to the surface of the floor with the help of a dowel.
  • Now you can put the door-coupe with your own hands on the guide and finally check its performance.
  • After that, you can install good items. To close the slot between the wall and the false box, the platbands are installed. Do it with the help of finish nails. After that, the bar with the guide is closed using a decorative panel.

Mounting door coupe with your own hands: video

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