Characteristics and connecting thermal curtain

March 31. Useful advice Views 1194. Comments To write the characteristic and connection of the thermal curtain No

Every day, thermal curtains are becoming increasingly popular. Often they can be found at the entrances of large supermarkets and shopping centers. This adaptation is strongly reminiscent of air conditioner, but it uses it to protect large heated rooms from cold air. When visitors enter the store in the winter time in the store, a huge amount of cold air penetrates indoors. This instantly changes the microclimate inside the building. The heat curtain is a relatively inexpensive device, however, it is possible to ensure the stability of the temperature regime in the room.

Main features of the thermal curtain

The heat curtain is just a powerful fan that really has nothing to do with air conditioning. This device is installed opposite the inlet door and are guided down so that the flow of warm air is distributed in the passage evenly.

As for the use of thermal curtains, they can be found in almost all public places, including shops, cafes, entertainment centers. You can also often find this installation in warehouses in which it is necessary to observe a certain temperature.


Much depends on the size of the entrance. If there are large sliding doors that are often used in supermarkets, a heat curtain of large sizes is needed, or several small installations. In this case, the characteristics of the heat curtain do not affect the volume of the room or the temperature inside the structure. The main is the size of the installation that must correspond to the entry width to a particular institution.

Varieties and the right choice of thermal curtain

As already mentioned, the main thing when choosing a heat curtain are the dimensions of the installation. Too small installation will be ineffective, but too big - it will consume a lot of energy that is now and so expensive.

Also worth paying attention to the power and type of system heater. With regular use in visited places, standard installations may not be enough.

In large supermarkets, an important factor when choosing a heat curtain is a method of controlling equipment. When changing the external temperature you need to constantly adjust the power of the air flow so as not to spend excess electricity. Most often, thermal curtains equipped with a remote control panel are purchased. With it, you can configure the desired installation mode from remote rooms. It is also possible to use a thermostat to configure. With this scenario, the adjustment is made directly near the installation.


Configuration of the heat curtain is also a very important aspect, on which the health and efficiency of the installation depends. Many institutions are incorrectly adjusting the installation, which is why there are too powerful hot air streams on people who come into the premises. Proper adjustment of the installation parameters makes the operation of the heat curtain almost invisible to visitors.

The thermal veil can be used even in cases where the door at the entrance is not so often open, but it is a source of cool air.

It is also important to determine the type of installation of the heat curtain. It can be positioned vertically and horizontally. Obviously, it all depends on the dimensions of the doorway. At the same time, you can use a combined installation when the entrance door is not alone or it has too large dimensions.

Installation length sometimes reaches 2000 mm. The smallest thermal curtains, the length of which is 600 mm, are often used in stores and cafes.


Productivity and power of thermal curtains

When buying such equipment, it is most important to know about air pumping. It is from this parameter that depends the speed of the air flow. Accordingly, based on this information, the height is selected to which the installation can be attached. For example, for the door width of 1 m and a height of 2 m, an instrument with a pumping of air 700: 900 m3 / h. Interestingly, thermal curtains designed for larger doorways are much more expensive than those used for small doors. Thus, many owners of institutions and save, gaining cheaper options.

The thermal curtain turbines are also the most important component of the installation. In high-quality and powerful equipment, most often, a single turbine is installed, which spreads air uniform and powerful stream. At the same time, the release of large turbines is a challenging task for manufacturers. That is why you can meet two small turbines at once, providing the optimal power of the installation.

As for the power of the installation, it all depends only on its dimensions. Large thermal curtains used in large supermarkets imply the use of large volumes of electricity. The power of standard thermal curtains used in stores and cafes is 10 kW. Such installations provide the temperature at the entrance to the room at 20 degrees Celsius.


Control of thermal curtain

After fastening the heat curtain on the wall with the help of standard fasteners, the curtain test occurs. Installation has only two switches. The first activates the fan, and with the second, you can turn on the heating elements. Also on the remote, with which, most often, the equipment is configured, the activation keys of various modes can be arranged. Thus, the required power is selected, as well as the speed of fans.

If the installation is supplied with remote control, then it is best to place them near the heat curtain. This will carefully analyze the installation modes of the installation, as well as select the optimal power. Thermostats, which are often part of the equipment, when the required air temperature is shown, turn off the installation.

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